Jehovah’s Witness Beliefs on Blood Transfusion Explored

Jehovah’s Witnesses stand out from other congregations because of their strict religious standings, such as their beliefs on blood transfusion. Their views are grounded on biblical teachings, which they do not hesitate to quote to back their various religious stances. Like other religious groups, Jehovah’s Witnesses have a right to interpret the Bible in their … Read more

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe In Vaccinations?

To many of us, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the people that knock on doors with Bibles in their hands. They are relentless about evangelism and getting their gospel out there.   When it comes to politics, they remain neutral. You will not catch them lobbying for votes, campaigning for candidates, running for government office, or taking … Read more

How Do I Compete With His Dead Wife?

It is normal to experience an ‘inferiority complex’ when dating someone who was in a serious relationship before. We always strive to be better than our partner’s ex was—by treating our partners better, doing more for them, dressing better than their ex ever did, and offering them more moral support. We feel inclined to do … Read more

Was King James Black?

According to Historic UK, the British Kingdom has so far had 63 monarchs. These are spread over about 1200 years and include both kings and queens of England and Britain. All 63 heads of state left a mark in history. There’s something legendary (or negative) that each monarch did for his or her country. One … Read more

50 Questions Jehovah Witnesses Cannot Answer

The modern-day Jehovah’s Witnesses, which started as an Adventist movement back in the 19th Century, exists in more than 240 states worldwide with over 8 million followers. The movement follows the teaching of its founder, Charles Taze Russel, who broke away from Nelson H. Barbour after most of his predictions did not happen. Charles later … Read more

How to Navigate Leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Countless individuals often take the challenging but profoundly transformative journey of leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Unlucky for them, they lose the fellowship’s tightly-knit community. This loss of one’s support system can be emotionally and psychologically complex. The process liberates and challenges your emotions, social and spiritual life.  So, what should you expect when you decide … Read more