10 Famous People Who’ve Been Diagnosed with Addison’s Disease

Famous People Who’ve Been Diagnosed with Addison’s Disease

Suffering from adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s Disease means your adrenal glands produce less aldosterone and cortisol. The disease causes you to start feeling tired, fatigued, nauseated, and you even have changes in skin color. Addison’s Disease is known to affect 140 people per one million in developed countries and includes famous people. Below are 10 … Read more

15 Warm Autumn Celebrities You Should Know About

The warm autumn palette, characterized by rich and earthy tones, resonates among many top celebrities. Their golden undertones and muted hues are unmistakable. Despite having muted colorings and features, most of these celebrities never appear drab or dull. Instead, you can observe a harmonious balance between their eyes, skin, and hair. In this post, I … Read more

12 Celebrities Who Struggle with Emetophobia

Did you know that there’s a fear of vomiting or fear of being sick? Emetophobia is an overwhelming fear of vomiting, hearing someone being sick, or feeling nauseated. And celebrities do suffer from emetophobia. Here are 12 celebrities who struggle with emetophobia. 1. Cameron Diaz One of the most famous people who has emetophobia is … Read more

Meet Florent Rhexa, Bebe Rhexa’s Brother

Florent Rhexa is the younger brother of pop star Bebe Rhexa. He’s well known to her fans and people who enjoy her amazing music. Being Bebe Rhexa’s younger has its perks since Florent Rhexa gets much recognition. At the moment, he has over 21K followers on Instagram. He was born in an ethnic Albanian family. … Read more