List of Kikuyu Clans: Their Meaning and Attributes

Kikuyu tribe is currently the largest and most popular ethnic community in Kenya. They are mostly found around the fertile highlands of Mount Kenya regions since their main economic activity is agricultural farming.   Kikuyu Clans The Agikuyu tribe acknowledges their origin from its founding ancestral couple of Gikuyu and Mumbi. According to the tribe’s traditional … Read more

Most Popular Kikuyu Traditional Dances

Kikuyu is a Kenyan community occupying the areas around the slopes of Mount Kenya. Like many other communities, the Kikuyu community held many traditional occasions like weddings, initiation, and childbirth. They celebrated their occasions traditionally through singing and dancing. There were many traditional dances for young people and some exclusively for the older folks. The … Read more

Which Tribe Is Good In Bed In Kenya?

Truthfully speaking, bedroom affairs play a vital role in strengthening relationships and marriages. They spice up the couple’s lives and help them establish an emotional connection. When looking for a partner, most single people want someone who can make their romantic life interesting and exciting.  Some do not even mind good looks or financial stability … Read more

The Poorest Tribes in Kenya

Although Kenya is home to 43 tribes (after the inclusion of the Makonde community in 2017), most of the nation’s wealth—nearly 95%—is controlled by five communities: Kikuyu, Kisii, Kalenjin, Luhya, and Somali. However, it is essential to note that many people in those five communities are still impoverished.  The situation has made the country experience … Read more

Worst Tribes to Marry in Kenya

The marriage institution has its fair share of controversies and challenges too. Cases of divorce, for instance, continue to thrive, making many believe marriage is overrated. Divorce or marriage separation mainly stems from infidelity, physical and emotional abuse, and other reasons. Besides, it is general knowledge that some tribes do not make good marriage partners. … Read more

The Richest Pilot in Kenya in 2023

Being a pilot is one of the most handsomely paying careers in Kenya. The pay averages Ksh. 250,000, with the highest-grossing pilots taking home a million and even more each month. The pay includes allowances such as medical, transport, and housing, alongside other perks.  Qualified and certified pilots in Kenya can work in the private … Read more