The modern-day Jehovah’s Witnesses, which started as an Adventist movement back in the 19th Century, exists in more than 240 states worldwide with over 8 million followers.
The movement follows the teaching of its founder, Charles Taze Russel, who broke away from Nelson H. Barbour after most of his predictions did not happen.
Charles later launched his publication, Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, which he used to spread his beliefs to his Bible study group: Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and their Watch Tower doctrine have a long history of what they believe about Jehovah, the end of the world, and heaven.
However, one thing that sets them apart is the interpretation of the Holy Bible. This leaves a lot of questions unanswered hence, here are a few questions that Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot answer.
The questions presented here are not intended to criticize or disparage any religion or the beliefs held by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Rather, they are designed to explore aspects that some individuals may find challenging or thought-provoking. As with any religious discussion, we encourage readers to approach the subject matter with respect, open-mindedness, and a willingness to understand differing perspectives. Our objective is to foster respectful dialogue and encourage critical thinking while respecting the diverse viewpoints that exist within religious communities.
Questions Jehovah’s Witnesses Cannot Answer

With over 200 years of existence, it is astonishing that the Watch Towers Society (WTS) cannot find answers to some questions that tend to contradict their beliefs.
Maybe, it is because Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that what the Watch Tower Society says is the final word and anything outside The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is always wrong.
For this reason, here is a list of questions that many Jehovah’s Witnesses will never answer:
- Does theNew World Translation mention any plan of salvation for the Great Crowd? For instance, John 3:16 says the only way to salvation is by accepting Jesus. Does the Bible mention that door-to-door preaching and hope is the only way to salvation?
- Why the name Jehovah’s Witness and not Jesus’ Witnesses if Acts 1:8 says we shall be Jesus’s Witnesses and not Jehovah’s Witnesses?
- Why go door to door preaching about Jehovah and not Jesus?
- Is there any verse in the Bible that says God’s name is Jehovah? If the Bible says that God exalted Himself above all other names (including Jehovah) and at the mention of the name Jesus, every knee shall bow, where is Jehovah mentioned?
- Why did nobody see Jesus when He returned invisibly in 1874?
- Does the Bible say that in the last days, people should look to any organization for truth and salvation?
- Should you believe the Watch Tower even if it contradicts the Bible?
- How do you know if you have attained eternal life? If Jehovah’s Witnesses say that eternal life will come at the end of the 1000 years, as stated in Revelation 20:7-8, why does 1 John 5:13 say that one can know they have eternal life after believing in Jesus?
- If the predictions about the end of the world did not happen, does it mean Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in lies? And who is the father of the lie?
- If the Bible says Jesus’s died for all our sins, why does the Watch Tower Society say Jesus’s death was solely a sacrifice for Adam’s sin??
- Why does the Watch Tower Society say that God’s Kingdom is not a kingdom but a government made up of 144,000?
- If 1 Timothy 2:5 says that Jesus is the only mediator, why does the Watch Tower Society say that the 144,000 are the mediators of the rest?
- Why is Jehovah’s Witness politically neutral?
- Why did the Watch Tower Society become an associate member of the United Nations from 1992 to 2001?
- Is it a requirement to be a Jehovah’s Witness in order to attain resurrection onto paradise earth??
- What did Jesus achieve if even the unrighteous will be resurrected onto paradise earth?
- If Jehovah is Almighty God and Jesus is also Almighty God, how many gods do Jehovah’s Witnesses worship?
- How did you say that 1914 is the year when Christ’s Kingdom was established and when the Last Days began?
- How do you know that only 144,000 Christians will go to heaven?
- Why do you say that 144,000 is a literal number and all other numbers are symbolic?
- How do you know that the “Little Flock” and “Other Sheep” don’t literally refer to Jewish and Gentile disciples, respectively?
- According to Isaiah 44:24, John 1:3, and Hebrews 1:8-10, who is the creator of the earth and heaven?
- Has the Watch Tower Society ever taught anything that is biblically incorrect?
- Can one read and understand the New World Translation alone, or must they be in an organization or do it through a publication?
- Can the modern-day organization know if there are any vacancies in the 144,000 class if Jesus offered them to first-century Christians?

- If the name “Jehovah” is so powerful, then why does the Bible say that there is no other name that has been given among men below heaven by which people will be saved?
- If Jehovah’s Witnesses maintain that the correct spelling of God’s name is Yahweh, then why do they stick to Jehovah?
- If Jehovah’s Witnesses rejected most teachings of Charles Taze Russel (1879-1916) and “Judge” Joseph Franklin Rutherford (1916-1942), how sure are we that they will not also reject their present president Milton G. Henschel?
- If the Holy Spirit is God’s interpersonal active voice, why does He speak directly and refer to Himself as “I” and “me” in Acts 13:2?
- If Jesus himself said in Mathew 24:35 that the earth and heaven shall pass away, why does the Watch Tower Society say that the earth will never be destroyed nor depopulated?
- In the context of Luke 12:4-5, what would be left of a person after their death, and what could potentially be thrown into Gehenna?
- If the human soul is the person, then how could the soul go out of the person or come back into the person (1 Kings 17:21)?
- Do Jehovah’s Witnesses partake of Christ’s flesh, as Jesus commanded in John 6:51 and John 6:54-55, to live forever?
- If there is no consciousness after death, how can the dead be happy and find rest, according to Revelation 14:13?
- Why did Jesus tell the Christians that they would be persecuted for the sake of his name (Jesus) and not Jehovah’s name (Mathew 24:9)?
- Why is the word (other) inserted four times in Colossians 1:15-17 of the NWT even though it is not the original Greek word? How would the scriptures read if the word is omitted?
- Why did Jesus say “…your reward is great in heaven” when addressing the Great Crowd in the sermon on the Mount (Luke 6:23)?
- Is it true that there must be two eyewitnesses of child ra*pe before disciplinary action is taken by elders?
- How does the “Governing Body” receive the “new light” from God?
- Are Christians saved through hope and door-to-door preaching alone or are they needed to perform good works and be obedient too?
- Is there any verse in the Bible where Jesus says the name “Jehovah”?
- If Jehovah is the leader of the organization, why doesn’t He remove appointed men who have abused children sexually? Why does He leave them to occupy their positions for decades after the abuse?
- Why did Jehovah create an ecosystem of fear, pain, and death?
- Is hell real or not?
- How reliable is the Watch Tower Society?
- If there are 144000 anointed people hoping for heaven and a Great Crowd hoping for everlasting paradise on earth, why does Paul say there is only ONE hope in Ephesians 4:4?
- What are the names of the men on the New World Bible Translation Committee who translated the original Hebrew and Greek into English for the New World Translation? Why does the WTS hide their names and credentials?
- If the WTS teaches that Jesus’s body was destroyed after his death, then what was Jesus referring to when he used the term “this temple” in John 2:18-19?
- According to the Bible, Jesus is “the first and the last” (Rev 1:17-18), which also means “Alpha and Omega” (Rev 22:13). But God is also the “Alpha and Omega” (Rev 1:8) does it mean Jesus is equal to God?
- If Jesus was not Christ until his baptism at the age of 30, what does Luke 2:11 mean when it says “…because there was born to you today a Savior, who IS Christ the Lord…”?
Why Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Uncomfortable with the Questions?

Most Jehovah’s Witnesses admit that they avoid answering loaded questions because, maybe, they do not know the right answer, they have never encountered such questions before, or they are new to the organization and they also learning.
Therefore, when asked tough questions, most JW’s will refer you to their official organization’s website,, to find the right answers. This can be a way to dodge a question, but also a good way to provide insightful answers.
Other JW’s also believe that they only have one assignment to preach and teach, and the best way to answer such questions is to lead someone to another question or additional information.
They believe, just like Jesus, they need to Teach and not engage in arguments about everything.