Kikuyu Women: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

As evidenced in the entertainment industry, social media, and the community, Kikuyu women are gorgeous.  I’m continuously surprised to uncover that most Kenyan celebrities known by their stage names are, in fact, Kikuyus. There have been a lot of stereotypes going around regarding Kikuyu women.  I’ll admit some of the things they say about us … Read more

Should I Marry a Man Who Earns Less Than Me?

Gone are the days when women took the backseat regarding financial empowerment, and here we are, living in a world of a financially independent woman. Also, it is no longer a secret that women can make more money than men, which has significantly impacted marriages and relationships. In marriages or relationships, men have been breadwinners … Read more

No One Is Too Busy To Text Back (Know Your Position in Someone’s Life)

We believe that communication is key to building good relationships with our partners, family members, and friends.  It is also the easiest way to show our presence in people’s lives, especially those we love and care about. Unfortunately, it is somehow challenging to maintain constant communication with those we value, considering how time- and effort-demanding … Read more