Finding love is easier than keeping it. Many times, we meet a particular person, believing they are the one, only for it to end in thunder.
Do you feel like you have had enough heartaches that come with breakups? Maybe it is because you haven’t met the one for you yet.
There are many types of guys out there, and the problem could be your pick.
Are you a ‘party animal’ and so you date a guy who goes partying with you every night?
Well, it’s no wonder you are constantly soaking your pillows with tears.
When it comes to safeguarding your heart emotionally, you want to make sure that the guy you date will not be reckless with it.
It is not easy, and you might have to compromise a few things. But if that causes no more heartaches, is it not worth it?
Below is a list of guys who will not hurt you. Read on to know why you should date them and what makes them unique.
1. Mr. Right
He is your ideal future husband. He checks all of your boxes.
He is kind, caring, supportive, and honest.
He communicates his feelings and pays attention as you talk about yours.
He gives you affirmations and quickly becomes your stronghold.
He is perfect in every way that an imperfect human being can display perfection.
He is what you would call the ‘rarest breed’ and is quite hard to find.
It might take time to uncover his true personality, so be patient.
He might be Mr. Right, but he also probably looking for his ‘Miss Right.’ So, make sure you are that person if you’d want to meet and date him.
2. Mr. Nerd
Nerds are amazing. Who doesn’t love Lenard and his buddies in The Big Bang Theory?
A nerd is obsessed and enthusiastic in his field of study. He is highly intelligent but is lacking in social pursuits.
He keeps to himself and has a hard time approaching other girls.
Oftentimes, they are fascinated by science fiction stuff, the DC Comics and Marvel Universe films, and participate in mind-indulging games.
Their antisocial personalities make them the best boyfriends. Their life experiences such as being bullied, discriminated and infamous have given them the skills to be empathetic, loving, and caring to their spouses.
They would never want you to go through the pain they have experienced.
3. The Protector
Girls love a man who can put them first in his life, right?
The protector has a great sense of empathy and is keen on small details.
He will never let anyone hurt you either physically or emotionally.
He steps in for you because you are precious to him.
He will never do anything that could cause you discomfort or leave you feeling unsafe, so he will protect you even from himself.
Since he puts you first and comes running whenever you are in danger, he will never break your heart or do something behind your back that could hurt you.
4. Mr. Sensitive
There are two kinds of sensitive guys: the one who is sensitive about his own personal life, and the one sensitive about the things he cares about.
In this case, we are referring to the latter.
He portrays some qualities similar to those of the protector. He is caring, kind and empathetic.
He always knows what to say and do to cheer you up.
His ability to feel other people’s pain put him at odds with hurting you.
Ultimately, he knows that breaking your heart will only have a more negative effect on him than on you.

5. Mr. Romantic
I know they say romance fades with time, but that is not the case for Mr. Romantic.
I have seen men bring their wives flowers, gifts and enjoy weekly date nights even after decades of marriage.
A romantic man keeps thoughts of love close in his mind and will always go out of his way to express his feelings.
Their display of affection ranges from small to large gestures.
Since all he thinks about is his love for you, he will never have an eye for someone else.
He will set time aside to video chat with you while away on business trips despite his busy schedule.
Once he sets his heart and mind on you, he will never look away, no matter what.
It would be wise, however, to reciprocate his gestures or at least show appreciation.
After all, he is still human…if you know what I mean.
6. Mr. Commitment
We know men to be relatively slow in matters regarding commitment.
Mr. Commitment is different, though. If he likes you, he will run to grab the first chance to commit to you. He is willing to do anything.
Such are the guys who get into a relationship with you long before you know their existence.
They long to commit to something, or in this case, someone.
Such a guy will never do anything to jeopardize your relationship. He will be faithful, loyal, honest, and committed to only you.
7. Mr. Stay At Home
Now this type of man might pose a challenge to many.
The society does not hold men who stay at home in high regard.
But with developments in technology, people can work from the comfort of their own homes and earn a decent living.
Imagine this: A guy who works from home can only have an intimate attachment to his laptop.
You don’t have to worry about other women making a pass at him because he is always home.
He knows that his schedule and whereabouts are predictable, so lying is hardly an option for him.
And what’s even better is you can always spare time to be together even when he is at his busiest.
How Do You Make Your Pick?
There are many types of guys to choose from who are least likely to break your heart.
True, there is no perfect man or perfect relationship.
Some of us have ended up with a broken heart despite dating a guy from the list above.
What could have gone wrong?
There was likely a significant difference in personalities. Also, some work is needed on your part to make the relationship work.
The truth is: the types of guys listed herein are hard to find today, so if you have met yours already, good for you.
Remember that this is not the kind of guy you let go of or date for fun.
If you haven’t met one, don’t give up. Use this opportunity to work on your weaknesses.
Put yourself in situations that are more likely to bring you into contact with the type of guy you want to meet.
And most importantly, if you do not want him to break your heart, don’t go breaking his.