Who Is Cain to Lucifer in The Bible?

Cain is one of the most intriguing figures to understand, as far as the biblical wisdom traditions are concerned. While most bible teachings refer to Cain as Adam’s firstborn, there seem to be more missing connections regarding his father and the seed line. For instance, some biblical interpretations claim that Cain was not the biological … Read more

Aje Orisha: The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Aje is a Yoruba mythological goddess behind human prosperity. The Yoruba community believes she blesses her worshippers and the people closest to them with immense wealth. Early before the 19th century, Aje would provide her followers with cowry shells, a unique form of payment that was used at the time. Among the 401 gods and … Read more

25 Elekes Rules You Need to Follow for Utmost Protection

Elekes are consecrated beaded necklaces worn by Santeria and Lukumi religious practitioners. The necklaces present different Orishas, and wearers from other traditions must follow the rules for utmost protection. Failure to follow elekes rules means the wearer cannot receive protection from the respective Orisha. The rules may differ between Santeria communities, but the most common … Read more

How to Bless and Consecrate Elekes

Elekes are sacred beaded necklaces acting as a linkage between wearers and the Santeria spirits. The religion is commonly spread in some African and Afro-Caribbean communities where participants wear necklaces for protection and spiritual provisions. To keep the necklaces functional, they need blessings and consecration periodically. Practitioners are advised to consecrate and bless Elekes for … Read more

8 Famous African Earth Goddesses and Gods

Many cultures and religions across the world believe in different mythological earth deities. An intriguing fact is that despite holding the same rank as ‘earth gods and goddesses,’ these beings differ in the purposes they serve within their respective communities. Their roles are influenced by their unique backgrounds and the circumstances under which they came … Read more

Is Santeria Witchcraft?

Religion and witchcraft have plenty in common. One can be confused with the other. Both have some type of sacrifice to their god(s). Some offer money, others worship through singing and dancing, and the bizarre ones slaughter people or animals to appease their gods. The type of worship is also sometimes similar as well. Santeria … Read more

9 Most Important African Gods of Healing

Africa is a continent with many different cultures and traditions. Known all over the world is the African belief in traditional healing. Africans use locally available plants, herbs, and animal parts to cure many ailments. However, found deep in their mythological beliefs are supernatural beings they look to for quick recovery. Christianity was introduced in … Read more

Can Anyone Wear Elekes?

Like most religions, there is a set of guidelines that Santeria practitioners should observe. Only those who meet the requirements of the Santeria religion benefit from its spiritual practices. Some of the eleke rules, which vary across Santeria communities, include not sharing the necklaces with another person, not taking drugs or alcohol while wearing them, … Read more

10 Wind Instruments of Africa and Their Origins

Africa boasts of some unique musical beats and instrumentals that have existed for centuries. This is attributed to its wide collection of instruments which were majorly used for communication, rituals, entertainment, and artistic expression.  Some of these instruments were made from natural materials such as wood, bamboo, reed, horn, ivory, gourd, and fruit, while others … Read more