10 Romantic Scenarios to Imagine Before Bed

There is plenty of romantic scenarios to think about whether you are single, crushing on someone, or in a long-distance relationship. The scenarios help you visualize the activities you can do in a loving relationship with your significant other if you were together.  Is there someone you have been crushing on lately that can’t slip … Read more

Why Does Indian Food Stink?

If there is one thing you can bet on Indian food, it is the strong smell. To some people, the Indian food smell is pleasant and aromatic. The smell can be irritating, stinky, or simply unbearable to others. People are wired differently, meaning what tastes heavenly to someone is the complete opposite of another individual—the … Read more

What Comes After The Year 2099?

It’s 2023 and one can’t help but imagine what the next century holds for humanity. With the boom in the artificial industry, is it possible that bots will be doing everything from cooking to carrying out surgeries to flying planes exclusively? Will there be other social media platforms? What will the health of the human … Read more

Eji Ogbe, The King of Odu Ifa

The Ifa religion is one of Africa’s belief systems that have been around for millennia. The Yoruba people from Nigeria, Togo, and Benin practice it. The religion is not so different from those of other people across the globe. There’s a god that is believed to run the universe. Under him are prophets that link … Read more

Who Is Cain to Lucifer in The Bible?

Cain is one of the most intriguing figures to understand, as far as the biblical wisdom traditions are concerned. While most bible teachings refer to Cain as Adam’s firstborn, there seem to be more missing connections regarding his father and the seed line. For instance, some biblical interpretations claim that Cain was not the biological … Read more

Aje Orisha: The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Aje is a Yoruba mythological goddess behind human prosperity. The Yoruba community believes she blesses her worshippers and the people closest to them with immense wealth. Early before the 19th century, Aje would provide her followers with cowry shells, a unique form of payment that was used at the time. Among the 401 gods and … Read more

25 Elekes Rules You Need to Follow for Utmost Protection

Elekes are consecrated beaded necklaces worn by Santeria and Lukumi religious practitioners. The necklaces present different Orishas, and wearers from other traditions must follow the rules for utmost protection. Failure to follow elekes rules means the wearer cannot receive protection from the respective Orisha. The rules may differ between Santeria communities, but the most common … Read more

Details Of Idi Amin’s Wives and Children

Idi Amin Dada Oumee was a renowned ruthless Ugandan president from 1971 to 1979. His presidency was marked by dictatorship, human rights abuses, corruption, and a shift from the westward alliance with the US and West Europe to Uganda becoming allies with the Soviet Union and Libya. However, while his reign is considered one of … Read more