8 Famous People with Astigmatism

Famous People with Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common condition that occurs when the lens or cornea (the front surface of the eye) has mismatched curves. According to the Mayo Clinic, this causes blurry or blurred vision at all distances. This refractive error affects 1 in every 3 individuals and can be congenital or can develop later in life as … Read more

6 Oldest People with DiGeorge Syndrome

Oldest People with DiGeorge Syndrome

Unlike most diseases, congenital disorders have no cure and they can leave you with functional or structural anomalies while you’re in your mother’s womb. And one condition that has troubled the world is DiGeorge Syndrome. The condition was first reported in 1965 by Dr. Angelo DiGeorge, but it was first described in 1829. This condition … Read more

6 Oldest Living People with Turner Syndrome

Oldest Living People with Turner Syndrome

While females are prone to as many illnesses as males, certain syndromes affect women exclusively. A good example is Turner syndrome (TS) which is a genetic disorder that’s caused by complete or partial loss of an X-syndrome. This condition can affect 1 in every 22,000 to 25,000 female births and it can leave you with … Read more

List of Estrella TV Female Hosts: Meet the Leading Ladies in Estrella TV

Estrella TV Female Hosts

Estrella TV is an American-based Spanish language network that Liberman Broadcasting established in 1998. Since its inception, Estrella TV has hired talented Spanish-speaking hosts who have helped it reach the same status as its sister radio stations. This includes the most beautiful female hosts who have been instrumental in covering news while conveying various stories … Read more

These Were The First Black Police Officers

First Black Police Officers

One quality that defines a police officer is dedication. No matter the obstacles in their way, they rise to the challenge. However, wearing the uniform as a black officer in a white-dominated world wasn’t an easy thing.  We go back in history to recognize and applaud 10 of the most famous first black police officers … Read more

15 Famous People with Big Chins (PHOTOS)

People judge or rank celebrities for many physical features including chins. The opinion on big chins varies depending on individual preferences as well as societal and cultural perspectives.  Some cultures view a prominent chin as not only attractive but also as a sign of strength. Similarly, other cultures view a strong chin as a sign … Read more

These Are the Most Famous White Members of Omega Psi Phi

Omega Psi Phi is a historically black fraternity founded on November 17, 1911, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. It is the first international fraternal organization to be founded on a historically black college or university campus. The fraternity’s principles are manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift. Omega Psi Phi has over 750 chapters and has … Read more