Why Does Indian Food Stink?

If there is one thing you can bet on Indian food, it is the strong smell. To some people, the Indian food smell is pleasant and aromatic. The smell can be irritating, stinky, or simply unbearable to others. People are wired differently, meaning what tastes heavenly to someone is the complete opposite of another individual—the … Read more

What Comes After The Year 2099?

It’s 2023 and one can’t help but imagine what the next century holds for humanity. With the boom in the artificial industry, is it possible that bots will be doing everything from cooking to carrying out surgeries to flying planes exclusively? Will there be other social media platforms? What will the health of the human … Read more

How Many Microns Can The Human Eye See?

Though often taken for granted, vision is one of the greatest miracles we have as humans. Things like watching birds in the sky, viewing art in a museum, or watching your favorite TV are possible because of this big gift. Here’s an interesting fact, though: While we truly appreciate the human vision, most of us … Read more

Pariah States: Examples, Consequences & Rejoining the International Community

A democratic and diplomatic nation is defined by how its governing policies benefit its citizens and the outside world. Most nations have achieved and upheld positive social, economic, and diplomatic relations with their citizens. However, the same cannot be said about a handful of states whose policies are not citizen-friendly, attracting criticism and isolation from … Read more

How Much Meat Is In 1 Lb Of Crab Legs?

Crab meat is a favorite in the US and the world over. It is delicious and versatile. Whether you like eating it with corn, potatoes, cornbread, coleslaw, or roasted veggies, you will deeply enjoy biting into it. The seafood is also quite nutritious and offers calcium, protein, and vitamin A. If you are making crab … Read more

Difference between Needed and Wanted

In our day-to-day lives, we often use or come across and use the terms needed and wanted when talking to our friends, at work, or in any other social setting. But what does it mean when we use the terms wanted and needed? To begin with, the terms are verbs in the past tense, and … Read more