Furries, with their extreme dress codes and behaviors, evoke curiosity everywhere they go.
These individuals are great fans of anthropomorphic creatures and animals and thus dress and behave like them.
They speak like animals, adorn outfits that make them look like them, and sometimes walk like them.
Naturally, these individuals spark a lot of interest in many. The average person finds furries weird.
For others, the group is downright cringe-worthy.
Why is that?
Well, here’s why furries are cringe.
1. Socially awkward
First, some people argue that furries are simply awkward – socially speaking.
A grown-up dressed in an animal costume walking around on two legs and acting like an animal is a little bizarre for some people.
The sight isn’t common to many and therefore not an easy one to accept.
Then there’s the fact that furries howl at each other in real life.
They do that to symbolize the noises animals make when communicating with each other.
Obviously, this is a negative stereotype out there surrounding this special group of people.
Their dressing and social lives are a tad extreme and many people exclude them from their social circles.
Those who are employed seldom get promoted because of this part of their lives.
Members of the group are less likely to be invited to family gatherings, birthday parties, and more.
The stigma surrounding furries based on their social awkwardness is pretty huge.
People can’t simply understand why a fully grown human being would impersonate an animal and dress up as one.
As a result, most people invent explanations and conclusions based on the same.
Some say they have mental issues and others claim they do it for sexual gratification.
2. Inappropriate Interests
The furry fandom is believed to be not only weird but one having inappropriate interests as well.
Primarily, furries are focused on art, creativity, and storytelling.
However, the media sometimes portrays the subculture as a perverted one complete with sexual themes.
Some furries participate in sexual acts with other furries referred to as ‘yiffing’.
The group also has a huge connection to LGBTQ and most of its members identify themselves as such.
Granted, not all furries are sexual perverts but sadly, the media has highlighted these more.
Consequently, the subculture has been painted as one with inappropriate interests.
People cringe at that.

3. Obsession with animals
The whole idea of furries being obsessed with animals doesn’t sit well with some people as well.
For many, furry fandom is all about one identifying as an animal.
It is also common for people to believe that the members of the subculture are spiritually connected to animals.
A fraction of furries actually feel like they are not 100% human which makes them that much cringe—at least, to some people.
Well, most furries aren’t actually obsessed with real animals.
They are interested in them in an artistic and fictional context.
They celebrate the animals rather than fixating their lives on them.
Still, the media doesn’t do a good job of passing this message across.
4. Fetish Objects
There’s a misconception that furries take part in fetishistic activities that are inappropriate.
Some people believe that fursuits are fetish objects that furries use to attract potential sexual partners.
Well, it is true that sexuality plays a big role in furry fandom.
Some individuals who are furries might be into encasement, yiffing, or a variant of animal roleplay.
A number of furries engage in sexual acts with each other dressed in their costumes.
After conventions, some members of the subculture go back to their rooms for some ‘fun”.
However, furries also enjoy putting on costumes for the fun of it.
These simply put on animal costumes as a form of performance or self-expression.
One’s interest can be manifested in a number of ways including drawings and commissioning animal-themed artwork, playing furry-themed games, and meeting with other furries who share the same interest.
The costumes aren’t associated with any fetish or motive for sexual pleasure.
5. Furries Are Terrifying To Some People
Sounds crazy but the sight of hundreds of people dressed in different animal costumes can be frightening to some people.
Young kids, especially, may find furries terrifying.
They find it difficult to walk up to them and ask them for something for fear that they will be hurt in the process.
Anyone who believes that furries are connected to the animal kingdom certainly finds the special people frightening.
They simply don’t feel comfortable being around them which can lead to certain biases and cringe towards them.