At one point or another, we all make mistakes that hurt the people closest to us. These mistakes often create a rift between us and the one we wronged, which causes a strain that has a significant impact on how we relate.
It takes a lot of nerve to admit we are wrong and beg for forgiveness, especially for those who are over thinkers or share an intense fear of rejection.
What if they never forgive me? What if she doesn’t want to talk to me?
On the other hand, pardoning an offender is easier said than done. It means that the person extending forgiveness has ceased feeling resentment toward the guilty party because of his offense and has given up all claims to recompense.
So, when you wrong a person, and they graciously accept your apology and decide to forgive you, what should you say to show you appreciate their gesture?
10 Things to Say When Someone Forgives You
1. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
This is the most straightforward response to a positive gesture. By saying this, you show that you are grateful your friend decided to forgive you despite hurting them in the past.
2. “Your forgiveness means a lot to me.”
We all love it when we know how much we matter to our friends, right? And when we let a person know how much their forgiveness means to us, it could take away whatever resentment or grudge they might be carrying when offering their forgiveness.
3. “I’m truly remorseful for what I did, and I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you.”
This response is coupled with a promise to show how much we regret hurting the other person for as long as we live. The word ‘remorse’ means we carry the pain of self-accusation for our error, which has more weight than merely saying sorry.

4. “I understand it wasn’t easy for you to do that, and I can never thank you enough for giving me a second chance.”
When we use this response, we acknowledge the strength it must have taken for the other person to forgive us. This indicates that we do not take their forgiveness for granted, are indebted to them for the powerful gesture, and don’t expect them to simply move on from our error.
5. “I promise not to repeat that mistake again in the future.”
While forgiveness is hard, forgiving someone who has made a particular mistake once is easier. If the error was innocently made only once, you can use this statement to give your word that you will never repeat the same thing and stay true to your word.
6. “You just lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders.”
If your mistake left you feeling guilty, it could take a toll on your emotions, stealing away an ounce of happiness from your life. This statement assures the innocent party that you took no pleasure in hurting them and that the mistake harmed your well-being.
7. “Your forgiveness is a gift I will forever cherish.”
We don’t take the gifts we receive for granted. Instead, we cherish them by keeping them in good condition. Show your friend that you value their forgiveness just as much.

8. “I promise to make it up to you.”
In some mistakes, it is possible to get a do-over. If you made a correctable mistake, say you forgot to pick up groceries that were not urgently needed, you can offer to go out and buy them, thus rectifying your mistake.
9. “I hope we can start again.”
If you made mistakes that affected the bond you share with others, forgiveness doesn’t erase everything. However, you could show that you are willing to start over on a clean slate if they are. Their response to this statement will let you know where they are regarding your relationship.
10. “I forgive you too.”
It takes two people to make a mistake. If you both hurt each other following your mistake, you must assure the other person that you forgive them, too. This response will leave the two of you elated and ready to carry on with your relationship.
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