List of African Words for Lion

Lions are iconic big cats synonymous with African wildlife. No wonder millions set out for a safari to Africa each year to witness these majestic cats. Since Africa is the most bilingual continent, you can expect these big cats to have very different names. Here are the top African words for lion: 1. Simba Simba … Read more

Meet Florent Rhexa, Bebe Rhexa’s Brother

Florent Rhexa is the younger brother of pop star Bebe Rhexa. He’s well known to her fans and people who enjoy her amazing music. Being Bebe Rhexa’s younger has its perks since Florent Rhexa gets much recognition. At the moment, he has over 21K followers on Instagram. He was born in an ethnic Albanian family. … Read more

The Consequences of Breaking Promises

We live in a world where not a day passes without people being angered, hurt, or disappointed by broken promises. Many have little regard for contracts, leases, appointments, and other agreements. Marriage engagements and vows are broken every single day. Promises made by politicians are empty words that leave their supporters in despair. It might … Read more

List of African Words for Peace

We all know Africa as Motherland and the planet’s second-largest continent. The vast continent boasts a rich linguistic diversity. Peace is a vital topic in Africa, and so many African words in different languages represent the concept of peace. The African words for peace continue invoking interest among people passionate about the continent’s culture, people, … Read more