Why Are So Many Priests Predators? (5 Main Reasons)

Reports of priests sexually abusing minors have been a thorny issue for several decades, especially in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis reportedly admitted that 2% of Catholic clergy are predators. The prevalence of predatory cases among priests in different countries is far from ending, even though the Vatican maintains it is dedicated to fighting the … Read more

How Many Toilets Are There in the World?

The United Nations observe the World Toilet Day on 19th November of every year. The day, created by the World Toilet Organization in 2001, is always celebrated with different poop-themed shows and videos, depending on the theme of each year.  It is also accompanied by stories from world-renowned business and political leaders, who all aim … Read more

How Many Yellow Cars Are There in The World?

Estimating the exact number of yellow cars in the world is a challenging task due to the constantly changing automotive landscape. The challenge is further compounded by the absence of real-time global vehicle color databases since the automotive sector welcomes more cars while others are being repainted to fit the owners’ changing preferences. However, while … Read more

Omnism vs Pantheism: What’s The Difference?  

Omnism and Pantheism are two ideologies that are often confused with each other. This is largely because both share a focus on the oneness and interconnectedness of people. However, the belief systems have distinct differences in terms of philosophical and spiritual concepts. Their approach to religion and core principles varies greatly. What is Omnism? Omnism … Read more

What Does Shango Like To Eat?

Also known as Chango, Sogbo or Ebioso (Benin), Shango is a Yoruba deity who represents thunder, lightning, fire, and justice. He is depicted as a powerful and feared god who wields a double-headed axe and uses lightning bolts to punish his enemies. He is often associated with kingship, as he is believed to have been … Read more