15 Famous People with Big Chins (PHOTOS)

People judge or rank celebrities for many physical features including chins. The opinion on big chins varies depending on individual preferences as well as societal and cultural perspectives.  Some cultures view a prominent chin as not only attractive but also as a sign of strength. Similarly, other cultures view a strong chin as a sign … Read more

6 Celebrities Who Battled Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal cysts are abnormal skin growths that appear at the tailbones. These cysts contain skin debris and hair that can be easily infected. When infected, it can become quite painful and you may have to undergo a minor surgery to drain it. This condition is quite common among young men; in fact, they’re affected 4 … Read more

What is Kendrick Lamar IQ? The Real IQ of the King of L.A.

When it comes to lyrical prowess and intelligence, very few rappers have been compared to Kendrick Lamar. After all, he is the perfect definition of a lyrically genius and intelligent rapper who can capture the dense subject matter of any story. His debut album “Good Kidd, M.A.D.D. City” has every element of a best-selling novel. … Read more

5 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Had EoE

Celebrities with EoE

Eosinophilic esophagilitis (EoE) is a rare condition that’s known to affect more white men than any other race; in fact, about 75% of the affected patients are white males. EoE is a newly discovered illness that has been diagnosed in many children and adults in the last 3 decades. The condition may have been discovered … Read more

Here Are 5 Celebrities Who Have Battled Gastroparesis

Celebrities with Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is a rare condition that affects only 40 ladies or 10 men out of 100,000 people. Commonly known as delayed gastric emptying, this rare disorder halts or slows the movement of chewed food between your stomach and small intestines, even though your GIT isn’t blocked. This condition can affect the stomach muscles and nerves … Read more

9 Famous Black Actors with Lazy Eye

While we know that Hollywood is all about beauty, perfection, and glamor, there’s no doubt that there are celebrities who never had these qualities and did exceedingly well. Some have to deal with Amblyopia.  Amblyopia, widely known as lazy eye, is when one eye has poorer vision than the other eye. It can be hereditary … Read more

12 Most Famous Celebrities with Peach Undertones

Imagine having light-medium skin with golden undertones like Beyonce! Clearly, celebrities boast a range of shades and undertones. Some have peach undertones with hints of red and yellow, always radiating charm. Are you curious about your undertone and which celebrity shares the same skin tone? Well, let’s get up close and personal with the top … Read more

Top 10 Worst Celebrity Veneers We’ve Seen So Far

Worst Celebrity Veneers

Celebrities all over the world seem to have perfect teeth, thanks to advancements in the cosmetic dentistry industry such as veneers.  Veneers are fitted over your real teeth to hide teeth imperfections like discoloration and cracks. They also resolve the problem of uneven teeth. Their desired result is whiter teeth and a more symmetrical smile.  … Read more