What is Mikhaila Peterson’s IQ? Definitely Not as High as Her Father’s

Mikhaila Peterson is a Canadian blogger, podcaster, and social media personality known for her advocacy of a diet she calls the “Lion Diet,” which primarily consists of beef, salt, and water. She is also the daughter of Jordan Peterson, a famous clinical psychologist and author. 

Mikhaila has openly discussed her struggles with autoimmune disorders and depression, crediting her dietary regimen with alleviating her symptoms. Her ideas have often sparked debate in the health and nutrition fields and elsewhere. 

Due to her work and ideas, as well as her association with her father, people often wonder or ask how intelligent she is.

Mikhaila Peterson IQ

According to Mikhaila Peterson, she has an IQ of 132. She revealed her score in a Twitter exchange back in 2020. However, she did not provide any evidence to prove that she actually took an IQ test and scored that high. 

Because of her controversial opinions and comments on issues of health and fitness, particularly her promotion of the lion diet, most people did not believe that her iQ is that high.

The average IQ score for most people is around 100, and a score of 130 and above is considered moderately gifted, and is above average. 

Mikhaila Peterson Education

After high school, Mikhaila attended Concordia University in Montreal and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and classics. 

In 2014, she obtained a certificate in makeup and aesthetics from George Brown in College. 

Between 2014 and 2016, she attended Ryerton University in Ontario where she studied biological and biomedical sciences. 

Why is Mikhaila Peterson Considered Intelligent?

Aside from her education, there are other reasons why some may consider Mikhaila intelligent. 

Through her podcast, The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast, where she hosts a wide range of experts to discuss health, politics, and other social issues, she demonstrates a deep knowledge and understanding of nutrition, autoimmune disorders, and mental health. 

Most of her opinions on these issues are drawn from personal experiences and research. She has suffered rheumatoid arthritis from a young age. The condition resulted in her suffering depression. She claims the “Lion Diet” helped alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. 

Mikhaila also exhibits critical thinking skills, another characteristic of high intelligence, by questioning conventional wisdom and exploring alternative approaches to health and wellness. Most medical professionals disagree with her diet as a remedy for arthritis, because a meat-based diet is high in saturated fats, which increase the risk of other conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease. 

The health and nutrition podcaster also has good articulation – she effectively communicates and makes it easy to understand complex ideas making them understandable to a wide audience. Furthermore, she uses her significant influence to encourage and empower others to explore alternative approaches to health and wellness and take control of their health. 

Scientific research shows that there is a genetic component to intelligence. So, it is not far-fetched to assume Mikhaila is smart because of her father. Jordan Peterson, an accomplished and prominent clinical psychologist and author, has an IQ score above 140.

Kenyalogue Contributor