How to Navigate Leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Countless individuals often take the challenging but profoundly transformative journey of leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Unlucky for them, they lose the fellowship’s tightly-knit community. This loss of one’s support system can be emotionally and psychologically complex. The process liberates and challenges your emotions, social and spiritual life.  So, what should you expect when you decide … Read more

Everything You Need to Know about the Koboko Whip

You’ve often heard the phrase, a land flowing with milk and honey. Right? Depending on what you’re describing, Africa perfectly fits this description. Nevertheless, this continent also overflows with rich cultures, some beautiful and others outright astonishing. So, how about looking at one piece of these cultures? This is the koboko whip. Albeit having evolved, … Read more

Was King Solomon Black?

King Solomon is a household name in Israel’s genealogy and the Christian faith. He reigned in the Asian country from 970-931 BC. He’s recorded in the Bible as the wisest and wealthiest king Israel has ever had. During his reign, Israel experienced peace and a massive territory. The success of his reign is largely due … Read more

10 Romantic Scenarios to Imagine Before Bed

There is plenty of romantic scenarios to think about whether you are single, crushing on someone, or in a long-distance relationship. The scenarios help you visualize the activities you can do in a loving relationship with your significant other if you were together.  Is there someone you have been crushing on lately that can’t slip … Read more

Eji Ogbe, The King of Odu Ifa

The Ifa religion is one of Africa’s belief systems that have been around for millennia. The Yoruba people from Nigeria, Togo, and Benin practice it. The religion is not so different from those of other people across the globe. There’s a god that is believed to run the universe. Under him are prophets that link … Read more