List of Schengen Visa Agents in Kenya

The Schengen area consists of 24 countries of the 27 EU member states. These countries have done away with passports and other types of border control regulations that govern entry into the country within their mutual borders. This also means that Schengen citizens can travel across these countries without a visa. Countries within the Schengen area are; The … Read more

Poland Recruitment Agencies in Kenya

Poland is one of the destination countries for Kenyan job seekers. The country outsources skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor from countries like Kenya. Several recruitment agencies in Kenya help job seekers to find available jobs in Poland and other European countries. Those looking for unskilled jobs in Poland can choose from options like sorting and … Read more

How to Get a Job in Dubai from Kenya 

Dubai is a global tourist destination, but to most jobless Kenyans, it is a city of endless job opportunities. For example, Dubai’s hospitality industry always needs cleaners, drivers, concierges, waiters, waitresses, etc. The jobs are lucrative, allowing Kenyans to earn over 30,000 per month. Many Kenyans have turned their lives around and amassed wealth by … Read more

USA Recruitment Agencies in Kenya 

It is no secret that a significant number of Kenyans leave the country every year to seek greener pastures abroad due to the challenging economic times experienced in the country. The availability of recruitment agencies facilitating relocations has made going abroad easier for better-paying jobs. The agencies link employers with suitable job seekers, giving you … Read more

Hotel Jobs in Nairobi for Form Four Leavers

The hospitality industry is one of the few industries that offer career opportunities for both the experienced and inexperienced. Though looked down upon, working in a hotel, even as a high school graduate, can give you stability and financial freedom just like any other lucrative career. Many people have managed to make a good living … Read more

KICD Salary Structure

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development is a government agency under the Ministry of Education (MoE). It was established under the KICD Act of 2013 to design, evaluate and regulate curricular materials used by teachers and students across the country. Being a government institution with a sizable annual budget, KICD job adverts attract a huge … Read more

Red Cross Jobs for Form Four Leavers

Have you dreamt of working with the Kenya Red Cross but only have a Form Four certificate as your qualification? That fact should not worry you at all. Good news! There are several Red Cross jobs that you can do with a Form Four certificate. These jobs require less skills and are not as complex … Read more

Parliamentary Service Commission Staff Salary Scale 

The parliamentary service commission is an integral body within the national assembly with several responsibilities, enabling the smooth running of the August House and the Senate. The PSC members are appointed by the President and approved by the parliament.  The PSC staff consists of a chairperson, who is also the speaker of the national assembly, … Read more

KNH Salary Scales

Government institutions in Kenya attract a lot of applications whenever they post a job advert. The massive applications are because many Kenyans believe (or have heard) that public institution jobs are lucrative because of the high salaries and benefits they pay their employees. One of the most sought-after government institutions by job seekers is Kenyatta … Read more