How Many Microns Can The Human Eye See?

Though often taken for granted, vision is one of the greatest miracles we have as humans. Things like watching birds in the sky, viewing art in a museum, or watching your favorite TV are possible because of this big gift. Here’s an interesting fact, though: While we truly appreciate the human vision, most of us … Read more

Pariah States: Examples, Consequences & Rejoining the International Community

A democratic and diplomatic nation is defined by how its governing policies benefit its citizens and the outside world. Most nations have achieved and upheld positive social, economic, and diplomatic relations with their citizens. However, the same cannot be said about a handful of states whose policies are not citizen-friendly, attracting criticism and isolation from … Read more

How Often Should You See Your Side Chick?

It is undoubtedly true that dating and marriage scenes are now full of side relationships, something that has turned out to be a normal practice among couples. Married men and women are now looking for other partners to confide in, especially when their main relationships go south. While side dating is coupled with some inconveniences, … Read more

Best Revenge for Deadbeat Dads (10 Genius Ideas)

Fathers should be great. They are the stronghold of our families, and children look up to them for moral support.  It is not just enough to cater to financial responsibilities; balance is required. We view our fathers as real-life superheroes—there’s nothing they cannot handle. And we appreciate their unconditional love, support, guidance, and presence. However, … Read more

What Does One Pant Leg Rolled Up Mean?

Pants are versatile and universal garments. They come in all sizes, fit all body shapes, and are available in myriad fabrics. Whether you are young or small, man or woman, tall or short, you will find a perfect fit for you. But of late, pants aren’t mere pieces of clothing used to cover our nakedness. … Read more

Do Married Couples Use Condoms?

The use of condoms among married couples is an eyebrow-raising conversation. Why? Because most couples opt for long-term pregnancy preventive contraception such as implants, coils, and injections—condoms hardly make it to the list. Other couples opt for permanent procedures like vasectomy or tubal ligation. However, some married couples use condoms like any other contraception, so … Read more