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HomeLifestyleRelationships & DatingHe Told His Mom About Me: What Does It Mean?

He Told His Mom About Me: What Does It Mean?

You have been dating this guy for a while, and out of the blue, he mentions that he told his mom about you.

The revelation catches you off guard, and while it is supposed to be a good thing to hear, you blush and remain speechless for a while before finding the right words to say.

After a while, you start reflecting on why your man decided to talk to his mom about you.

Is it because he loves you enough to want his mom to know about you, or is it because he tells his mom about everything and everyone he meets, and you are not an exception?

You are a female, and over-thinking is a woman’s specialty—so it’s understandable why you would want to know the reason behind your man’s latest move.

So, what is a guy’s intention when he tells his mom about you?

What it Means When a Man Tells His Mom about You

Several reasons could explain why your man shared with his mom about your existence in his life.

However, in most cases, men tell their mothers about their significant others when they are deeply in love with them.

Yes, the primary reason could be because he deeply loves you and can’t keep the revelation to himself.

Men are naturally close to their mothers, and getting to the point that he could tell her about you is something special.

It means you are special to him enough to want his mom to know about it.

Well, here is a list of reasons explaining why your boyfriend told his mum about you:

1. He values the relationship

Your boyfriend views you as an important person whom his mom is worth knowing about.

He doesn’t take your presence in his life for granted, and telling his mom about you proves that you are someone he thinks highly of, not just any other person in his life.

2. He Is Serious About a Long-Term Commitment

Your boyfriend telling his mom about you could be a sign that he doesn’t see you as just a girlfriend but as someone he would love to spend the rest of his life with.

He told his mom about you because he has already seen a great partner in you, and his mom knowing about you is a sign that he is ready to introduce you to his family.

3. Seeking his mom’s approval

Another reason why your boyfriend told his mom about you could be because he wanted her opinion regarding his choice of a partner.

Most men value their mom’s opinions regarding their girlfriends.

Why? Because they believe their moms have a way of determining if their choice of a girlfriend is the best.

Some men drop their girlfriends like a hot potato if their moms disagree with their choice, while others stick with their partners despite disapproval from their moms or both parents.

4. He is preparing you to meet his family and build connections

 Your boyfriend may seek to establish a connection between you and his mom and, eventually, the rest of the family.

Telling his mom about you shows that he wouldn’t mind tagging you along the next time he attends family events, dinners, and other special occasions.

5. He is transparent about his life

Some men love keeping their moms updated about the people in their lives, including the girls they are dating.

Your boyfriend telling his mom about you could be a formality he is used to whenever someone walks into his life, be it a buddy or girlfriend.

Some parents raise their children, to be honest and communicate about their friends and other special people in their lives, and your boyfriend was probably raised that way.

6. It is a cultural norm

Men letting their moms or parents know about their girlfriends is necessary for relationships in some cultural settings.

If that is the case in your boyfriend’s culture, he told his mom about you because your love has matured enough to be a secret no longer.

Things to Keep in Mind When Meeting Your Boyfriend’s Mother for the First Time

If your boyfriend’s main reason for telling his mom about you was because he is into you, he might already be planning to introduce you to his mom.

The thought of meeting your boyfriend’s mom for the first time can be nerve-wracking because you don’t know how she will react upon meeting you, and you are clueless about how you should carry yourself when that time comes.

So, is there a cheat book or rules to observe when meeting your boyfriend’s mom, or should you just be yourself?

Below is a list of things to keep in mind during your introductory visit:

I. Authenticity is key

Don’t pretend to be someone you are not to impress the mom because it may not take long for her to notice you are pretentious.

Relax and be yourself.

II. Dress for the occasion

How you dress can leave a lasting positive or negative impression because it is the first thing his mom will notice about you.

Avoid clothes that leave a little to the imagination but formal and decent outfits.

III. Be attentive and courteous

Listen without rushing to contribute and only speak when necessary.

Remember to observe etiquette using words like ‘thank you,’ ‘excuse me,’ and ‘please.’

IV. Compliment her

Mention a few positive words about her, for example, complimenting her cooking or interior decor.

Don’t overpraise her because you will seem desperate to gain her approval.

V. Express interest in her son

When she starts talking about her son, seize the moment by letting her know that you are proud of her son’s accomplishments.

Let her know that you value his son. You may also mention that you love how his son holds her in high regard.

VI. Bring with you a thoughtful gift for her

Show her that you value the invitation by bringing along a thoughtful gift.

It doesn’t have to be an extravagant gift.

A bouquet of her favorite flowers or homemade cookies can do the trick.

VII. Assist with something

After she welcomes you and you have gotten acquainted, you may offer to help her clear the table, do the dishes, or in any way that may seem appropriate.

Closing Thoughts

You now have ideas as to why your boyfriend talked about you to his mum, but since having honest conversations is essential in a relationship, the best way to find out his real reason is by asking him.

It would be humiliating to get your hopes high thinking he did it because he loves you, only to find out he had other reasons.

Don’t assume you know his intentions for telling his mom about you.

If he told you that he talked to his mom about you, he should as well explain to you why he did it.

Chrisa Sayi

Dr. Chrisa Sayi is a distinguished clinical psychologist, renowned author, and gobally recognized relationship expert. With a decade of experience, she has guided numerous couples toward healthier, more fulfilling connections. Dr. Sayi has shared his invaluable insights at over 30 conferences and penned over 100 professional articles and books. Her expertise has been featured in many reputable publications, including Glamour, Medium, Daily Nation, Awakening Africa, Reader's Digest, Bustle, UpJourney, Fatherly, The Zoe Report, Cosmopolitan, and many more. For further engagement, you can connect with Dr. Chrisa Sayi on Twitter via @DrChrisaSayi1.

Chrisa Sayi
Chrisa Sayihttp://kenyalogue.com
Dr. Chrisa Sayi is a distinguished clinical psychologist, renowned author, and gobally recognized relationship expert. With a decade of experience, she has guided numerous couples toward healthier, more fulfilling connections. Dr. Sayi has shared his invaluable insights at over 30 conferences and penned over 100 professional articles and books. Her expertise has been featured in many reputable publications, including Glamour, Medium, Daily Nation, Awakening Africa, Reader's Digest, Bustle, UpJourney, Fatherly, The Zoe Report, Cosmopolitan, and many more. For further engagement, you can connect with Dr. Chrisa Sayi on Twitter via @DrChrisaSayi1.

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