List of Kikuyu Medicinal Trees 

Like many African communities, the Kikuyu community had its own way of staying healthy and treating diseases. That said, the community had a set of healers who intervened in cases of sickness. Kikuyu healers relied upon various trees that the community considered to have medicinal properties.  Despite having zero professional background, healers were familiar with … Read more

Top 10 Kalenjin Fertility Herbs

In the quest for fertility, many couples have turned to traditional remedies to boost their chances of having a baby.  In the Kalenjin community, numerous herbs are believed to have fertility-enhancing properties. These herbs have been used for generations to help couples conceive, from boosting libido to regulating menstrual cycles. Here are the top 10 … Read more

Magunas Supermarket Salary-How much are Magunas Employees Paid?

Magunas is one of the fastest-growing supermarket chains in Kenya. In fact, it’s giving supermarket chain giants like Tuskys, Naivas and Quickmart a run for their money. It’s owned by a Muranga business Magnet, Simon Wachira Magunas. The supermarket has branches in Embu, Muranga, Kirinyaga, Nyeri, Laikipia and Nairobi. How Much Are Magunas Supermarket Cashiers And … Read more

List of Luo Tradition Songs

Luo traditional songs were popular among the Luo-speaking community in the old days. But these days, even other tribes enjoy them because of the traditional instruments used to create them, such as drums, horns, flutes, rattles, nyatiti, Kinanda and the Abu.  Most of these songs are performed by schools in Nyanza province during music festivals. … Read more

Njoroge wa Githinji’s Biography: Education, Career, Wife, Children, Income & Net worth

Njoroge wa Githinji is currently the co-host of Inooro TV’s breakfast show, Inooro Miaraho, which airs every weekday from 6 am to 10 am, alongside the hilarious Ngogoyo (Kamau wa Kang’the). Their morning show involves: The duo is among the country’s most famous morning presenters since their program attracts a large audience who are always … Read more