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HomeLifestyleRelationships & Dating15 Things That Hurts a Woman Most In a Relationship

15 Things That Hurts a Woman Most In a Relationship

All relationships consist of imperfect humans.

Sooner or later, each party is bound to make a mistake that cuts deep into the other person’s soul, knowingly or unknowingly.

While each individual can easily get hurt, as women, we are more prone to the pain inflicted by our male counterparts.

Our hormones and nerve density leave us more susceptible to pain—both physically and emotionally.

The phrase ‘forgive and forget’ comes easy in speech, but some of the hurt inflicted by someone who promised to care of our interests and keep us happy is hard to get over.

While you might think some of the mistakes you make are small and insignificant, I believe it is crucial to understand precisely how they affect women (so that you can avoid repeating them in the future).

Remember that a woman can only take so much hurt before calling it quits. Therefore, if you don’t want to lose her, avoid making the following mistakes:

1. Lying

The problem with lying is that once caught in a lie, the credibility of everything you have ever said or done becomes questioned.

It causes your woman to doubt everything you say, taking away trust, which is the most fundamental thing in a relationship. We all know how hard it is to restore broken trust.

As a man, you might feel inclined to lie to protect the woman you love from hurt, but you fail to see the magnitude of the anguish you will cause once discovered.

Lying has a significant impact not only on your partner but also on yourself.

When your woman starts doubting your every word and action, it becomes painful for you, particularly when you are well aware that you are telling the truth.

2. Cheating

When has cheating ever been beneficial or healthy in a relationship?

The act of cheating profoundly shapes the dynamics of a relationship in inexplicable ways.

While some women may choose to end the relationship when faced with infidelity, others might opt to stay, perhaps due to their love for you or family commitments.

However, it is important to note that this doesn’t mean she has forgotten.

The wounds inflicted by cheating penetrate deep into a woman’s heart and never fully heal, regardless of the time that passes.

Something irreplaceable is lost between the two of you, and the pain you caused significantly influences how she perceives and interacts with you thereafter.

3. Keeping Things From Her

Most people argue that keeping something from someone and lying don’t have the same effect.

Indeed, they don’t exactly mean the same thing, but they both affect trust significantly.

Whether good or bad, keeping something from the woman in your life makes her feel that what you share is not a partnership.

She feels left out and eventually withdraws completely and starts keeping things from you.

4. Flirting With Other Girls

Out of both men and women, men are the most jealous.

But it kills for a woman to see her man flirting with the waitress, attendant, or even colleagues.

The thoughts that run through our minds when we see our boyfriend/husband having fun with another woman is that maybe he would prefer to be with her instead of us.

Your woman might wonder, ‘If he dares to flirt with other women in my presence, how far does he go when I’m not around?’

Most women are overthinkers; you might be surprised at the number of thoughts that cross our minds within a second of you smiling at another woman.

Be friendly, that’s perfectly okay. But set some boundaries whether your woman is around or not.

5. Ignoring Her Feelings

When your wife/girlfriend shares what’s bothering her, set your phone aside and pay attention to her.

We are very soft at heart, and our pain multiplies when we try to open up, only to find you preoccupied with chatting and responding to emails.

We also feel ignored when we talk to you about things that hurt us, but despite our efforts, you continue to repeat the same actions.

6. Keeping Your Feelings To Yourself

Women are big on sharing their thoughts and feelings, but men tend to keep to themselves.

Your woman is in your life because she loves and cares about you.

When she senses something is wrong with you, she will want to help and support you in any way she can, just as you do for her.

But when you close up, it leaves her feeling like she’s not a part of you, which is quite hurtful.

7. Forgetting Special Days

Birthdays and anniversaries are important in every girl’s life.

Even those who do not celebrate our birthdays still want to see you acknowledge that we have turned a year older.

Anniversaries mark the beginning of your relationship, marriage, the first time you kissed or went out, and so much more.

They matter to your woman more than the expensive gifts you may present her with.

Forgetting such important days makes it look like your woman (or even relationship) is not the most important thing in your life.

8. Not Complementing Her

Your woman takes time to prepare, changing outfits till she can get the right one to rhyme with her moods.

Besides, she makes an effort to visit the salon to have her hair and nails done.

She does all of this to enhance her appearance for you, and it becomes disheartening when she receives compliments from others on aspects you fail to notice.

Overthinking sets in, leading her to question whether you find her sufficiently attractive or if your love for her is as strong as it should be or once was.

9. Chatting With Other Girls

There’s nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex.

But when you chat with other girls in the middle of the night or while spending time with your woman, that tells her you’d prefer to spend time out there with those other girls rather than her.

10. Keeping Her Waiting

Women are caring and worry over silly things.

When you promise to meet her at a specific time and place, be sure to get there on time.

Otherwise, her mind will create scenarios that are keeping you late, none of which are good.

If you promised to get home early or called saying you’re leaving work, go home straight and spare her from worrying too much.

If something holds you back and you know you will be late, let her know so she doesn’t stay up waiting.

Being late on purpose makes her feel like you lied.

11. Spending All Your Free Time With Your Boys

When you spend all your free time with your friend, it simply sends a statement that your woman is not as fun or as important to you as they are.

Friendships are essential, and no one is against you hanging out with your buddies.

But remember that your relationship is more important, and you need to set time aside to nature it too.

12. Ignoring Her Questions

Disregarding their partners is one of the greatest weaknesses men can have.

When you land in trouble with your wife, and she questions some actions you may have taken, respond calmly.

Otherwise, when you remain quiet, it tells her that she’s a nag and whatever her queries are, they are insignificant to you.

13. Making Her Feel Unappreciated

When you get home and find the house spotless and dinner ready, remember to thank your wife.

A simple ‘thank you’ can make your woman feel appreciated for all her daily effort, balancing her career with catering for the household.

14. Praising Another Woman Over Her

No other woman should be more important to you than your wife.

When you praise another woman, you tell her she’s incapable of reaching certain heights.

 There are many capable women in the world, but you chose her.

So, when acknowledging other women’s achievements, make sure it doesn’t come off as if you look at them with more admiration than your girlfriend/wife.

15. Including Your Mom In The Relationship

I saved the most critical for last: prioritizing your mom over your woman and filling her in on everything in your relationship.

As a man, you should know that no woman is ever good enough for you in your mother’s eyes.

You are tasked with making your mother accept, love, and respect your woman, which you can’t do if you are busy badmouthing her.

Chrisa Sayi

Dr. Chrisa Sayi is a distinguished clinical psychologist, renowned author, and gobally recognized relationship expert. With a decade of experience, she has guided numerous couples toward healthier, more fulfilling connections. Dr. Sayi has shared his invaluable insights at over 30 conferences and penned over 100 professional articles and books. Her expertise has been featured in many reputable publications, including Glamour, Medium, Daily Nation, Awakening Africa, Reader's Digest, Bustle, UpJourney, Fatherly, The Zoe Report, Cosmopolitan, and many more. For further engagement, you can connect with Dr. Chrisa Sayi on Twitter via @DrChrisaSayi1.

Chrisa Sayi
Chrisa Sayihttp://kenyalogue.com
Dr. Chrisa Sayi is a distinguished clinical psychologist, renowned author, and gobally recognized relationship expert. With a decade of experience, she has guided numerous couples toward healthier, more fulfilling connections. Dr. Sayi has shared his invaluable insights at over 30 conferences and penned over 100 professional articles and books. Her expertise has been featured in many reputable publications, including Glamour, Medium, Daily Nation, Awakening Africa, Reader's Digest, Bustle, UpJourney, Fatherly, The Zoe Report, Cosmopolitan, and many more. For further engagement, you can connect with Dr. Chrisa Sayi on Twitter via @DrChrisaSayi1.

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