Mama Ngina Kenyatta Net Worth

Mama Ngina Kenyatta is Kenya’s first President’s widow and mother to the country’s fourth President Uhuru Kenyatta. She is one of the most powerful and wealthiest Kenyan women today. In 2012, Mama Ngina was featured in a Forbes article by the title Ten Female Millionaires to Watch in Africa. The author of the article said … Read more

Why Is My Mshwari Not Activating? Here’s What You Need to Know to Successfully Activate Your Mshwari Account

M-Shwari is a mobile banking service that allows customers in Kenya to save, borrow, and complete financial transactions using their mobile phones. However, some users have faced challenges when trying to activate their M-Shwari accounts. This post will discuss the typical reasons for activation problems and provide solutions. 3 Reasons for Mshwari Account Activation Issues … Read more

The Poorest Tribes in Kenya

Although Kenya is home to 43 tribes (after the inclusion of the Makonde community in 2017), most of the nation’s wealth—nearly 95%—is controlled by five communities: Kikuyu, Kisii, Kalenjin, Luhya, and Somali. However, it is essential to note that many people in those five communities are still impoverished.  The situation has made the country experience … Read more

Worst Tribes to Marry in Kenya

The marriage institution has its fair share of controversies and challenges too. Cases of divorce, for instance, continue to thrive, making many believe marriage is overrated. Divorce or marriage separation mainly stems from infidelity, physical and emotional abuse, and other reasons. Besides, it is general knowledge that some tribes do not make good marriage partners. … Read more