What Does Shango Like To Eat?

Also known as Chango, Sogbo or Ebioso (Benin), Shango is a Yoruba deity who represents thunder, lightning, fire, and justice. He is depicted as a powerful and feared god who wields a double-headed axe and uses lightning bolts to punish his enemies. He is often associated with kingship, as he is believed to have been … Read more

9 Cultures That Don’t Wear Clothes

If you are a millennial, you’ve probably only heard stories about your culture’s lifestyle before civilization. You are fortunate to live in a time when access to clothing is convenient. Regardless of your background, financial status, or living conditions, you haven’t had to walk the streets naked. While nudity is considered pornographic and banned in … Read more

Can A Jehovah’s Witness Be A Doctor?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are committed people of faith. They are different from other Christian denominations in many ways. For one, they don’t participate in politics. None of the followers is allowed to serve in the military. The church claims that both careers clash with the Bible. The denomination also has strict guidelines when it comes to … Read more

What Do Priests Do When They Break Celibacy?

Celibacy has been and continues to be an integral part of many religious traditions in the world, particularly within the Catholic Church. On the surface of it, the church typically assumes that anyone called into the priesthood is also accorded the divine assistance to lead a celibate life. That is far from reality, however, because … Read more

Are Nuns Celibate?

According to Wikipedia, a nun is defined as a woman who has made a vow to dedicate her life to God. She not only lives under vows of poverty and obedience but also remains celibate (the vow of chastity) as long as she is in the service of God. Most nuns are found in the … Read more

Yoruba Names That Sound English

Choosing a name with meanings from various cultures around the world can be truly beautiful. A cultural baby name goes beyond mere denotations; it becomes a symbol of inclusiveness and universality. Opting for a name from your family’s heritage can also be a wonderful way to honor your union and the creation of your new … Read more