How Do I Compete With His Dead Wife?

It is normal to experience an ‘inferiority complex’ when dating someone who was in a serious relationship before. We always strive to be better than our partner’s ex was—by treating our partners better, doing more for them, dressing better than their ex ever did, and offering them more moral support. We feel inclined to do … Read more

10 Romantic Scenarios to Imagine Before Bed

There is plenty of romantic scenarios to think about whether you are single, crushing on someone, or in a long-distance relationship. The scenarios help you visualize the activities you can do in a loving relationship with your significant other if you were together.  Is there someone you have been crushing on lately that can’t slip … Read more

Paramour vs. Metamour: What’s the Difference?

A polyamory relationship is having sexual relations with different partners at a time. It is commonly referred to as a non-monogamous relationship, as it goes beyond the confines of exclusive commitment to a single partner. However, what many might not realize is that the realm of polyamory encompasses various relationship dynamics and structures, each with … Read more

Do Guys Get Jealous When You Move On?

Jealousy is a feeling commonly associated with feelings of entitlement, a sense of loss, neediness, and insecurity. These are the emotions we experience when a relationship ends. While it comes with pain and anguish, this feeling is normal and healthy for humans. It signifies our profound care for this person, recognizing their immense value in … Read more