10 Telltale Signs of A Deadbeat Dad

The most important man in everyone’s life is supposed to be the father. This could be a biological father, adoptive father, or even step-father. However, the reality is somewhat sad, seeing that most fathers neglect their roles and responsibilities, and it is left upon the shoulders of the mother to cater to all of their … Read more

David Ndesandjo: Here’s All You Need to Know about Obama’s Jewish Half Brother

David Ndesandjo, born David Opiyo Obama, was the Jewish half-brother of President Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Like his brother, David grew up in a multi-cultural household in Nairobi that combined Swiss heritage, African traditions, Jewish heritage, and Western customs. While Barack was born in Hawaii and raised in Honolulu, David … Read more

How Much Meat Is In 1 Lb Of Crab Legs?

Crab meat is a favorite in the US and the world over. It is delicious and versatile. Whether you like eating it with corn, potatoes, cornbread, coleslaw, or roasted veggies, you will deeply enjoy biting into it. The seafood is also quite nutritious and offers calcium, protein, and vitamin A. If you are making crab … Read more

Who Should Initiate The Fourth Date?

So you have been going out with someone for a couple of times now, and your feelings for them are quite clear. Getting through the first date was the toughest task, but you did it. Congratulations!  And it did not end there…You went out a second and third time. The endless hours talking, sharing your … Read more

Difference between Needed and Wanted

In our day-to-day lives, we often use or come across and use the terms needed and wanted when talking to our friends, at work, or in any other social setting. But what does it mean when we use the terms wanted and needed? To begin with, the terms are verbs in the past tense, and … Read more

Mukombero Root: Uses, Benefits, Safety, Legality, Controversies, & Distribution in Kenya

Mukombero root, scientifically known as Mondia Whitei, is a popular African plant native to Kenya and other parts of the continent. It is highly valued for its therapeutic benefits and aphrodisiac effects and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The plant is widespread in Kenya but predominantly grows in the Western and Central … Read more