Celebrities are our idols and most of us aspire to be like them. Unfortunately, some of them have let the fame get into their head and believe that it’s by their power that they have achieved stardom.
Consequently, some have openly mocked God and Jesus Christ in interviews, movies and even in their songs.
Some of these celebrities have regretted their decision while others have had to apologize to their fans.
Celebrities Who Mocked Jesus and Regret It
1. Logan Paul

Paul made some out-of-line comments to George about his beliefs and even mocked Jesus and God last year.
But he ended up having the worst 3 weeks of his life which started with his cameras being confiscated in Qatar and his luggage getting delayed. He also ended up getting food poisoning.
During the 3 weeks, he got into a fight with Mike. Paul regretted it immediately and admitted it to George on their Impulsive show.
2. Conor McGregor

When he started his career, Conor was unstoppable in the ring and he even managed to hold 2 titles in different weight categories at once.
But in 2017 while being interviewed by TMZ, he claimed that no man alive could beat him and if Jesus would resurrect again he would defeat him.
Since he made his statement, his career took a different path with him losing his matches in some of the most embarrassing ways.
3. Keith Thurman

Keith, a former boxer, mocked Jesus while preparing for his fight with Manny Pacquiao.
He mocked Manny’s Christian beliefs when he said that “he will crucify Manny, they say hoooo haaa, its as if they have the crown of thorn themselves.”
But during the match, Manny destroyed Keith and now he never mocks Jesus.
4. Marilyn Monroe

During a past filming session, Billy Graham approached Marilyn and told her that the spirit of the Lord had sent him to pray and preach to her.
But after she heard Graham’s words, she told him “I don’t need your Jesus.”
She was found dead after a week in her apartment.
5. John Lennon

Another celebrity who mocked Jesus and regretted it was John Lennon, a member of the Beatles.
In the 1960s, he told the media that Christianity would disappear. He even claimed that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus.
His comments resulted in the fall of the Beatles.
Lennon was shot 4 times while entering his apartment and he was rushed to the hospital but died.
6. Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin was at the peak of her career when she decided to mock Jesus.
When she won her Emmy award in 2007, she said that Jesus had nothing to do with her win and even went ahead and mocked the Son of God.
But since that day, her career has never been the same again.
She has had several of her shows canceled. She was even banned from appearing on The View and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. She was also fired from Hannah Montana, where she was to feature as a guest star.
7. Heather McDonald

Two years ago, the comedian made a distasteful joke about the son of God and regretted it instantly.
Heather mocked the people who depend on Jesus for everything. She said that she took all the Covid shots, and even medication for Shingles and didn’t get sick while on tour.
Heather finished the joke in a satirical way by saying “clearly, Jesus loves me the most” which left her fans in stitches.
She collapsed on stage and was rushed to the hospital immediately. She was discharged later but most people claim that she paid for her distasteful jokes.
Her fans laughed, but they stopped after discovering that she had fractured her skull.
8. Brandon Lee

Lee was accidentally shot dead by a mishandled prop gun while filming “The Crow.” Brandon made an unpleasant joke about Jesus, “Jesus Christ! Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Jesus Christ walks into a hotel…”which was actually part of his lines in the movies and he ended up losing his life even before the film was released.
9. Steve Austin

Stone Cold is known for various catchphrases and one of his popular sayings is Austin 3:16. This is actually a modified version of the bible verse John 3:16, which says” For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
By changing this bible verse to Austin 3:16, he was mocking the Lord and his son Jesus.
Unfortunately, he sustained a spinal fracture while fighting Owen Hurt in 1997. The injury forced him to resign while he was at the peak of his career and the face of WWE.
Other Celebrities Who Mocked Jesus
While some of the celebrities mentioned above have openly mocked Jesus, others have done so indirectly or in a concealed manner. For example, certain comedians have incorporated mockery of Him into their skits and some musicians have included disparaging references in their lyrics. Like the aforementioned celebrities, those in this category have also faced a wide range of consequences and expressed regret for their actions.
Here are some notable individuals who have indirectly mocked Jesus through their behavior or expressions.
10. Lil Nas X

The controversial musician released a song titled “J Christ” on 12 January 2024 with Jesus imagery in his video. The Musician was mocking Jesus and received immediate backlash from his Christian fans who found it blasphemous. The artist regretted immediately and issued an apology to Christians worldwide.
11. Madonna

The pop star angered Christians after she posed as Jesus during the last supper for Vanity Fair. In the photo, she was dressed like Jesus and surrounded by 12 people just like in the Last Supper. This outraged everyone including other celebrities who bashed her online and in interviews.
12. Lady Gaga

Another artist who has mocked Jesus for years is Lady Gaga with the most memorable one being her song “Judas.” She praised Judas for betraying the Son of God with her lyrics outraging the Christians worldwide. She faced backlash from various religious denominations, particularly Catholics. The Catholic Church condemned her for using religious imagery and the video itself.
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Closing Thoughts
Throughout history, those who have dared to mock God have faced severe consequences—many famous individuals included. Despite this, some individuals, including celebrities, continue to publicly ridicule Jesus and God, disregarding the potential repercussions.
Whether you are a celebrity or a famous person who may be thinking of mocking or undermining God in one way or another, it’s prudent to pause and reconsider your move, as the outcome is invariably unfavorable. For it is stated in Psalm 1:1-6 ESV: Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.