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What Does Black Don’t Crack Mean?

If you’ve heard the saying that black people don’t crack, you may be wondering, what does that mean?

Does it mean that black people don’t age?

Well, it simply means that black people retain their vibrancy and youthful look even when they advance in age.

The phrase is a colloquial expression in African American communities, where it is commonly used to refers to the notion that people of Black or African descent often age more slowly and maintain youthful appearances compared to other ethnicities.

Origin and Popularity of the Phrase

The origin of the phrase is unclear, but it has been used for decades in Black communities.

What we are certain of is the fact that the phrase has roots in the celebration of Black beauty and emerged as a positive affirmation within the Black community, emphasizing the strength and durability of Black skin.

It has been used over the years as a form of resistance against discriminatory beauty standards that often favor Eurocentric features.

It also challenges societal stereotypes that link aging with a decline in attractiveness (i.e. it challenges the notion that aging is something to be feared.

Scientific Explanation

While aging is influenced by several factors like lifestyle and environmental factors like diet and residence, science has proven that matte, black, and mixed skin tends to age less quickly than caucasian skin. 

Let’s zoom in now and gain a better scientific understanding:

How Does Our Skin Age?

As one grows, the skin evolves and undergoes certain changes, and by the time we clock 30 – 35 years, the skin starts to thin and becomes more dehydrated. 

That means that it loses its firmness and elasticity, making its tone and brightness wither, and the dull, sagging, fragile, wrinkled, and aging skin starts to be visible. 

For better understanding, our skin has two types of fibers: the collagen fibers that give it firmness and elastic fibers that guarantee elasticity and resistance, ensuring it returns to its initial position when pinched. 

With time, as one grows, these fibers become difficult to renew as they degrade and decrease, leaving the skin withered.

But Black doesn’t crack. This means that dark people have more dense, elastic, and pigmented skin with a more fiber network, unlike Caucasians, and this explains why dark skin is firmer and more resistant, thus delaying wrinkling. 

Why Does Melanin Skin Age Differently?

Wrinkles and fine lines are less common in black people, especially those with a high melanin than our lighter counterparts. Well, here are three reasons why melanin skin ages slower:

I. Black People Have Melanin

Extrinsic aging usually happens due to exposure to UV light, pollution, and environmental stressors. These harmful factors lead to a gradual breakdown of collagen, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, textural imperfection, and fine lines. 

However, for the dark people, this is a blessing. Their skins, which are rich in melanin, contain melanocyte cells that play two roles. It synthesizes melanin, which plays a vital role in skin pigmentation and offers photo-protective function as it has a high ability to absorb UV light from the sun.

Thus, it helps fight against skin damage caused by radiation (the main cause of aging). Thus, that helps in slowing down the aging process due to the inherent collagen damaging protection from the strong UV light. 

II. Black People Have Denser Bones 

Aging does not only affect the skin. Our faces have bones that decrease in density as we advance in age, which greatly affects how we look.

However, changes to the structure of the facial bones are less prone to black people than lighter people. 

A study by Rutgers New Jersey Medical School shows that black people have denser bones around their faces that don’t break quickly.

III. Black People have Thick Skin. 

Intrinsic aging is an epidermal change that results from gradual collagen loss that happens as one age, which adds to facial volume in some areas like the cheeks, jawlines, temples, and necks, bringing forth deep wrinkles and folds. 

Well, when it comes to black people, they have a thicker dermal layer and four layers of the epidermis that guard the skin against elastin breakdown, and that’s one big reason why black people look younger than their age. 

But, Does It Mean That Black People Don’t Age? 

Scientifically, skin aging is a complex process influenced by genetic factors, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices.

While melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, provides some natural protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it doesn’t make black individuals immune to aging.

To maintain healthy skin and minimize the signs of aging, individuals, regardless of skin color, are encouraged to adopt skincare practices.

This includes using sunscreen to protect against UV damage, staying hydrated, following a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, and incorporating a consistent skincare routine.

Perception of “Black People Don’t Crack” Phrase Outside The Black Community

This phrase “Black Don’t Crack”  is mostly seen positively within the Black community, where it’s seen as a source of pride, challenging negative ideas about aging. It promotes unity and celebrates the unique qualities of Black skin.

However, some critics argue it oversimplifies Black experiences and may contribute to unrealistic beauty standards.

In particular,  it’s argued that the phrase disregards the diversity of Black women’s skin and the efforts put into achieving good skin. It also pressures Black women to strive for the “perfection” of youthfulness.

In mainstream culture, opinions vary, with some appreciating it for challenging traditional beauty norms.

As such, discussions surrounding the phrase should acknowledge the diversity of Black experiences and emphasize the importance of individual perspectives within the broader cultural context.

Additionally, while the phrase is rooted in pride and self-affirmation, it’s essential to recognize that experiences of aging vary among individuals, and not everyone may align with this sentiment.

Closing Thoughts

As seen, science backs up the saying that blacks don’t crack. Due to its high melanin pigmentation, the dark skin is sheltered from harmful UV rays, helping it to maintain its firmness thus slowing aging. 

That said, it is important to note that the blacks don’t crack is simply a cultural saying that highlights the perceived resilience of Black skin and by extension serves as a reminder that aging is a natural part of life, with visible effects varying widely among individuals.

 Embracing one’s natural aging process and taking proactive steps to care for the skin can contribute to overall well-being and confidence, irrespective of ethnicity or skin color.


Via Candy Guilherme

I am Candy the ex-wife to pastor Greg and a mother of five boys.

ARC was my church for 20 years.

In ARC church, everyone called me ‘mum’. I loved the title because I earned it. My shoulder was always wet with tears from those who hurt. I gave my all to love, understand, encourage, and lift those in need.


The Association of Related Churches (ARC) church is based in the United States with branches across the world. It started in the year 2000 and is expanding more and more.

ARC’s planting organization is popular. The planting organization ensures leadership and financial resources are provided by the mother church to a new branch called a ‘plant’. This ensures that no ARC church begins small. However, the financial support is not a kitty but a loan to be paid.


I was not just a submissive wife to Greg; I was a devout member of his church. Most of my days were spent in church and visiting brethren. I was fully committed to serve my church, more than I was, to my family.

ARC doctrines are based on the scripture:

  • The Holy Trinity is acknowledged – God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus Christ was born in a sinless state by a virgin.
  • The only way for repentance is through Jesus’ precious blood.
  • The Holy Spirit sanctifies and enables us to live a Holy life.


I loved the way Greg carried himself in college. He was quite different from us.

He’d carry a bible to school! This was astonishing—we thought he was weird. Who wouldn’t want to attend the free movie night, to watch the latest series?

Greg would instead find this precious time to sit alone studying his Bible for a whole five hours.

‘Your parents force you to do so, right?’ I was so convinced that it was beyond his will.

‘Why should they? I’m past sixteen.’ Greg’s voice was that of damsel soothing her pet; too meek for life, I thought.

‘I bet you are just under some unreasonable pressure; hope you recover soon.’ I did not appreciate the way he carried himself so holy, making the rest of us seem like we didn’t know God.

Greg was selected to be my project partner, I hated it. For the next three months, I would spend five to six hours with him.

But it wasn’t as boring as I thought it would. I learned how devout Greg was; how intently he studied scriptures, how close his relationship with Jesus was. I loved his honesty; following Jesus’ example. 

He spent his life trying to attain the perfection of God through grace. As Mathew 5:48 tells us to be perfect. With time I was convinced and later joined his church.

My relationship with Greg changed from a classmate to a church-mate to a fiance.

After college we got married. Events unfolded too fast and Greg became the church pastor.


With time, I saw changes that were intriguing and not aligning with what I had learned about Jesus. This was not what I had always thought of my church.

Things were different and with time, I got more distracted. We had no more prayerful mornings and bible study sessions with my family. Holiness was no longer our goal in life.

  • I found it very controversial when I realized that, the ARC church didn’t help its plant churches. Rather, they  gave loans, to be paid with some interest. The amount was to be deducted from offerings and tithes. This is against the Bible teachings. The art of selfless giving is widely taught in the Holy Scriptures.
  • Precious love of Jesus, His willingness to forgive, cleanse sinners, and His grace abundantly showered to all should be the base of preaching. In ARC it wasn’t. The fellowship of believers and constant prayers, just like the disciples, was missing in the ARC church. It seems like no one cared about the rapture anymore.
  • Greg being a pastor, his core role was to help as many souls as possible get saved, just as the disciples in Acts 6:4. But it wasn’t. I thought his position would bring us closer to God. I hoped for more night prayers, more time dedicated to studying the Scripture and closer and stronger relationship with Jesus Christ. This was not the case. Instead, he had meetings after meetings with other pastors. His spiritual life went down. 
  • Our family alter grew weak day by day, it hurt. Morning devotions and studying the scriptures were no more.
  • The holiness we eagerly pursued there before, spirituality, state of flawlessness and innocence were not core value in ARC. This came to me as a big disappointment. Several pastors had been accused of sexual scandals, and to add salt onto the wound, their sin was covered up. This tore my heart. I had always wanted to be part of Christ’s body, Holy and striving towards perfection.

I found the state of the church to be just as 2 Peter 2:1 states; false prophets will be among us bringing destructive heresies rather than God’s word.


I felt like a traitor of the truth. I was no longer comfortable with pretense. I just had to follow the scriptural truth. The battle within myself was tough. I was ready to sacrifice everything including my family, to pursue righteousness.

It took me one year to decide. At this time, I searched the scriptures and prayed more. I got a clear view of what God wanted for me. Surely God gave me the strength to quit.

I left my family. I did it with no regrets, but I’m praying and I know Greg will soon find his way out of the deceptive life.

I’m hopeful for my family reunion and a closer relationship with God.

15 Famous People Who Mocked God and Died

It is much safer when you fail to do the Do’s than choose to do the Don’ts. People, out of ignorance mock God, a Sovereign Supreme Being. They do it with an excuse that they do not believe in His existence.

Well, if you do not believe in Him then keep off.

God exists and is immortal. The evidence of His existence is in the Holy Scriptures: Romans 1: 20. God has left no human being without evidence of His existence.

What does such supremacy require of us inferior beings? In His eyes, the whole world is like a drop in a bucket, less than nothing: Isaiah 40:15-17.

From us God requires honor, respect adoration, and all praise; if this is unfit for you, then DO NOT MOCK GOD. Galatians 6:7 warns.

Are there people who mocked God? What happened to them?

Here is a list of some famous people who deemed themselves smarter than the Creator, and attempted to mock Him, but met premature deaths.

1. John Lennon

John Lennon was an English singer, songwriter, and musician. He gained fame worldwide, as the ‘the Beatles’ band founder.

In an interview, John bragged that ‘the Beatles’ was more popular than Jesus. He even bragged that, “Christianity will go, It will vanish and shrink”.

Little did he know his end and disappearance was close at hand. Not long, he was shot six times by one of his fanatics and died on the spot.

2. Tancredo Nevas

Nevas was a Brazilian politician, lawyer and an entrepreneur. In 1985, he was elected president of the republic.

Nevas had said during presidential campaign that if he got 500000 votes, not even God would remove him from presidency. Surely Nevas won the election, but he died a day before taking office.

3. Agenor de Miranda Araujo Neto

Agenor de Miranda was a Brazilian singer and songwriter better known as Cazuza. His fame started in Brazil after he became the lead singer of the rock band ‘Barao Vermelho’.

He is known to have recorded huge radio hits. Cazuza, while smoking cigarettes, puffed out smoke and said, “God, that’s for you.” Not long did he horribly die of lung cancer. 

4. Captain Edward John Smith

Foster, survived the Titanic ship tragedy. This is what he stated in an article; Someone in the ship heard the captain say, “Even God himself couldn’t sink this ship.”

The captain obviously wanted to give an assurance of how safe ferrying in the ship was. It is said that the ship hit an iceberg, leading to its miserable sinking.

5. Marilyn Monroe

Monroe was among the top popular world sex symbols in the mid-20th century. Monroe was known for playing the ‘blonde bombshell’ comic.

Billy Graham, a preacher had visited her a night before a performance. Graham told her that God’s Spirit sent him to preach to her. She arrogantly responded,  ‘I don’t need your Jesus’

Just a week later, Monroe was found dead in her apartment.

6. Ronald Belford

Popularly known as Bon Scott, he was an Australian singer and songwriter. His arrogance is clear in the song titled; ‘Do not stop me; I’m on the highway to hell

He goes ahead to call hell the promised land.

In 2 Peter 2:4, we see that hell is designated for those who sin against God. It is a place for God’s enemies including the devil as we see in Revelation 20:10. He was choked by his own vomit and died, a year later.

7. 2005 Campinas Car Accident

A mother escorted her daughter to be picked up by friends. The friends in the car were so drunk. Out of concern, the mother said to the daughter; ‘My daughter, go with God and may He protect you’. 

“Only if he (God) travels in the trunk, cause inside here it’s already full’, replied the daughter.

The car was later involved in a fatal accident, and everyone therein died. The trunk, where God was to travel, was found intact with a crate of eggs, none was broken.

8. Christine Hewitt

Hewitt was a Jamaican radio and television personality. Christine referred to the Holy Word of God as the worst book ever written .Her body was found burnt beyond recognition, in her Toyota minivan.

9. Brandon Lee son to Bruce Lee

Brandon Lee was an action film star in America. Lee died out of a firearm malfunction when accidentally, a mishandled prop gun shot by. This happened when he was filming a movie ‘The Crow’ finding God in a Godless place.

There is this part in the movie, ‘Jesus joke’; and this is what Brandon said: “Jesus Christ? Stop me if you heard this one: Jesus Christ walks into a hotel.” Lee died before the movie was out.

10. Timothy Treadwell

He was an environmentalist, documentary film maker and a bear enthusiast.

Treadwell once said, ‘…I don’t see the standard God, the Christian God and all the Allahs.

He also said that he felt like in a presence of a god when he was with a grizzly bear. He dared compare the Creator with a bear!

The American was killed and eaten by a bear.

11. George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw wasa prominent British socialist and a critic. He identified himself as an atheist. Shaw is popular for revolutionizing comedic drama.

Shawl believed man and God worked together by trial and error to gain power over circumstances.

He said, ‘Evil is simply the accumulation of mistakes made by what you call God in his method of Trial and Error’.

While trimming a tree in his home, Shawl fell off a ladder and broke a thigh. Later on, after a day-long coma, he succumbed to death.

12. George Denis Patrick Carlin

Carlin was an influential stand-up comedian in America with dark sense of humor. Carlin openly rejected all forms of religion and said he didn’t believe in God.

He also criticized religion and mocked traditional oath affirmations on the Bible as “bullshit”, “make believe”, and “kid stuff”. He died of heart failure a week after a comedy performance.

13. Dave Wayne Williams

Wayne Williams was an American vocalist and a leader in the rock band ‘Drowning Pool’. He owns the Sermon Lyrics   where we find these lines;

‘Where was God when I came to an end’

‘Where was God when I lost my mind’

‘Where was God when I could not find’

‘…I do not know who to trust my heart is filled with disgust….’

‘are you ready for the joke, are you ready for the great deception? God’.

David was found dead in a tour bus belonging to the band. He died from heart failure which was undiagnosed until his death. 

14. Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy

Jahseh Dwaynewas an American singer-song writer and rapper professionally named xxxtentacion. He once said, “A fucking year from now all of these people will be worshipping me.

This was blasphemy as Revelation 19:10 says ‘Worship God only’.

One year after, he encountered his death in a Florida robbery, where he was shot dead.

 15. Tupac Amaru Shakur

Tupac was an American rapper considered as the most influential and successful rappers of all times.

Here’s some lyric extract from Shakur’s song Blasphemy Lyrics:

‘Everybody kissin’ ass to go to heaven ain’t goin’

‘tell me I ain’t God’s son; nigga, momma a virgin’

‘still bullshittin’ niggas in Jerusalem waiting for signs God comin’, she’s just taking her time (Haha!)

‘Mama, tell me: am I wrong? Is God just another cop waitin’ to beat my ass if I don’t go pop?’

Tupac died even before the song was released.

Also check:

12 Celebrities Who Regret Mocking Jesus

12 Atheist Celebrities Who Died Mysteriously

Top 15 Actors With Bulging Eyes- Absolutely Stunning!

Our eyes represent the windows to our souls; unfortunately, some of us have huge bulging windows. 

Sure, this may sound weird, but we have seen various celebrities with beautiful bulging eyes.

Just like Jack Elam who was known for his iconic eyes, these actors have graced our entertainment industry with their huge bulging eyes for years.

They’ve used their stunning eyes to connect with us while expressing their emotions.

Some have even won more leading roles, thanks to their outstanding eyes. After all, our eyes can complement our beauty; plus the ones with bluish or green bulging eyes do stand out the most.

Some of these actors include:

1. Steve Buscemi

Buscemi is one of the few actors with bulging eyes who has trended, thanks to his iconic eyes.

An image of Steve’s eyes photoshopped on the face of a Disney princess went viral online a few years ago that contributed to the popularity of this A-list actor.

He has some beautiful blue eyes with wrinkles around them that have helped him land leading roles.

2. Johnny Depp

Anyone who saw the Pirates of the Caribbean can confirm that Captain Jack Sparrow said a lot with his eyes.

His bulging deep brown eyes helped him communicate with the audience.

His beautiful eyes look stunning while complementing his cheekbones and wavy hair.

Depp’s right eye is nearsighted while his left one is totally blind.

3. Bernie Mac

The late Bernie Mac was known for more than just his unique jokes; he also had some bulging eyes that helped him stand out.

Mac had some beautiful dark brown eyes that he always hid behind his glasses.

But did you know that Mac had sarcoidosis which he claimed affected his eyes? He was diagnosed with the condition in 1984 and by 2005 it was in remission.

4. Rami Malek

Another actor whose eyes have gone viral, thanks to the many memes of his bulging eyes is Malek.

Malek has some huge chalk-bluish eyes resembling the mineral lakes found in the Rocky Mountains.

Rami’s huge expressive eyes are not a sign of Graves disease as many folks assume. His beautiful eyes may seem lazy, but they’re quite healthy.

5. Brendan Fraser

Fraser’s eyes became an iconic meme back in 2014 when they went viral on Tumblr.

But he was already known for his exceptional blue eyes that complement his unique dark brown eyebrows.

Unfortunately, fans have complained that his eyes are now watery and paler than they used to be when he was young.

Also Check: 7 Famous Black Actresses with Blue Eyes

6. Chris Tucker

Most of us were introduced to Tucker’s eyes in the Rush Hour movies, which bulged even more when he was shouting in the movie.

Compared to Jackie Chan’s eyes, Tucker’s eyes may have seemed bigger, but they were hilarious.

His dark brown, almond-shaped eyes have helped him communicate his jokes perfectly.

7. Terence Howard

Terrence has made a name for himself both on the small and big screens, but one thing that stands out is his bulging eyes that can draw and even hold your attention.

He uses his unique gaze to convey his emotions while acting. Thanks to his mixed heritage, Howard has some beautiful greenish eyes that make him even more handsome.

Related: 15 Black Actresses with Green Eyes

8. Omar Epps

Epps is known for his unique dark brown eyes that gaze into our souls. The actor has used his almond-shaped eyes to get some of his leading roles. Plus, the older he gets, the more his eyes seem to bulge outside.

9. Wesley Snipes

Anyone who saw Blade: Trinity knows how hard it was to not see Snipes’ CGI eyes. Sure, he wore some contacts for the role that made his eyes bulge even more, but in real life his almond-shaped eyes do bulge out a bit. His unique eyes complement his strong jaws.

10. Marty Feldman

Our list would be incomplete without mentioning Marty Feldman who was known for his iconic eyes.

The actor has some unique misaligned eyes that helped him stand out between 1948 and 1982.

But did you know that he developed Graves’ ophthalmopathy which left him with misaligned protruding eyes?

11. Peter Lorre

According to the New York Times, when he squinted his eyes and puffed his cigarette, all his fans squirmed on their seats.

Well, his baleful brown eyes were a delight and kept every horror movie lover glued to their screen.

He always played a loner with bulging eyes and raspy voice in his films.

12. Orlando Jones

Jones once joked that his one eye takes about 86% of the poster of one of his movies, which isn’t true, but it shows that he has embraced his looks.

His dark brown eyes complement his dark brown hair making it hard for you to miss him in movies even when playing a supporting role.

13. Chadwick Boseman

Our list would be incomplete without mentioning the late Black Panther Boseman.

Chdwick has been described as a lunky guy whose huge bulging eyes improved his endearing smile.

Like most black actors, he had dark brown eyes that Black Panther lovers would remember for the rest of their lives.

14. Ian Somerhalder

After his role in the Vampire Diaries, some folks claim that he has hunter’s eyes which worked for him in the Television series.

 Ian may not have huge eyes like some of the folks in our list, but they do bulge outside slightly. Ian has been listed as one of the top celebrities with beautiful blue eyes.

15. Nicholas Cage

Other than being expressive and huge, Cage’s deep blue eyes are some of his exceptional features.

Cage loves drawing us in using his eyes when he’s acting making it hard for us to stare away.

In fact, he uniquely conveys intensity and emotions that very few others can copy.

You may also want to check:

10 Black Actresses with Bulging Eyes

Who is the Woman with the Biggest Eyes in the World?

Most celebrities, particularly actors, have huge eyes, but not all of them have stunning bulging eyes. Bulging eyes may seem weird on some folks and has been associated with Graves’ disease but that’s not the case with most of the actors in our list. Only Marty Feldman had Graves which made his eyes bulge outside.   

Where is Sybil Wilkes Now? She started a Newsletter And Hosts a Podcast

There are those voices that we can’t forget since they had a huge impact. These are people who convey important news and information affecting the masses. And for that reason, they remain cemented in our minds and hearts forever.

Sybil Wilkes ranks among the top voices that are unforgettable. For over 20 years, she’s been a ‘listener resource’ or the ‘voice of reason.’

Sybil was a legend on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, delivering information, news, and entertainment.

Some voices stay with us because they matter. These are the people who share important news, impacting many lives.

Sybil Wilkes is one of those unforgettable voices, serving as a ‘listener resource’ and the ‘voice of reason’ for over 20 years on the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

She became a legend by seamlessly delivering information, news, and entertainment, leaving a lasting impression on listeners.

However, she decided to leave after 26 years on the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

What is Sybil Wilkes Up To Lately?

Sybil started a daily newsletter, ‘What You Need to Know’ and continues with her desire to spread messages of empowerment. The newsletter helps bring awareness through detailed discussions of major news stories.

For a long time, bias has plagued the black community in America, causing many people to remain in the dark. Sybil always advocated for more transparency when she was a radio host and did her best to break down vital information.

Well, it seems her fire to educate the Black community still burns fiercely. Now, she has a daily newsletter where she continues with the same mission of education and awareness. Her newsletter covers five major news stories that impact the Black community every day.

Sybil stated that she never felt being a radio host was a job and more like a lifestyle. That explains why Sybil enjoys speaking about her career in different podcasts today. She even conveys the same message in her daily newsletters.

Sybil Wilkes Hosts a Podcast

It seems being a radio host wasn’t just a job for Sybil Wilkes. And after 26 years, she still feels the desire to be behind the mic.

Sybil hosts a podcast with Stephen Hill called ‘From HaHa’s to A-Ha’s’ and has been a guest speaker on other podcasts discussing black community empowerment.

‘In My Shoes: Stories from Women of Color’ is one podcast that Sybil recently visited. There’s no day she will stop speaking her mind as she narrated about her newsletter, the pandemic, and politics.

In My Shoes covers important stories of women of color in America. During the podcast, she said she learned the importance of being present in the moment and strives to do more of that now that she’s retired.

Apart from being a newsletter writer and a podcast host, Sybil also hosts a book club where she showcases her favorite books.

Many authors who want to appeal to the African American community are fond of the book club and make it part of their book tours.

 Tell Somebody Now

Sybil has always been advocating for women’s empowerment. She started #tellsomebodynow as a response to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

The move was seen as primitive and led to the overturning of nearly 5 decades of Constitutional protection of a woman’s right to an abortion.

#tellsomebodynow is a call to action for people to contact several US Senators to demand that they vote to suspend the Senate filibuster rule.

 Doing so would enable the passing of legislation that reinstates federal protection of women’s reproductive rights.

On her website, Sybil has contact information, including email and phone numbers for the US Senators.

She directs every caller to inform them they must use their power for good. There’s a part on her website where she details what to say during a call to pass the message.

15 Cutest Celebrities With Small Foreheads

Hairlines that start near the eyebrows give one a small forehead and are more dominant among women than men. A small forehead can result from hereditary genes, prominent brow ridge, or receding hairline. 

In other cases, some medical conditions like hormonal imbalances and microcephaly can significantly impact the shape and size of your forehead.

 Small foreheads are common amongst most celebrities, making them look cute and distinguishable. 

Below, we have compiled a list of the 15 cutest celebrities with small foreheads. 

1.    Gigi Hadid

Full NameJelena Gigi Hadid
Date of BirthApril 13, 1995
Age28 years 
OccupationModel, TV Personality

Gigi Hadid is a top-notch American model and TV personality who began her career as a child model for baby guests. In 2013, she signed with IMG models and debuted at New York Fashion Week the following year. 

In 2016, she became the model of the year, and throughout her modeling career, Gigi has made 45+ appearances in international vogue. She has also appeared in several high fashion editorials and campaigns and is a Maybelline spokesmodel.

Hadid is ranked as the highest-paid model. But what makes Hadid cute and distinguishable with so much success? That is credited to her small forehead, which makes her look stunning and adorable. 

2.    Sarah Hyland 

Full NameSarah Jane Hyland 
Date of BirthNovember 24, 1990
Age33 Years 
OccupationAmerican Actress 

Sarah Hyland is an American actress known for featuring in the ABC sitcom Haley Dumphy, where she received huge acclaim. She also bagged several awards. Apart from all her winnings, she has a smaller forehead that gives her a spectacular look. 

3.   Zendaya 

Full NameZendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman 
Date of BirthSeptember 1, 1996  
Age27 years 
OccupationSinger, Actress 

We can’t go further without mentioning the American singer and Actress Zendaya. She has bagged several accolades, including a Golden Globe award and two Primetime Emmy Awards.

In 2022, Time Magazine named her one of the top 100 most influential people worldwide. She is distinguishable with the small forehead that showcases her beautiful face. 

4.    Fergie

Full NameStacy Ann Ferguson 
Date of BirthMarch 27, 1975
Age48 years 

Stacy Ann Ferguson, popularly known as Fergie, is an American songwriter, rapper, singer, and actress. Her rise to fame dates back to 2006 when she released her solo debut album, The Dutchess, which saw her spawn three Billboard Hot 100s. 

Fergie has also been featured as an actress in several films, including Poseidon, Grindhouse, and Nine.

She has a charismatic personality, and one thing that makes her face shine is her small forehead, which everyone loves. 

5.    Kate Upton

Full NameKatherine Elizabeth Upton 
Date of BirthJune 10, 1992
Age31 years 
OccupationAmerican model, Actress

Talk of a cute and small-foreheaded celebrity, and Kate Upton will emerge at the top.

The American model and actress was first featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She became the model cover for 2012, 2013, and 2017.

She has also appeared in films like Tower Heist, The Other Woman, and The Layover. 

6.    Salma Hayek 

Full NameSalma Valgarma Hayek
Date of BirthSeptember 2, 1966 
Age57 years
OccupationFilm producer, Actress

Salma is an American and Mexican film producer and actress who started her career featuring in the Telenovela Teresa.

She later established herself in Hollywood and has appeared in several films, including Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn and Wild Wild West, to name a few. 

She has also produced several films, including Once Upon a Time in Mexico and After the Sunset.

Apart from her significant influence in the film industry, Salma has a small forehead that we cannot go without noticing, making her adorable. 

7.    Julianne Hough 

Full NameJulianne Alexandra Hough 
Date of BirthJuly 20, 1988
Age35 years 
OccupationDancer, Actress, singer 

Julianne is a famous American actress, singer, dancer and TV personality. In 2001, she made her acting debut in the film industry, and in 2010, she played a significant role in Burlesque. 

She also served as a judge on the 14th season of America’s Got Talent. Julianne showcases different hairstyles, which are made possible all thanks to her small forehead. 

8.   Lauren Cohan 

Full NameLauren Storholm 
Date of BirthJanuary 7, 1982 
Age42 years 
OccupationActress, Model 

Lauren Cohan is an Anglo-American model and actress who rose to fame in the supernatural teen drama The Vampire Diaries.

She is also known for her role in the AMC post-apocalyptic horror series and The Walking Dead. One distinguishing fact that makes her adorable is her small forehead. 

9.   Gabrielle Union

Full NameGabriella Monique Union-Wade
Date of BirthOctober 29, 1972
Age51 years 
OccupationAuthor, Actress

Gabrielle Union is an American author and actress. Her career dates back to the 90s when she appeared on television sitcoms countless times.

During her teenage life, Gabriella featured in several films like Bring It On, 10 Things I Hate About You, and She’s All That, which skyrocketed her vast achievements. 

She has also appeared in many films and drama series and is an outspoken advocate of women’s health issues and LGBTQ+ equality.

In 2020, she was ranked as the most influential person. One distinctive feature of her face is a small forehead that she embraces as a trademark of her identity. 

10. Ginnifer Godwin 

Full NameJennifer Michelle Goodwin 
Date of BirthMay 22, 1978
Age45 years 
OccupationAmerican Actress 

Jennifer, famously known as Ginnifer instead, is an American actress who started her career in 2006 by featuring in the drama series Big Love, Snow White, and Once Upon a Time, among others.

Ginnifer isn’t only a cute actress; her small forehead makes her sensational and has made her climb the ladder in the acting industry. 

11. Kate Mara 

Full NameKate Rooney Mara 
Date of BirthFebruary 27, 1983
Age40 years 
OccupationAmerican Actress 

Kate Mara is an American actress famous for her reporter role in the Netflix political drama House of Cards.

She has also been featured in several films, including Brokeback Mountain, My Days of Mercy, and Stone of Destiny, to name a few. What makes her cute is her small forehead.

12. Jenna Dewan 

Full NameJenna Lee Dewan 
Date of BirthDecember 3, 1980 
Age43 years 
OccupationDancer, Actress 

Jenna is an American dancer and Actress with a small forehead and a cute face. Her climb to fame started as a backup dancer for Janet Jackson. Later, she was featured in numerous films and series, including Step Up and The Playboy Club. 

13. Zayn 

Full NameZain Javadd Malik 
Date of BirthJanuary 12, 1993
Age31 years 

Who said men can’t look handsome and cute with a small forehead? Check out the talented singer who looks stunning in his small forehead. He auditioned in 2010 in the X Factor.

Though he was eliminated, judges decided to bring him back to form The One Direction band, which became the best-selling boy band.

He left the band in 2015 and signed a contract with RCA Records. Ever since, he has released solos like Mind of Mine, and I Don’t Want to Live Forever and collaborated with big fish like Taylor Swift. 

14. Audrey Tautou

Full NameAudrey Justine Tautou
Date of BirthAugust 9, 1976
Age47 years 
OccupationModel, Actress 

Audrey Tautou is a French actress who started her acting career at the age of 18. She has been featured in numerous films, including Amelie, The Da Vinci Code, and Dirty Pretty Things

She has also modelled for Montblanc and Chanel, to name a few. Apart from gaining so much popularity and massive success in her career, her small forehead says it all, and she’s cute to watch. 

15. Teresia Guidice 

Full NameTeresa Gorga
Date of BirthMay 18, 1972
Age51 years 
OccupationTelevision Personality 

Teresa Guidice is an American TV personality famous for starring in The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Apart from that, she has written several New York bestseller cookbooks. Her small forehead has seen her bagged outstanding achievements and looks adorable. 

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Above are the 15 cutest celebrities that have small foreheads. They have won tremendous achievements and are never ashamed of their appearance. Some have gained so much popularity thanks to their cute small foreheads that they have embraced as part of their identity. 

Cajun French: Mais Sha Meaning

via Kyle Schwab

Growing up, my mother used to love French movies and would even share stories of her trip to Paris while in college. 

So, the language intrigued me and I even picked French over German and Spanish in high school just to communicate with her.

After all, my siblings don’t understand French, so we only used it when sharing personal things which made her my confidant.

This made it easier for me to pass all my French exams and even get to practice at home with my mum.

But my trip to the University of Louisiana changed my understanding of French.

Just like English, French has several dialects, which varies with the place you live or are visiting.

I always assumed that French is the same in the French states, but I discovered that was not the case during my first trip to Louisiana.

During my first week, I noticed the French spoken there was a bit different and the locals referred to it as Cajun French.

English is still the official language in Louisiana and everyone speaks it fluently, especially the younger generations. But the older generation speaks Cajun French and it is really interesting to listen to them talk in this amazing French dialect.

If you have been to Louisiana, then you already know that everybody mixes Cajun with English, which is why I had to learn the language.

I learned a number of common phrases, with my favorite being “cher” or ”sha.”

Another phrase that I can’t forget is “Mais sha.” The locals tend to include either of the two words in most of their sentences.

So, what does Mais sha Mean in Cajun?

“Mais” Meaning in Cajun

“Mais” means “but” in French, and in Cajun, it refers to “well then.”

Mais is used by the locals to shock or delight each other. For instance, “will you be joining me for dinner?” “Mais, oui.” This means that your guest is sure that they’ll join you for dinner.

In Cajun, “mais” is pronounced as “meh” or “may.” In Louisiana, folks who don’t speak French use it as an interjection that means “well then.”

“Sha” Meaning in Cajun

On the other hand, “sha” is quite popular and in French, it refers to “cher.”

Don’t get me wrong, “Cher” doesn’t refer to the “Goddess of Pop.”  It is a common term of respect and endearment that means “expensive” or “dear.”

It can also mean precious or babe.

In Cajun, it’s pronounced as “sha” which can be confusing to the French when chatting with the Louisiana residents.

When used in a sentence, you can say “look at that sha lady” or “hey, sha!”

So, What Does “Mais Sha” Mean in Cajun?

In French, “mais sha” means “but expensive” or “but dear.”

In cajun, it means “well then, dear,” but the meaning will vary with the situation or statement.

Therefore, you shouldn’t assume that it means “well then, dear,” you should listen to the person you’re talking to and then deduce what he/she means.  

Other Cajun Words and Phrases

23 Must Know Cajun French Curse Words

10 Modern Funk Bands That Should Be In Your Radar In 2024

Regular funk, also known as classic funk or traditional funk, refers to the funk music genre that originated in the 1960s and 1970s, with artists such as James Brown, George Clinton, and Sly and the Family Stone.

This type of funk music typically features a heavy emphasis on rhythm and groove, with a focus on live instrumentation and ensemble playing.

On the other hand, modern funk refers to the funk music produced today, with artists such as Dam-Funk, Tuxedo, and Thundercat.

While modern funk still draws heavily from the classic funk sound, it often incorporates elements of electronic music, hip-hop, and other genres.

This can include synthesizers, drum machines, other electronic instruments, and a heavier reliance on sampling and looping.

Overall, funk music has a strong history of delivering some of the grooviest sounds in the music industry.

But with new bands emerging constantly, keeping an eye on what’s current in the funk scene is helpful.

Here are ten modern funk bands that you should keep an eye on in 2024 and beyond:

1. Vulfpeck

Vulfpeck is a dynamic and exciting funk band known for their diverse range of sounds, innovative lyrics, and captivating live performances.

The band was formed in 2011 by Jack Stratton, Theo Katzman, Woody Goss, and Joe Dart in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Their music is a fusion of funk, soul, and R&B that will keep you on your feet.

Check out their latest video from their most recent album, Schvitz.

2. Khruangbin

Khruangbin is a music group that originated in Texas. They have gained recognition for their unique and innovative approach to Thai funk music, incorporating funky and psychedelic elements into their sound.

Their music is characterized by its vibrant energy and distinctive style, which has garnered them a dedicated following of fans worldwide.

With their dynamic performances and creative vision, Khruangbin pushes boundaries and redefines the genre of funk music.

 Khruangbin’s music is a psychedelic mix of Middle Eastern, African, and Asian sounds that is both hypnotic and uplifting.

The band’s unique blend of funk, soul, and rock n’ roll is showcased in their latest album, A LA SALA, with their song A Love International.

3. Lettuce

Lettuce is a band that plays modern funk music. They are known for their energetic live performances and use of jazz-inspired musical instruments.

This means that they incorporate elements of jazz music into their funky sound, which makes them unique and exciting to listen to.

 Lettuce may be the perfect band if you enjoy upbeat music with lots of energy!

Their latest video is the sponges remix of their song Everything’s Gonna Be Alright.

4. The Motet

The Motet is an exceptionally funky band that boasts tight horns, soulful vocals, and infectious rhythms. Their live performances are nothing short of unforgettable, leaving audiences in awe of their incredible musical talent.

It’s no wonder they’re regarded as one of the funkiest bands. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to their music, The Motet’s electrifying energy and captivating sound will leave a lasting impression.

Their most recent live performance was recorded on Halloween night at 10 Mile Music Hall in Frisco, CO, where they performed their song We Got U.

5. The Funk Hunters

This Canadian duo has been making waves in the modern funk scene with infectious beats and high-energy performances.

They are known for blending classic funk sounds with contemporary electronic music, creating a unique and exciting sound that will get you dancing.

With their catchy melodies and groovy basslines, The Funk Hunters are a band to keep on your radar.

Their latest music video is their version of the Beatles iconic song, Eleanor Rigby.

6. The Dip

The Dip is an up-and-coming and rapidly emerging funk band from the vibrant city of Seattle, Washington.

 With their unique blend of soulful melodies, infectious grooves, and electrifying performances, The Dip has been making waves in the music scene and capturing the hearts of audiences everywhere.

Their dynamic sound is a testament to their exceptional musical talent and passion for creating music that resonates with people profoundly.

Their latest album, Sticking With It, features the song “Paddle To The Stars.”

7. The New Mastersounds

This UK-based band has brought their unique blend of jazz-funk and soul to audiences worldwide for over two decades.

Known for their tight musicianship and energetic live shows, The New Mastersounds are among the most respected names in the modern funk scene.

If you’re looking for a band to get you moving on the dancefloor, look no further than The New Mastersounds!

The New Mastersounds has been active since 1999. Their latest single is Gonna Get In My Way.

8. The Cat Empire

The Cat Empire has been a staple in the music scene since its formation in the early 2000s.

This talented band seamlessly blends various genres, including funk, ska, and jazz, with Latin and reggae influences to create a unique, eclectic, captivating sound.

Their live performances are known for their high energy and upbeat vibes, which will have any funk fan grooving.

The Cat Empire has become a must-see for music lovers worldwide with its infectious rhythms and catchy melodies.

Their most recent album, Where The Angels Fall, features the song “Boom Boom”.

9. The Main Squeeze

Formed in 2009, The Main Squeeze brings a unique blend of funk and rock. Their music is characterized by catchy hooks and soaring vocals that are sure to get stuck in your head for days.

The Main Squeeze has become a fan favorite among modern funk enthusiasts with its high-energy live shows and infectious rhythms.

 Their November 2023 album, The Vibetape, features songs such as Real and On The Way.

10. The Bamboos

The Bamboos are a highly acclaimed funk and soul group from Australia. This talented ensemble has been creating music since 2001, and their skills have only continued to grow with each passing year.

Known for their groovy beats and infectious melodies, The Bamboos have captured the hearts of fans worldwide.

This band is terrific, with a unique sound that blends classic soul with modern funk.

Whether dancing to their latest hit or enjoying their smooth tunes, The Bamboos will surely leave you feeling energized and inspired.

Their latest album, This Is How You Do It, featuring a song by the same title, was released in November 2023.

15 Brilliant CNN Black Female Reporters to Follow Immediately

CNN continues to lead the path as a top broadcaster where diversity and inclusion thrive. The broadcaster continues to hire top male and female journalists, including black female reporters.

Here’s a list of 15 brilliant CNN black female reporters to know in 2024.

1. Melissa Knowles

  • Date of Birth: 23rd January 1982
  • Age: 42
  • Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
  • Current Role: CNN Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@knowlesitall), X (@knowlesitall)

Melissa Knowles has previously wanted to follow in her folks’ footsteps and become a lawyer. But luck came calling soon after graduating from SMU when she got a big break on TV. Knowles became an anchor for Channel One News, and that launched her into the world of journalism.

At the moment, she is a CNN Correspondent for the ‘Morning Express with Robin Meade’ and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Knowles has also worked at Yahoo! News, where she hosted ‘Trending Now.’

2. Audie Cornish

  • Date of Birth: 9th October 1979
  • Age: 44
  • Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
  • Current Role: CNN Anchor and Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@audieoffmic), X (AudieCornish)

Audie Cornish continues to enjoy an illustrious career at CNN, where she is an Anchor and Correspondent. She also hosts an audio podcast ‘The Assignment with Audie Cornish.’

Cornish began her career in journalism in 2001 when she joined the Associated Press in Boston. Next, she joined radio in 2002 as part of the team at WBUR. She continues her passion for audio content at CNN, and her podcast won ‘Best News & Politics’ and ‘Best Interview Podcast’ in 2023.

3. Zain Ejiofor Asher

  • Date of Birth: 27th August 1983
  • Age: 40
  • Place of Birth: London, United Kingdom
  • Current Role: CNN Anchor
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@zainashercnn), X (ZainAsher)

London-born Zain Asher, who has Nigerian parents, is a CNN News Anchor for CNN International. She is based in New York and anchors ‘One World with Zain Asher and Bianna Golodryga.’

Asher went to Oxford University, where she studied French and Spanish. She’s served as a CNN business correspondent after joining the broadcaster from MONEY magazine.

4. Nima Elbagir

  • Date of Birth: 20th July 1978
  • Age: 45
  • Place of Birth: Khartoum, Sudan
  • Current Role: Chief International Investigative Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@nimaelbagir), X (@nimaelbagir)

Nima Elbagir is a multi-award-winning Chief International Investigative Correspondent who joined CNN in 2011. Her journalism career began in 2002, reporting from Sudan. Elbagir was among the first journalists who gave coverage from inside war-torn Darfur.

From then on, her investigative skills have grown as she covered war in various parts of the world. Her courage led to her winning the Courage in Journalism Award in 2018.

5. Rene Marsh

  • Date of Birth: 17th April 1982
  • Age: 43
  • Place of Birth: Queens, New York
  • Current Role: National Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@rene_marshcnn), X (@Rene_MarshCNN)

Rene Marsh has been part of CNN since 2012 and has since reported on several high-profile assignments. Her most notable assignment was Trump’s administration’s travel ban barring citizens from 7 Muslim countries from entering the US for 90 days.

Marsh holds a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Syracuse University’s SI Newhouse School of Public Communications.

6. Abby Phillip

  • Date of Birth: 25th November 1988
  • Age: 35
  • Place of Birth: Alexandria, Virginia
  • Current Role: Anchor and Senior Political Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@abby.phillips), X (@abbydphillip)

Abby Phillip kicked off her journalism career as a White House reporter covering campaign finance and lobbying. She joined CNN in 2017, and her first assignment was covering the Trump Administration.

In 2023, Phillip was named the permanent host of CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillip.

7. Isha Isatu Sesay

  • Date of Birth: 6th January 1976
  • Age: 48
  • Place of Birth: London, England
  • Current Role: Anchor and Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@iamishasesay), X (@IshaSesay)

Though born in London, Isha Sesay returned with her parents to Sierra Leone at the age of 7 and would later join Fourah Bay College. She moved back to the UK at 16 for further studies to become a television journalist. Her career at CNN began in 2008 when she joined as an anchor and correspondent.

8. Lauren E. Lee

  • Date of Birth: 21st August 1983
  • Age: 40
  • Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
  • Current Role: Journalist and Producer
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@laurenleetv), X (@LaurenLeeTV)

Lauren Lee joined CNN in 2011 and is a producer and journalist with CNN International Productions. Lee studied Broadcast Journalism and Pan-African studies at Kent State University. Currently, she produces cross-platform content for CNN International.

9. Nia Malika Henderson

  • Date of Birth: 7th July 1974
  • Age: 49
  • Place of Birth: Hopkins, South Carolina
  • Current Role: Senior Political Analyst
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@niamalika), X (@niamalikah)

Nia Malika Henderson is a graduate of Duke University, where she studied literature and cultural anthropology. Her journalism career began in 2005 when she joined Newsday. She later joined CNN in 2015 and is now a senior political analyst.

10. Rahel Solomon

  • Date of Birth: 4th October 1988
  • Age: 35
  • Place of Birth: Sudan, Africa
  • Current Role: Anchor and Business Correspondent
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@rahelsolomon), X (@RahelSolomonCNN)

CNN Business Correspondent Rahel Solomon is based in New York and anchors ‘CNN Newsroom with Rahel Solomon.’ In addition, Solomon covers economic and business news for CNN. She joined CNN from CNBC, where she was working as a general news reporter.

11. Richelle Carey

  • Date of Birth: 13th October 1971
  • Age: 52
  • Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
  • Current Role: Anchor
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@richellecarey), X (@RichelleCarey)

Richelle Carey has a degree in telecommunications from Baylor University. She serves as a CNN anchor and hosts ‘What Matters’ on HLN. She joined HLN from KMOV, where she was an anchor on ‘News 4 This Morning.’

12. Symone Sanders

  • Date of Birth: 10th December 1989
  • Age: 34
  • Place of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska
  • Current Role: Strategist and CNN Political Commentator
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@symonedsanders), X (@SymoneDSanders)

CNN strategist and political commentator Symone Sanders continues to shine as she works as a strategist for Communications and Political Outreach at Priorities USA. Sanders also worked as the national press secretary for US Senator Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign.

13. Laura Coates

  • Date of Birth: 11th July 1980
  • Age: 43
  • Place of Birth: Twin Cities, Minnesota
  • Current Role: Anchor and Chief Legal Analyst
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@thelauracoates), X (@thelauracoates)

CNN Anchor and Chief Legal Analyst anchors ‘Laura Coates Live’ weeknights at 11pmET. She’s a graduate of Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs and the University of Minnesota Law. Coated joined CNN in 2016 and has been nominated for an Emmy.

14. Stephanie Busari

  • Date of Birth: 12th August 1977
  • Age: 46
  • Place of Birth: Lagos, Nigeria
  • Current Role: Journalist and Editor
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@stephbusari), X (@StephanieBusari)

Stephanie Busari is a Journalist and Editor for CNN Worldwide and heads the Nigeria bureau. She’s the brains behind CNN’s first digital and multiplatform bureau. Busari oversees CNN’s digital editorial and operations in Africa.

15. Sarah Sidner

  • Date of Birth: 31st May 1972
  • Age: 51
  • Place of Birth: Miami Lakes, Florida
  • Current Role: Anchor
  • Social Media Handles: Instagram (@sarasidnertv), X (@sarasidnerCNN)

Sara Sidner is a co-anchor of CNN News Central and is based in New York City. She began her career as an anchor and reporter at local TV stations in Missouri, San Francisco, Florida, and Dallas. Sidner would later join CNN and is a winner of a regional Emmy Award.

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10 Famous People Who’ve Been Diagnosed with Addison’s Disease

Suffering from adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s Disease means your adrenal glands produce less aldosterone and cortisol. The disease causes you to start feeling tired, fatigued, nauseated, and you even have changes in skin color.

Addison’s Disease is known to affect 140 people per one million in developed countries and includes famous people.

Below are 10 famous people who’ve been diagnosed with Addison’s Disease.

1. John F. Kennedy

Perhaps one of the most famous people to be diagnosed with Addison’s Disease is former President John F. Kennedy.

While he strived to keep his health struggles private, it became public knowledge that the former president got the diagnosis.

The news was relayed when he was visiting London aged 30 in 1947. He’d go on to use steroids leading to osteoporosis.

Kennedy had four unsuccessful back operations from 1954 to 1957 when he was a senator.

2. Anna Power

Anna Power is a British showjumper known for her prowess around Europe. Since her teen years, Power has competed internationally leading top board rankings, and even winning first place.

In April 2011, she was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease, but that hasn’t slowed her down.

Power expressed feeling run down for about two weeks like she had the flu before receiving the diagnosis.

Now, she’s more sensitive to how her body feels and Power strives to adapt accordingly. Proper rest is handy, especially when competing overseas with disrupted daily routines.

3. Sushmita Sen

In 2014, Sushmita Sen was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease. She’s spoken about having to take steroids regularly to keep the condition under control.

Most people can work and live normal lives after diagnosis with proper care. However, you might face bouts of fatigue.

Sen, an actress, recently suffered a heart attack and had to undergo an angioplasty. She expressed being shaken up by the diagnosis, and general health issues terming the experience traumatizing.

4. Jane Austen

Addison’s Disease was unknown during Jane Austen’s time. She died in 1817 aged 41 and, sadly, it was a result of her health condition. Austen was an English novelist famous for writing ‘Pride and Prejudice.’

Though there’s no concrete evidence that she had the illness, Austen was the right age to have Addison’s Disease.

5. George Summerbee

George Summerbee was an English professional footballer. He played as a midfielder for 4 football clubs during his career. Summerbee began his professional football career in Aldershot playing alongside his brother.

He succumbed to Addison’s disease in 1955, three years after his contract wasn’t renewed as player-manager at Cheltenham Town.

6. Helen Reddy

Helen Reddy is an Australian-born singer and activist. Many describe her as having a beautiful voice having recorded 18 albums. Reddy is the voice behind the powerful ‘I am Woman’, a 1972 feminist anthem.

She was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease in 1976 aged 35. That inspired the artist to become a patron of the Australian Addison’s Disease Association.

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7. Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Eunice Kennedy Shriver experienced digestive problems before getting diagnosed with Addison’s Disease.

 The younger sister of Jack Kennedy was immediately placed on corticosteroids because of her malfunctioning adrenal glands.

One thing about her was she never allowed her health challenges to slow her down. She went on to participate in the Special Olympics, and in 1972 convinced ABC’s Wide World of Sports to televise the event.

8. Giulia Bould

Giulia Bould was unwell for 18 months before she was diagnosed with Addison’s Disease in 2016.

The sports presenter for BBC Radio Merseyside continues to improve in health and shine in her career. She strives to live life to the fullest despite her diagnosis.

Bould ensures she keeps to her appointments and works with an endocrinologist. She’s also big on advocating for better diagnosis of Addison’s Disease as it’s easily missed.

9. Geoff Starling

Geoff Starling is a former Australian professional Rugby league player in the 1970s. He played for the Balmain Club taking part in the Jersey Flegg competition in 1970.

He’d then get selected for the Australian national team in 1971 as Kangaroo No. 459 and the youngest Australian to represent the nation at the time.

Starling got his Addison’s Disease diagnosis in 1974 causing him to lose 19 kg in 4 weeks.

He’d defied diagnosis which put his health in danger and forced him to go for early retirement. He’d attempt a comeback in 1976 after being hospitalized in 1975.

10. Kathy Burke

Kathy Burke is a powerhouse, being an actress, comedian, producer, director, and writer. Her life has vastly changed after her diagnosis with the debilitating illness that affects the adrenal glands.

She’s confessed to almost dying a few times as a result of health complications. The steroid shots have caused her to be overweight, which gets her down a bit. At one point, she became depressed due to her ill health.