We all enjoy that happy ending to a love story, don’t we?
But the start of a relationship is usually the most important, which is why everyone asks, “So how did you two meet?”
True, we don’t marry the first person we date, and we don’t date the first person we meet. A lot has to have happened before we get to the dating part.
There are many different forms of dating people use to find their so‐called perfect match.
One of them is mantourage dating.
What Is Mantourage Dating?
The term man‐tourage means “a group of men that gathers around an attractive woman.”
So, it goes without saying that mantourage dating is used to describe a woman who dates more than one man at the same time.
For this to work, honesty is a vital key. Let everyone involved know that whatever you have is a form of open-dating, so you are free to go out with other people.
Though not common in our community, this sort of dating has been around for quite some time.
We know of how our parents believed that a woman had little to no say when it came to relationships.
As a matter of fact, our mothers were not even allowed to have casual discussions with a boy. Those who did were viewed as immoral and would hardly have any man propose to them.
The funniest part was the arranged marriages, and just settling down with the first guy who tells you you’re pretty or makes a move on you. I mean, I still find it absurd!
It’s no wonder there was a chemistry that our parents lacked, even those who appeared happy and content.
Fortunately, we live in a world where women have a say on whom to date or settle down with. In fact, more women than men are the ones ending toxic relationships nowadays.
Even though things have changed, many still find women who are close to more than one man ‘loose’.
But is this the case?
Why should you give mantourage dating a shot?
What are the mistakes most women make when engaging in this sort of dating?
15 Reasons Why You Ought To Try Mantourage Dating
1. Gives You The Pleasure Of Being Pursued
Let’s all be honest ladies, who doesn’t like being chased?
When I was younger I remember ending relationships several times just to have the guy try to win me over again.
It is one of the pleasures of being a woman, especially when you know you have everything men want.
When the men you are going out with know someone else could be trying to win you over, they each make an effort to sweep you off your feet.
Each one will want to prove himself worthy of your love.
2. Saves You From Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision is defined as focusing all your attention on one person.
It is like your life revolves around them, and if they left or hurt you, your life would never be the same again. It completely changes a person.
We were created to be desired, pursued, and won over.
The moment you show a man that you’re all his, and that you can’t go without seeing him, or talking to him, you slowly become less and less attractive to him.
This could result in you losing the man of your dreams; I have seen it happen. It is a real relationship killer.
In mantourage dating, your attention and time are split several ways, leaving the guys with an unending desire to woo you.
3. Teaches You To Create Boundaries
When you are going out with a number of different men at the same time, you learn to set boundaries to how far you go in terms of getting physical.
With time, you are actually able to make a bold stand in saying no!
4. Helps Nurture Self-Control
As women, we tend to be easy at heart.
But in mantourage dating, you aren’t quick to fall for the first guy who takes you to your favorite restaurant, sings you your favorite song or shares your interests.
You limit your heart, sort of like blocking it until you are fully ready to start feeling again.
5. Girls Don’t Just Settle
This is simple. When there’s only one guy in your life, you think that no other man notices you, and so you put up with all sorts of behavior; lies, fits of rage, narcissism, you name it.
Mantourage dating allows you to pick the one good enough for you.

6. Helps You Understand Men More
In this form of dating, you meet different kinds of men, all with unique personalities and backgrounds.
This helps you understand their way of thinking and acting way better than a woman dating one guy at a time.
7. It Builds Up Your Confidence
When you see how many men are fighting for your attention, you become aware of your self-worth.
8. It’s The Perfect Solution To Dating Insecurities
Afraid to put yourself back out there because you don’t want to get hurt or disappointed?
Mantourage dating is your solution.
Since there are no commitments, you can work your way up slowly to trusting again and taking the risk toward a worthy cause.
9. It Teaches You More About Yourself
The more you go out, the more you will learn what tickles your fancy.
You will learn what makes you happy, what upsets you, and how much you can take in a relationship.
You also discern what switches to flip when you want things to be done your way….if you know what I mean.

10. Helps You Maintain Control (You Decide When To Get Into A Serious Relationship And Settle Down)
I’ve heard people say that at some stage in life, women become desperate to get married.
Well, I haven’t found it to be true.
Whatever the case, mantourage dating saves you from desperation.
You have all the time in the universe to decide whether and when you want to settle down
11. Creates Room For You To Figure Out What It Is You Really Want In A Man
Some women think all they want from a man are expensive dates, flowers, and fancy holidays, but later learn that they just want someone who gives them undivided attention.
Since different men all have different things to offer, you get to decide what you need most from a man, and what you can do without.
12. You Get To Set The Rules For A Change
It’s been the men’s game to choose the woman they want to spend happily ever after with.
Now in mantourage dating, you get to make your pick.
13. You Only Settle Down With The Man Who Respects And Honors Your Values
Ladies who engage in this form of dating are never in a hurry to settle down.
So, you have enough time to study the men around you and figure out if they have genuine respect for you.
14. Gives You A Chance At Molding The Man Of Your Dreams Into Your Liking
The man who really values you will work hard to be the perfect one for you.
He won’t get tired of proving himself worthy of your love, and so you have the perfect opportunity to mold him to your fancy.
15. Improves Your Communication With Men
In mantourage dating, you interact with different men at the same time.
This makes you bolder as you gain more experience in having conversations with them and finding common grounds.
Caveats To Be Aware Of

Mantourage dating doesn’t mean being reckless.
If you are not careful, you might find this form of dating working against you instead of working for you.
To be sincere with you mantourage dating is not for everyone. So, what do you need to be on the lookout for?
Well, here is a quick checklist:
- If you fall in love too easily, this might not be your thing.
- Make sure there is full transparency; this is an open relationship, and there are no commitments.
- Do not use lies, tricks, or play games just to have your way.
- Have some self-respect and set boundaries. Don’t go sleeping around just because you think you can.
- And lastly, be careful not to break men’s hearts intentionally. Remember, it always comes back to bite you in the back.
Image sources: 1, 2