Is Keshi Kpop? What Genre Does Keshi Fall Under?

Keshi, also known as Casey Luong, a rapidly emerging artist in the music industry, has been garnering an increasing amount of attention and admiration from fans across the globe. He was born in November 1994 in Houston, Texas. Keshi’s popularity is particularly notable among enthusiasts of K-pop. Despite his immense popularity within this community, Keshi … Read more

What Is Billie Eilish IQ?

Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell, professionally known by her stage name Billie Eilish, is an American songwriter and singer born on December 18, 2001. But why is she our topic of discussion? Well, it’s because of her IQ. A person’s IQ is an abbreviation of her intelligence quotient. It’s a gauge that shows how well … Read more

How Many Identical Triplets Are There in the World?

Triplets refer to three children sharing the same womb during a single pregnancy. Just like twins, triplets and quadruplets are categorized by their level of similarities or zygosity. And in most cases, triplets are either trizygotic or dizygotic (fraternals) which are not usually identical. Trizygotic triplets are not identical but with dizygotic only two are … Read more

Where Is Larry Blackmon Now? He Still Manages Cameo and Runs “Ask LB”, A Cameo Nation’s Show

Lots of artists helped popularize Funk music, but Blackmon did more than most: he helped revolutionize this genre. His unique vocal styling that’s characterized by his raspy deep voice and exceptional delivery changed the game. Larry together with his band, The Cameo, still delivers energetic and soulful performances that have inspired artists for over 5 … Read more

8 Famous Black Female Talk Show Hosts in the 90s

Millions tune in to talk shows to enjoy a wide variety of topics from gossip and relationships to politics. Here’s where we also get to enjoy our favorite celebrities as guests on the talk shows and catch a glimpse of their worlds. In the 1990s, several remarkable black women took the helm of talk shows … Read more

12 Celebrities Who Regret Mocking Jesus

Celebrities Who Regret Mocking Jesus

Celebrities are our idols and most of us aspire to be like them. Unfortunately, some of them have let the fame get into their head and believe that it’s by their power that they have achieved stardom. Consequently, some have openly mocked God and Jesus Christ in interviews, movies and even in their songs. Some … Read more

What happened to Mr Torrey on Bring it?

Set in Mississippi, “Bring It!” is a memorable reality television featuring Dollhouse Dance Factory that graced Lifetime TV between 2014 and 2019. The show was one of a kind as it featured Coach Diana with her dancing dolls team training and competing against some of their rivals including the Oliva Branch Divas. To make the … Read more