Do Married Couples Use Condoms?

The use of condoms among married couples is an eyebrow-raising conversation. Why? Because most couples opt for long-term pregnancy preventive contraception such as implants, coils, and injections—condoms hardly make it to the list. Other couples opt for permanent procedures like vasectomy or tubal ligation. However, some married couples use condoms like any other contraception, so … Read more

10 Telltale Signs of A Deadbeat Dad

The most important man in everyone’s life is supposed to be the father. This could be a biological father, adoptive father, or even step-father. However, the reality is somewhat sad, seeing that most fathers neglect their roles and responsibilities, and it is left upon the shoulders of the mother to cater to all of their … Read more

Who Should Initiate The Fourth Date?

So you have been going out with someone for a couple of times now, and your feelings for them are quite clear. Getting through the first date was the toughest task, but you did it. Congratulations!  And it did not end there…You went out a second and third time. The endless hours talking, sharing your … Read more

Is Brother-In-Law A Relative?

Have you ever found yourself in a lively debate over the question, ‘Is brother-in-law a relative?’ It’s a seemingly simple query that often ignites diverse opinions and passionate discussions. The concept of family and kinship holds profound significance in our lives, shaping our identities and social connections. However, understanding the precise place of the brother-in-law … Read more

What Happens To Pregnant Nuns?

Being a nun is a high calling. When you decide to take on this path, you basically leave your civilian rules and freedoms to follow a new set of rules. You abandon your money, family, wealth, and other life pleasures and surrender yourself to God. You must take a poverty vow where you accept to … Read more

Who Comes First: Wife Or Sister?

In the realm of family dynamics, a perplexing question often arises: Who comes first: the wife or the sister? This age-old debate continues to spark discussions and contemplation among individuals seeking to navigate the delicate balance between their marital commitment and the ties of siblinghood. While there may not be a definitive answer that applies … Read more

Effects of Constant Nagging In a Relationship

Love is hard. It takes a lot of effort from both parties to make a relationship work. A clear line of communication is essential for a relationship to soar through all the hardships it comes with. However, issues in interpersonal relationships may hinder communication attempts. One such factor is nagging. What most people do not … Read more