Do Guys Get Jealous When You Move On?

Jealousy is a feeling commonly associated with feelings of entitlement, a sense of loss, neediness, and insecurity. These are the emotions we experience when a relationship ends. While it comes with pain and anguish, this feeling is normal and healthy for humans. It signifies our profound care for this person, recognizing their immense value in … Read more

11 Tallest Tribes in Africa

The African continent is home to many tribes, and they all have unique characteristics. Each tribe is good at something or is known for something special. The uniqueness can range from physical appearance, cultural practices, dialects, and how they dress, among other aspects. Regarding physical appearance, Africa has some of the tallest tribes in the … Read more

16 Pagan Gods Born On 25th December

December 25th is widely celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Many ancient cultures around the world had their deities who were said to be born on or around the winter solstice when the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and begins to rise again. These deities were often associated with light, life, … Read more

Do Guys Get Jealous When Other Guys Look At You?

Jealousy is a common feeling in most human connections, whether romantic or casual. It manifests itself in men and women, especially those in relationships or married. Jealousy is also a complex feeling, meaning that it can bring out different reactions in different individuals, where some may get angry, insecure, or even proud. Guys are not … Read more