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Inside the Afar Tribe Teeth Sharpening Tradition 

Afar people reside principally in the Horn of Africa. They are mostly found in countries like Djibouti, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. The tribe name Afar means First or The Best. 

Though little is known of the origin of the Afar people, there are two distinctive divisions, namely The Red Afar (Asayahamara) and the White Afar (Adoyahamara). They speak the Afar language and Arabic. 

However, what makes the Afar people so famous is the tradition of sharpening teeth that they have carried for many generations. Mostly, they sharpen the front incisor manually to assume a ‘V’ shape. 

But you may be wondering, why such a strange tradition? Why do the Afar people sharpen their teeth?

Well, they do it for the following reasons: 

1. For Identification Purposes 

The Afar people carry out the teeth sharpening ritual as a sense of identification from other communities and tribes surrounding them. 

2. To Initiate Young Girls and Boys into Adulthood 

Another reason why the Afar tribe performs the teeth sharpening ritual is to draw a line that a young boy or girl has reached puberty, and it’s a sign that they are now initiated into adulthood.

It also symbolizes that the young kids are now able to bear the pain and are ready to become young adults. 

3. It’s a Sign of Spiritual Protection 

Sharpening the teeth for the Afar people also acts as spiritual protection for them. It’s usually done when one is especially seeking spiritual protection. It also happens when one is chosen as a spiritual leader. 

4. It’s Done for Them to Look Like Animals 

Sound weird, right? But it’s not weird to the Afar people. Teeth sharpening is also done so that they can resemble certain powerful animals like the crocodile. To them, resembling such an animal is a sign of masculinity. 

5. It’s a Sign of Beauty 

To the Afar people, the teeth sharpening ritual is a sign of beauty, especially to young women. According to the tribe, a woman with sharpened teeth looks attractive. 

We rest our case here. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and if the Afar men find Afar women attractive when they sharpen their teeth, we have nothing to deduct from their opinion. 

Can Anyone Perform a Teeth Sharpening Ritual? 

Definitely No! The teeth sharpening ritual is only done by chosen men and women who are believed to possess the skill gift from their gods since birth. They also train other chosen people who learn the craft of teeth sharpening. 

The reason why the ritual is not carried out by just anyone is because teeth sharpening requires great skills, and one needs to exercise patience to prevent injuring a person during the ritual. 

Are the Afar people still carrying out The teeth-sharpening Ritual? 

With the introduction of Westernization and education during the 20th century, the teeth-sharpening ritual died.

However, some Afar people chose to preserve their traditions, so the ritual still goes on and is passed from generation to generation.  

Other African Tribes that Still Perform the Teeth Sharpening Ritual

The Afar tribe is not the only tribe that performs teeth-sharpening rituals I Africa. Below are other tribes that still sharpen their teeth: 

  • Makonde Tribe in Tanzania sharpen their lower and upper incisors to assume a peg shape 
  • The Baka tribe in Cameroon sharpen their teeth for aesthetic reasons 
  • The Zappo Zap and Upoto tribes of Congo also sharpen their teeth to assume a maxillary arch 
  • The Mentawaian  tribe of Uganda sharpen their teeth as an indication of transformation from puberty to adulthood 

The Afar tribe’s teeth sharpening tradition offers a fascinating glimpse into the cultural practices of this unique community. Despite modern influences, some Afar people continue to uphold this ancient ritual as a sign of adulthood, identification, for spiritual reasons, masculinity, and as a sign of beauty.

While the practice may seem unconventional to outsiders, it holds deep significance within the Afar society and serves as a testament to the resilience and preservation of their cultural heritage across generations.

Here Are 5 Celebrities Who Have Battled Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is a rare condition that affects only 40 ladies or 10 men out of 100,000 people.

Commonly known as delayed gastric emptying, this rare disorder halts or slows the movement of chewed food between your stomach and small intestines, even though your GIT isn’t blocked.

This condition can affect the stomach muscles and nerves resulting in the muscle contractions being slower and weaker than normal.

Gastroparesis is quite dangerous and celebrities have been raising awareness of this condition by taking part in the Gastroparesis Pie Face challenges for years.

But do you know that it has affected some celebrities? Well, here are some of the most famous celebrities who have battled Gastroparesis:

1. Sandy Honig

Anyone who watched the “Three Busy Debras” knows the drama Honig brings to the show.

She has made a name for herself as a budding comedian over the years, but back in 2022, she went viral for having a Pukey week.

Honig has been battling gastroparesis for years and she had discovered a botox injection that can help her manage the condition.

Unfortunately, her insurance couldn’t cover the medication since it wasn’t FDA-approved. But after being taken to the parking lot, she started vomiting continuously.

2. Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown, a former model, was also diagnosed with gastroparesis and superior mesenteric artery syndrome in 2012.

This was after she experienced nausea and debilitating abdominal pain for a few months.

Since her stomach couldn’t push food to the small intestines, she ended up losing weight and after further tests, she was diagnosed with gastroparesis.

To survive, she used a vascular feeding system and a nasal feeding tube for about 5 years before succumbing to the condition in 2017.

3. Emma Kok

At her young age, Kok has achieved a lot; the 15-year-old singer is a philanthropist and a survivor of gastroparesis.

 Kok became a household name after she took part in “The Voice Kids” competition in 2021.

 Her unique vocals, especially when singing Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah” made her an instant celebrity.

Unfortunately, Kok was diagnosed with this condition when she was 11 years old and has been using feeding pumps to keep her body nourished.

Despite the condition, she has managed to inspire many people using her voice.  

4. Raven Walton

Another celebrity who is using her platform to advocate for gastroparesis is Raven Walton.

Walton rose to fame after taking part in Big Brother U.S. where she charmed her fans with her showmance with Clines Matthew.

She was a fan favorite but what most of her fans don’t know is that she has been battling gastroparesis for years.

She was diagnosed with the condition while young and has undergone many surgeries to help her manage the condition.   

5. Loretta Harmes

The food influencer who has been entertaining us with some of the most delicious foods available hasn’t eaten for over 8 years.

The young chef never tastes the food that she prepares because she is suffering from gastroparesis.

She was diagnosed with this condition in 2015 and has been feeding using a TPN (total parenteral nutrition) for years.

Can Anyone Get Gastroparesis?

Yes, anyone can get this condition, but people with type 2 and 1 diabetes have a high likelihood of getting it.

And that’s because it can be caused by various eating disorders and stomach surgeries.

Taking narcotics for pain can also trigger this condition in some people.

 People who contract viral gastroenteritis can also get gastroparesis.

Also Check: 15 Rappers You Didn’t Know Had Diabetes

These Cultures Don’t Celebrate Birthdays

Birthday celebrations have a rich history dating back thousands of years, with roots in various cultures and traditions.

Birthday celebrations can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece.

The modern celebration of individual birthdays with cakes and candles started in the Middle Ages in Europe.

Believe it or not, while birthdays are widely celebrated across many cultures, there are some where the tradition is notably absent.

But why they are not as excited about birthdays as the rest of the world?

Let’s find out…

1. Bhutanese

In Bhutan, which markets itself as “the happiest country in the world,” birthdays are not celebrated.

The main reason behind the Bhutanese not celebrating their individual birthdays is the belief that a happy life is more important than the number of years someone has been alive. 

The Southeastern Asia kingdom focuses more on happiness. So, instead of measuring GDP, it measures Gross National Happiness (GNH). 

Another reason why Bhutanese do not celebrate birthdays is because they have a different calendar—they do not use the more universal Gregorian Calendar. So, most Bhutanese do not know the actual date of their birthdays.

For administrative purposes, all Bhutanese get a year older on January 1 every year. On New Year’s, they observe a collective national celebration of their birthday. 

2. Vietnamese

Like the Bhutanese, the Vietnamese do not observe individual birthdays.

They get one year older on the Vietnamese New Year (Tet), which is not the same day every year.

But it always falls in January or February in the Gregorian calendar. For example, this year they celebrated New Year on February 10, while last year they celebrated it on January 22. 

Another confusing factor with Vietnamese birthdays is that when babies are born, they are already one year old. So, you would be one year older if you were born in Vietnam.

3. Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not observe most conventional celebrations other Christians observe, including birthdays.

They believe celebrating birthdays displeases God, and they have several arguments to support their belief. 

They argue that birthday celebrations have pagan origins. Birthday celebrations trace back to ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. 

The Greeks believed that evil spirits have an opportunity to attack a person on their birthday and that the presence of friends and making wishes could ward off the spirits. The Romans also celebrated birthdays. 

Jehovah’s Witnesses also argue that there is not a single record in the Bible of a servant of God celebrating their birthday. Additionally, the early Christians did not celebrate birthdays. 

Here are Other Jehovah’s Witness Traditions Worth Knowing:

4. Some Christians and Judaists

For the same reasons as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, some Christians, Jews, and other people who practice Judaism do not celebrate birthdays. 

Hasidic Jews specifically, do not celebrate birthdays as they view celebrating oneself as vain or conceited. 

Other Christian denominations like the Amish do not celebrate birthdays because it is a custom that elevates self-importance and promotes individualism, which is against their values of community and humility. 

5. Some Muslims

Birthday celebrations are not mentioned in the Islamic religious doctrines established by Prophet Mohamed.

For that reason, some Muslims do not celebrate birthdays, especially the Salafis and Wahhabis sects. 

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What is Selena Gomez’s IQ? She Has Talent, Beauty, and Brains

Selena Gomez is one of the most accomplished female Hollywood celebrities. She rose to fame as a child after appearing in the kids’ television show Barney & Friends. Since then, she has made a name for herself in the acting and music industry, winning 240 awards, including 16 Guinness World Records. 

The American-Mexican star is one of the most influential women in the entertainment industry; it’s only natural to wonder how smart she is.

Selena Gomez’s IQ

Her achievements as an actress, musician, and philanthropist are proof of her intelligence.

The accomplishments would also not have been possible without a high level of creativity, adaptability, and dedication. 

You also do not achieve a net worth of $800 million without making smart career choices and business investments. 

Gomez is also very eloquent and often includes witty remarks in her answers during interviews, indicating her brain has a high processing power. 

We estimate her IQ to be about 120. 

Gomez’s Dedication and Hard Work

One reason we consider Gomez as having a high IQ is her hard work and seeming positive attitudes towards getting better, both of which are attributes of highly intelligent people

Throughout her career, Gomez has shown a commitment to continuous growth and improvement as both an actress and a musician.

She has taken on diverse roles in film and television, challenging herself creatively and expanding her range as an actress. 

Similarly, in her music career, she has evolved her sound and style with each album release, experimenting with different genres and collaborating with various artists.

Gomez has demonstrated an ability to balance multiple projects simultaneously, often juggling acting roles with music releases and other endeavors.

Her ability to manage her time effectively and prioritize her commitments speaks to her dedication and organizational skills.

Selena Gomez’s Smart Business Moves

Other reasons why we consider Gomez to be highly intelligent are her smart business decisions. Some of the decisions include:

  • Diverse Ventures: Gomez has diversified her income streams beyond music and acting. She has launched successful business ventures, including her fashion line, collaborations with major brands, and partnerships in the beauty industry. Diversification helps mitigate risks and expands her revenue potential.
  • Strategic Collaborations: Gomez has strategically collaborated with established brands and companies, such as Coach, Puma, and Pantene, leveraging their resources, expertise, and reach to amplify her brand and expand her influence globally.
  • Philanthropic Initiatives: Gomez’s involvement in philanthropy not only showcases her social responsibility but also enhances her brand image. By supporting causes close to her heart, such as mental health awareness and education, she has garnered positive attention and built a loyal fan base that admires her values and principles.
  • Creative Control: Gomez has taken an active role in her business ventures, often involving herself in the creative process. Whether it’s designing clothing lines or developing beauty products, her creative input adds authenticity and resonates with her fan base.

Selena Gomez is the epitome of intelligence, dedication, philanthropy in the world of entertainment. She is an intelligent and gifted individual who has navigated her career to become one of the wealthiest and most influential women in the entertainment industry by making shrewd decisions. 

9 Famous Black Actors with Lazy Eye

While we know that Hollywood is all about beauty, perfection, and glamor, there’s no doubt that there are celebrities who never had these qualities and did exceedingly well. Some have to deal with Amblyopia. 

Amblyopia, widely known as lazy eye, is when one eye has poorer vision than the other eye. It can be hereditary or occur when there’s a nervous breakdown between the brain and the eye. 

It’s a rare condition that affects 2-3% of the world’s population and is more pronounced in European countries.

Many notable figures in Hollywood have lazy eyes, but that doesn’t deter them from shining in their stellar careers. 

But do you know any actor with a lazy eye? Well, here are 8 famous black actors who have a lazy eye.

1.  Forest Whitaker 

Forest Whitaker is an American A-list actor who has won many accolades. However, his lazy eye is the most famous in American Hollywood. He suffers from a condition known as ptosis that makes his upper eyelid drop. 

The actor doesn’t worry about his eye as it’s a hereditary condition passed down to him by his father. Though he loses sight when he looks up, it doesn’t bother or hinder him from achieving outstanding results. 

2.   Denzel Washington

Denzel, the two-time Academy Award winner who features on the list of the most famous black people in Hollywood, has a lazy eye. His mild lazy eye comes secondary to his worries and does not deter him from achieving his goals. 

His commitment, passion, and zeal have always made him the man behind the characters. He brings forth the idea that when you’re determined to reach your goals, minor physical defects fade away and get overshadowed by determination and sheer talent. 

3.    Shemar Moore 

Shemar Moore is an American actor and the 8 NAACP Image Awards 2016 winner. He sees nothing wrong with his lazy eye. When things got weary, Moore had to undergo Lasik surgery to correct his eyesight as it had started slipping over due to his lazy eye. 

Though his right eye was adjusted to at least see far, his left eye was adjusted to see close. Despite the surgery, his lazy eye is still recognizable, but at least he has better vision now. 

4.    Tyson Beckford 

Tyson is an American model and actor with a Chinese Jamaican ancestry. Tyson stands tall, showing that his imperfection has made him perfect, and is determined to achieve big. 

In this video, he explains how kids teased him, calling him Mr. Chin due to his Chinese eyes. These kids didn’t know that he had a lazy eye that had become overshadowed by his vast achievements. 

5.   Idris Elba 

Idrissa Akuna Elba is an actor, singer, and rapper featured in Time 100, the list of the most influential people in the world in 2016. 

He is a Golden Globe Award winner with the lazy eye that he was born with, and this has never prevented him from achieving great success in his professional acting career.

He was also named the people’s sexiest man alive in 2018, showing how much people loved him despite his physical imperfections. 

6.   Michael B Jordan 

Michael Bakari Jordan is an American producer and actor. The Time magazine ranked him among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2020, and his looks add to his success. 

The magnitude of his imperfection is nowhere near his achievements, and he is living a fulfilling career. 

Though he has a lazy eye, we love him that way and look forward to his subsequent success in his acting career.

7.   Gary Dourdan 

Gary Dourdan is an American actor known for his roles in the television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Gary has a mild lazy eye inherited from his parents and is here to stay with him forever.  He overlooks the physical difference in his eye and aims to make it big.

8.   Blair Underwood 

Blair Underwood, the two-time Golden Globe Award winner, is an American actor who debuted in acting in 1985. You can’t go without noticing that Blair has a mildly lazy eye. 

But that doesn’t define how far he can go in acting. It’s just a physical flaw we recognize. To him, it’s no big deal. 

9. Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz, a four-time Grammy winner for Best Rock Vocal Performance, has cemented his place as a rock music legend. His signature sunglasses, worn everywhere, have become as iconic as his music.

While Kravitz has never confirmed it, fans speculate he may have amblyopia, or lazy eye, which they say becomes evident when he’s seen without shades.

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Above are eight famous actors who never allowed their physical flaws to hinder them from reaching greatness. Instead, they used their imperfections to their advantage, leaving an indelible mark on their careers. 

‘Outer Banks’ Star Austin North Breaks His Silence after Arrest

Austin North has released a statement, breaking his silence after getting arrested earlier in the week.

The star has gone online to address the situation and notes that he was experiencing a severe panic attack that made him feel as though he was on the cusp of death.

He has gone ahead to provide a lengthy description of what happened on his Instagram Post, where he writes:

“I am distraught by the events that took place in Las Vegas this past week”,

He goes on to add:

“My friend drove me to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack. Several tests were taken, including blood, which came back negative for any drugs or alcohol in my system. I was having a severe anxiety attack.”

In his post, Austin points out that it’s not the first time he has experienced a panic attack, but that this was by far the worst attack he has ever experienced.

The actor has apologized to the hospital personnel and is hoping he will get a chance to shed light on what’s been happening to him in the coming days.

So, What Happened?

Austin North, 27, best known for his appearance on the hit TV series Outer Banks, got arrested in Las Vegas earlier in the week after going haywire on several ER personnel.

The actor was arrested on Tuesday, February 13, when the local police proceeded to book him for gross misdemeanour battery per a report first published by TMZ.

In his mugshot, he appeared wide-eyed, and there were visible scratches and traces of blood around his eyebrows.

Emerging Reports Indicate That He Has Been Released On Bond

Minutes before his arrest, local law enforcement officers were sent to UMC Hospital after the ER personnel submitted an assault and battery report.

Excerpts from the report show Austin had allegedly assaulted several nurses, punching one in the head, pushing a phlebotomist into a table and shoving the head of another nurse. And this is in addition to attacking another member of staff.

Although he has been in the Hollywood scene for a while, North is best known for his role as Topper on the hit TV show, where he stars alongside Chase Stokes and Madelyn Cline.

The hit Netflix series, with three seasons to date and a fourth season expected later in 2024, has seen his fame rise to new proportions, and one can only hope that this arrest doesn’t impact his career. 

12 Most Famous Celebrities with Peach Undertones

Imagine having light-medium skin with golden undertones like Beyonce! Clearly, celebrities boast a range of shades and undertones. Some have peach undertones with hints of red and yellow, always radiating charm.

Are you curious about your undertone and which celebrity shares the same skin tone?

Well, let’s get up close and personal with the top 12 world-famous celebrities blessed with beautiful peach undertones.

 Unsurprisingly, many of them prefer silver jewelry that’s more flattering to the warm undertone.

1.  Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is an American singer, dancer, actress, songwriter, and record producer. She ranks among the top performers of her generation with fans worldwide. It’s hard to miss Jennifer’s youthful glow and peach undertone that’s always visible in pics. Her beautiful peach undertone always complements her outfits and stylish hair on the red carpet.

2.  Kim Kardashian

It’s impossible to list celebrities with a warm peach undertone without mentioning Kim Kardashian. The American media personality and businesswoman is glowing at 43 years old with a little golden skin. Kim’s unique effect, mixed with peach undertones, makes it easy for her to nail incredible fashion looks. She even has a skincare line comprising 9 steps to keep that glow healthy.

3.  Halle Berry

Halle Berry never ceases to impress when on the red carpet with great outfits that complement her peach undertones. She is famous for her great acting skills and has played numerous roles in top films like X-Men and Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Halle’s peach undertones seem to be the reason for her ever-youthful look.

4.  Scarlet Johansson

American actress Scarlet Johansson is one of the most stunning women in Hollywood with peach undertones. She’s among several celebrities who have a skincare line that she named The Outset. Scarlet’s peach undertone is a blessing since it brings a warm vibe to all her stunning looks. She’s always radiant, even after cutting her hair.

5.  Mandy Moore

The stunning Mandy Moore always dazzles, especially when wearing makeup that complements her peach undertone. She has peach cheeks with a warm pink glow and a beige skin tone. Mandy Moore has a thriving acting career and has no plans to slow down as she turns 40.

6.   Hillary Duff

Hillary Duff is an author, businesswoman, actress, and singer. At 36, she doesn’t seem to age, thanks to her peach undertones. Hillary has yellow and red colors on the surface, giving her skin a warm appearance. She’s among the celebrities who praise exfoliation as the secret to glowing skin.

7.   Beyonce Knowles

Millions of adoring fans enjoy singing along to the great hits of top singer Beyonce Knowles. Beyonce’s warm appearance is characterized by peach undertones that leave her youthful. Her skin is light-medium with golden undertones and always pairs well with lighter hair color.

8.   Rosario Dawson

Rosario Dawson is an American actress who played different roles in films and TV series. She is among Hollywood celebrities with peach undertones and skin that’s always glowing. Rosario admits that combining meditation and face masks helps keep her skin healthy. Her peach undertones are evident in her flawless skin and glowing complexion.

9.  Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore is an accomplished actress with impressive accomplishments, including playing Maggie/Amber Waves on Boogie Nights (1997). The best way to describe Julianne Moore is warm with a peach undertone. She has radiant cream skin and warm golden green eyes, preferring to wear makeup that enhances her natural beauty.

10. Owen Wilson

While Hollywood beauties tend to get the most attention regarding undertones, even gents share the same traits. Owen Wilson is an accomplished American actor with a warm peach undertone. It’s easy to see why shades like pastels work so well for the top Hollywood actor. Owen, who is a natural blonde, prefers a casual style.

11. Seth Green

Seth Green is an actor and filmmaker. He’s also an author and upcoming Hollywood director. It’s best to describe Seth as an actor with a peach undertone. His skin tends to have a golden yellow tinge, complementing his natural ginger hair. His standard style of blue and black suits with solid ties and white shirts works well with peach undertones.

12. Ryan Gosling

American actor Ryan Gosling is no stranger to trying different genres for independent and major studio features. He’s among the top men in Hollywood with peach undertones. His glowing skin with peach undertones always has fans requesting the actor to drop a skincare routine. Ryan enjoys classic looks that feature denim jackets, work boots, and straight-cut jeans perfect for his peach undertones.

Peach Undertone vs. Warm Skin Tone

“Peach undertone” refers to a specific type of warm undertone that has a mix of pink and yellow tones, resulting in a light orange hue. On the other hand, “warm skin tone” is a more general term used to describe skin with warm undertones, which can range from peach to yellow and golden.

Therefore, while peach undertone falls under the category of warm undertones, it is a more specific description that refers to a particular combination of pink and yellow tones.

Here are celebrities who fall within the general warm skin tone: Warm Skin Tone Celebrities

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The listed stunning celebrities with peach undertones serve as an inspiring guide for those who share similar skin tones. With their warm and inviting hues, these celebrities demonstrate how peach undertones can enhance one’s natural beauty, regardless of gender.

Generally, understanding your undertones is crucial for making informed choices in makeup, clothing, and jewelry selection. By embracing and accentuating your undertones, you can exude confidence and radiance in appearance, just like these celebrated personalities.

5 Actors Who Have Had To Deal With Nystagmus

Nystagmus is a rare condition characterized by uncontrollable and rapid movement of your eyes in circular motion, side-by-side, or up-and-down.

The eyes may move fast or slower and it usually affects both eyes. People with this condition may end up tilting or turning their head to see things clearly, which tends to slow down the eye movements.

This condition has been known to affect our eyesight, resulting in some people undergoing eye surgeries.

Now that we know the symptoms of nystagmus, let’s talk about the actors who have had to deal with this condition.

1. Pruitt Taylor Vince

Other than starring in various films over the years, Pruitt has a popular face that has featured in various television series including Hawaii Five-O, House, and Bones. Pruitt was born with nystagmus, which is an involuntary movement of his eye.

He may have started taking acting classes accidentally, but he has managed to create a great career for himself.

His enrolment to acting school may have been a computer error but he has used his condition to his advantage. For instance, he played his condition’s role as George in the TV series the episode titled “Que Sera Sera.

2. Tim Hands

Tim is a voice actor who was born with this condition and lives with it to date. The condition has affected his sight making it hard for him to even drive.

Despite the condition, he has managed to create a successful career for himself in post-production sound for TV and movies.

His major role is re-recording dialogues with other actors and his hearing has helped him a lot.

In fact, most of the people he has worked with don’t know the full extent of his condition.

You can hear his voice in various shows including “Game of Thrones” and “The Nevers.” He has also worked on movies like “Les Miserables”, “Mamma Mia,” and “Chicken Run.”

3. Richard Thomas Osman

The Pointless present’s eyes tend to flicker while he is filming, which most of us may have noticed because of nystagmus.

Richard was born with this condition and he claims that it has played a major role in his career.

Since he can’t focus on the lighting or angle of the camera, he focuses more on whether the jokes were funny and how actors work together.

4. Johnny Kincaid

The child actor playing Jack in “This Is Us” has nystagmus and albinism that has affected his life.

Fortunately, he has a supportive mother who uses her platform to advocate for kids with visual impairment like Johnny.

She shares the importance of taking care of kids like Johnny and teaches her viewers about nystagmus.

5. Allan Pineda Lindo, Jr.

Like the other members of the Black Eyed Peas, Allan has had an exceptional career.

Other than touring the world with his group, he has also produced and starred in various Reality TV series in the Philippines. He even worked as the coach of “The Voice of the Philippines.

But did you know that he was born with Nystagmus?

Allan kept the condition a secret until 2011 when he told People magazine that he was legally blind.

Fortunately, his condition was corrected a year later and he is now better.

Acquired Vs. Congenital Nystagmus

Nystagmus can either be acquired or congenital. Congenital nystagmus tends to affect both eyes and can start before your kid is 3 months old.

On the other hand, acquired nystagmus can be caused by alcohol and drug use or a serious health issue.

Top 10 Worst Celebrity Veneers We’ve Seen So Far

Celebrities all over the world seem to have perfect teeth, thanks to advancements in the cosmetic dentistry industry such as veneers. 

Veneers are fitted over your real teeth to hide teeth imperfections like discoloration and cracks. They also resolve the problem of uneven teeth. Their desired result is whiter teeth and a more symmetrical smile. 

However, veneers have not worked well for all celebrities. In this post, I will highlight some of the worst celebrity veneers we have seen so far. 

1. Leann Rimes

Singer-songwriter Leann Rimes, who rose to fame in her teens in the late 90s as a country musician, is one of the few celebrities who have publicly regretted getting cosmetic dental work.

The veneers and crowns her dentist installed changed her jawline, her mouth, and the shape of her face. 

In 2013, she sued her dentist for, among other things, “severe tooth pain, gum inflammation, and chronic gum bleeding.”

2. Jojo Siwa

Singer and dancer Joelle Joanie Siwa, who rose to fame for appearing on the reality TV show Dance Moms, had a smile makeover about three years ago. The veneers are unnaturally white and look big. She also got them at a very early age, late teens. 

3. Hilary Duff

Pop singer and former Disney star Hilary Duff, now a Hollywood star, upgraded her smile with veneers. But was it really an upgrade?

One of the reasons Duff’s love her is her natural beauty. But the veneers altered her natural looks, making her smile unnaturally big, and they seem to have changed the shape of her face. 

4. Miley Cyrus

Admittedly, Miley Cyrus’ teeth needed cosmetic dental work. You should look at her photos before she was Hannah Montana. 

Her teeth look way much better now. However, she arguably overdid the dental makeover, as it appears she has trouble keeping her mouth closed. 

5. Nene Leakes

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Nene Leakes’ looks have noticeably transformed over the years. Her smile’s transformation, however, is a little too noticeable because her dentist put big veneers on her front teeth. 

6. Gary Busey

Busey, now 79, is not as popular as he was in the late 20th century, especially after portraying rock music icon Buddy Holly in The Buddy Holly Story, which was released in 1978. However, he is still famous enough for fans to notice his horrible veneers. 

He naturally had big teeth. The veneers he got make his teeth look unnaturally big. 

7. Consequence

Rapper turned producer Consequence had bad-looking teeth. The situation was made worse when the rapper, closely associated with the 90’s rap group A Tribe Called Quest, decided to get veneers. He should have gotten braces before getting veneers. 

8. Ronaldo Nazario

Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldo Nazario, like many celebrities, has used his hard-earned money to get a new smile. However, the dental work is not perfect as it did not address the dark shade around the gum. Also, most of his fans would agree that getting rid of the gap at the front of his upper teeth was not a good idea. 

9. Emily Blunt

British Actress Emily Blunt, who has starred in acclaimed films like The Devil Wears Prada and Edge of Tomorrow, had a perfect natural smile. But in an effort to achieve the perfect “Hollywood smile,” she ended up with an artificial smile. The oversized porcelain veneers, and probably other cosmetic procedures, also noticeably altered her jawline. 

10. Demi Lovato

Multiple-award winning singer and actress Demi Lovato is not on this list because of a bad smile post-dental makeover. However, she did say that she regretted the dental procedure she underwent as a teen that got rid of her gap. 

In 2016, Lovato told Allure that Disney told her to fix the gap between her two front teeth after she was selected to star in the 2008 musical Camp Rock. “They were like, ‘Would you be willing to fix it?’ I wish today that I hadn’t,” she told the magazine. 

How to Avoid Veneers Mistakes

You can avoid ending up with bad veneers by considering the following:

  • Veneers are permanent and last up to 20 years. Therefore, if you are not sure they are the right choice, consider other less permanent options. 
  • Veneers are not for everyone. They might not be a good fit if you have a lot of cavities, severe tooth crowding, underbite, or gum disease. 
  • The choice of dentist matters, so do your due diligence to ensure they are experienced.
  • There are different types of veneers, with different costs and durability. 
  • Veneers do not have to be put on all your teeth. They can be fixed on only the teeth that need correction and their color matched with your natural teeth. 

J Cole’s IQ: Unveiling the Genius behind the Rapper

There’s no arguing that J Cole is among the best rappers, and his lyrical prowess is unmatched. Perhaps that’s because of his 129 IQ. J Cole is the epitome of perfecting your craft and maintaining dominance. Even as other rappers fade away after a few years, his light keeps shining.

A rapper with such a high IQ is definitely above average. J Cole proves to the masses his worth each time he releases new music, albums, and features in collabs. His most recent collaboration with Nicki Minaj Let Me Calm Down is hands down a lyrical jewel.

How Is J Cole’s IQ Estimated?

J Cole has never admitted or disclosed his IQ to the public. However, some estimates place his IQ at 129.

The estimate is derived from J Cole’s intelligence and lyrical prowess. He is placed on the same pedestal as Kendrick Lamar, which is no easy feat.

While J Cole isn’t a genius, his music puts him above average. His intelligence is evident not only in his craft but also in how he chooses to live his life. Cole is known for quality over making noise to sell records.

Even without the flashy rapper’s lifestyle, Cole still manages to hold his own in the music industry.

Clearly, the 129 IQ is well-deserved

Is J Cole a Lyrical Genius?

Few artists, especially rappers manage to influence continuous generations with their music.

J Cole is intelligent, and that’s evident with his diverse fandom. He is a one-in-a-lifetime rapper who continues to dominate among the top 10.

His seat at the top is well-deserved. Cole has a clever way of weaving his rhymes together to deliver powerful messages.

Having a high IQ means he is more in tune with the real world and aims to spread powerful messages.

‘Lights Please’ is the most powerful song of his career. He tries to sit down and have a candid conversation with a naïve young girl. Cole wants her to be more aware of what is happening around her and be cautious.

Many claim Cole is one of the most underrated rappers. But, some see sense in his need to remain simple and relatable.

His intelligent moves in the industry make him one of the most streamed rappers with over 20 billion streams on Spotify.

What Degrees Does J Cole Have?

Did you know that J Cole got a 4.2 GPA upon graduating from high school?

After high school, he got a scholarship to St. John’s University pursuing a degree in Communications. Cole graduated magna cum laude with a 3.8 GPA.

Clearly, the 129 IQ estimate might be accurate. Cole is smart and intelligent, qualities that are reflected in his music and way of life.

He continues to prove his status as a renowned lyricist is well-deserved. And he is also excellent at the art of rapping.

His academic success scoring high GPAs comes in handy when he writes as Cole has mastered creative expression.

When you listen to his catalogue, you can tell he is a sincere rapper who minds his fans.