You might have had your first kiss when you were still young.
A light peck on your cheeks or lips from your parents or siblings meant nothing special to you.
But as you grew older, you started contemplating what different types of kisses from your friends or partners meant.
And the most common kiss that has, maybe, baffled you for a long time is the goodbye kiss on the lips.
So, what does it mean when a guy kisses you on the lips when leaving?
Does it mean love? Or, is it just a simple act of wishing you well as he travels or leaves?
While a goodbye kiss on the lips may have different meanings depending on your relationship level, here is its comprehensive breakdown.
Goodbye Kiss On The Lips: What Is It?
Of course, you already know what a goodbye kiss means; the act of saying goodbye through a short or long kiss that involves pecking or closing lips together.
However, what you might not know is that some people can also give a light kiss on the lips even when not leaving.
While it may involve a few minutes of separation, maybe when walking on the street or taking a nap, it is not actually defined as a goodbye kiss.
Therefore, when defining a goodbye kiss, the primary aspects considered include how long it takes, the place, the reaction from both parties and if any words are involved.
What a Goodbye Kiss on the Lips Means

Actions, indeed, speak louder than words.
And one way to know if your guy loves and cares about you is through minor actions like kisses and hugs.
After spending some time together and one of you is about to leave, you can easily tell your position in your man’s life by how he bids you goodbye.
Is it through a kiss? Or does he hug you as you say goodbye to each other?
While kissing is the common way to say goodbye among lovers, sometimes it is challenging to extract its meaning depending on where he kisses you.
Luckily, here is how to read your man’s mind through his kiss on the lips. The explanation is based on two factors:
1. The place
Most guys express their love and affection in private, either at home or through texts.
While some may want to show the world how they love you and would not want to be away from you, this is only an exceptional fraction of the man’s circle.
However, whether your guy is a private or public folk, at some point, you may find yourselves kissing goodbye on the lips after being together for a long time.
If he gives you a goodbye kiss on the lips while at home, it means you are part of his life and he appreciates your presence.
While the expression is only between the two of you, it has a significant impact on his love language and may be missing your company already.
You can also tell this by how tight he holds you and how long he takes before withdrawing his lips.
If a guy kisses you goodbye kiss in public, he wants the whole world to know he loves you and he already sees the future with you.
The fact that he wants everybody to see you two are lovers is proof that you are already part of his life and nobody can come between you two.
A goodbye kiss in public also means he does want to be away from you and he is hesitant to let you go.
2. How long the kiss takes
How long a goodbye kiss on the lips lasts can also define how the man feels about you.
For instance, while a man can take his time to kiss you before leaving, sometimes he may be in a hurry to give a quick kiss on the lips.
So, does this mean he doesn’t love you?
First, a quick, dry, and closed-mouthed lip kiss is often the way a man who loves you will say goodbye before departing.
However, a man who cares about you and sees you as part of his life should take at least 6 seconds to strike that balance between affection and a state of awkwardness.
According to John Gottman, six seconds are enough to boost the production of oxytocin hormone in the brain.
This love hormone stirs the feeling of love, affection, and attachment between partners.
That means, if he takes more than six seconds to kiss you, he is expressing his inner affection for you and he does not want to let you go.
The Cultural Significance of a Goodbye Kiss on the Lips

A goodbye kiss on the lips is not only limited to romantic partners.
It also has a cultural significance depending on the country, age, gender, and the relationship between two people.
For instance, while the general meaning of the goodbye kiss on the lips is to wish someone well, it also means respect and honor to the elders in some African and Middle Eastern countries.
Therefore, depending on your cultural aspects, a goodbye kiss on the lips can signify respect, family connection, and affection.
Does A Goodbye Kiss On The Lips Mean A Breaking Up?

Kissing on the lips when parting is also a way to accept the unexpected turn of events, though you are not willing to.
While some people can break up through a bitter exchange of words, others can choose a diplomatic route and decide to end it peacefully.
This is especially possible if one partner is still interested in the relationship, though they see it going nowhere.
As a way to accept it, a man can decide to kiss you on the lips as a way of ending the relationship.
As painful as it is, it is a way of moving on and wishing each other well in their next relationships.
The Bottom Line
Kissing goodbye on the lips can have both negative and positive meanings depending on where it happens, how long it lasts, and your cultural and social aspects.
However, it is also vital to note that some people can throw quick lip pecks when leaving without necessarily having intentions in their minds.
Therefore, as much as you may want to know what he means, you should also consider the moment of kissing.