Love, when expressed in different languages, always sounds sexier and makes you feel treasured.
Couples even derive their pet names from native languages to spice up the relationship.
These names and phrases may seem complicated to non-speakers, but they give the easiest way to hit the most sensitive nerves when they come from people we love.
Swahili is not that different.
If you are new in Kenya (or any other Swahili-speaking nation) and you need a new way to express your love, here are a few Swahili love phrases to deepen your relationship.
(The beautiful thing about Swahili is that words are pronounced the same way they are written).
“I Love You” Phrases in Swahili

Nakupenda – I love you. When you want to emphasize your love, you can say ninakupenda.
Nakupenda pia– I love you too. This is the reply you get after saying nakupenda. To emphasize the emotion, you could also say ninakupenda pia.
Nakupenda. This can also be used to express familiarity,I like you. In this case, it is not considered sexual.
Una thamani kubwa sana kwangu – You mean a lot to me. You could probably say this after saying nakupenda, this essentially expresses how much you value your partner.
Nakupenda na roho yangu yote – I love you with all of my soul.It can also meanI love you with all my heart depending on the context.
Nakupenda zaidi kila siku –This implies I love you more each day
Nakupenda kishenzi – I love you like crazy. The translation, however, is mostly used for colloquial purposes, and depending on where the person comes from, you can also say: nakupenda kama zuzu.
Nakupenda kwa shauku – I love you passionately.
Ninakupenda – I have a crush. You might have realized that we’ve used this a couple of times above to mean ‘I love you’ or ‘I like you’. The meaning does not erode and depending on the situation, your partner will perfectly understand what you mean.
Nitakupenda milele – I’ll love you forever
Nitakupenda daima – I will always love you. This phrase could also mean ‘I’ll love you forever’. That would mean the translations herein could also be used interchangeably to mean either.
Wewe ni mpenzi wa maisha yangu – You are the love of my life
Napenda tabasamu lako – I love your smile.
Utanioa? – Will you marry me?
Terms of Endearment

Mpenzi wangu – my love
Mpenzi– lover
Lazizi wangu – my baby
Malaika wangu – my angel
Mpendwa – my dear
Asali wa moyo – honey
Sukari wa moyo – sugar
Mpenzi wa roho – sweetheart
“I Miss You” Phrases in Swahili

Nakukosa – I miss you. Miss in Swahili is kukosa rohoni. In this context, it means missing your partner for some time and wishing to be together.
Ninakukosa– Missing you
Nimekukosa sana – I miss you so much
Nakukosa pia – I miss you too.
Umenikosa kweli? – Do you miss me?
Siwezi ngoja kukuona tena – I can’t wait to see you again
Nitakukosa sana – I will miss you so much. Used when one partner is traveling.
Natamani ungekuwa hapa – I wish you were here
Swahili Love Quotes & Phrases

Wewe ndiye mume/ mke wa ndoto zangu – You are the man/woman of my dreams.
Unanifurahisha sana– You make me so happy. You could also say wanifurahisha sana to mean the same thing, just slightly shortened.
Wewe ndiye furaha ya maisha yangu – You’re the joy of my life. To shorten the statement, you could also say wanifurahisha, with less emphasis though.
Wewe ni mrembo– You are pretty.
Uko na macho mazuri – You have beautiful eyes.
Unanipea furaha sana maishani mwangu – You make me happy. Joy and happiness in Swahili are expressed in the same manner, hence the similarities.
Nakuwaza sana – I always think of you.
Nmekuwa zuzu juu yako – I am crazy about you.
Bila wewe, mimi si chochote – Without you, I am nothing.
Uko na maana kubwa kwangu – You mean a lot to me
Unanizuzua – You make me stupid.
Nilipenda nilipokuona mara ya kwanza – I experienced love at first sight
Ungependa tuende forodhani pamoja? – Would you like to go out with me? This is to ask your partner out on a date.
Ningependa kukualika kwa chakula cha jioni – I would love to invite you to dinner.
Ningependa kukua na muda zaidi na wewe – I would love to spend more time with you.
Nibusu – Kiss me.
Other Romantic Swahili Words

Penzi – Love
Kumbatiana – Hug
Siku ya wapendanao – St. Valentine’s Day
Maua – Flowers
Pambo – Jewelry
Manukato – Perfume
Chumbia -Engagement
Pete ya uchumba – Engagement ring
Harusi – Wedding
Ndoa – Marriage
Sherehe ya kufunga ndoa – Honeymoon
Mume – Husband
Mke -Wife
Mchumba – Fiancé
Mpenzi – Lover
Mahabubu – Beloved
Mhibu – Dear one
Mpenzi wa kike – Grlfriend
Chumbiana– To date
Kuoa au kuoleka – To get married
Mpenzi wa kwanza – First love
Nakupenda kiwazimu – Madly in love
Upendo au penzi wa dhati – True love
Mpenzi wamaisha yangu – Love of my life
This guide to the Swahili terms of endearment is just the tip of the iceberg. Luckily if you have a Swahili partner, these words and phrases will be your new love language. They will be able to correct your pronunciation and increase your knowledge in Swahili—a new love language loading for you and your partner.
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