These Cultures Don’t Celebrate Birthdays

Cultures that Don't Celebrate Birthdays

Birthday celebrations have a rich history dating back thousands of years, with roots in various cultures and traditions. Birthday celebrations can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece. The modern celebration of individual birthdays with cakes and candles started in the Middle Ages in Europe. Believe it or not, while birthdays … Read more

Why I left The Charity Church

Via William T Prendergast My association with Charity Church began many years ago when I was just a young child. During those days, our grandma (God rest her soul in perfect peace) would wake up early on Sundays and prepare us to go to church. She didn’t like the idea of arriving late, and to … Read more

How Many Identical Triplets Are There in the World?

Triplets refer to three children sharing the same womb during a single pregnancy. Just like twins, triplets and quadruplets are categorized by their level of similarities or zygosity. And in most cases, triplets are either trizygotic or dizygotic (fraternals) which are not usually identical. Trizygotic triplets are not identical but with dizygotic only two are … Read more

12 Celebrities Who Regret Mocking Jesus

Celebrities Who Regret Mocking Jesus

Celebrities are our idols and most of us aspire to be like them. Unfortunately, some of them have let the fame get into their head and believe that it’s by their power that they have achieved stardom. Consequently, some have openly mocked God and Jesus Christ in interviews, movies and even in their songs. Some … Read more