What Mumu Means in Different Parts of the World

The word ‘mumu’ bears different definitions in various parts of the word.

Have you ever heard it?

Like many other words, people have misused the term due to a lack of understanding of what it means.

Every culture’s definition of mumu is different from that of other cultures.

The word’s origin is unknown, though some cultures claim they hold the original meaning.

 Let us look at how it is used in different parts of the world and what it means in technology.

Meaning Of Mumu across the World

1. Africa

In Africa, the word ‘mumu’ is used by the Pidgin English speakers of Western Africa, mainly Nigerians, to describe a foolish, dumb, stupid, silly, or slow-witted person.

Though commonly meant as an insult, it can also refer to characters with childlike behaviors, who act without thinking, such as Rowan Atkinson’s characters Mr. Bean and Johnny English, and Jim Carrey’s characters, Lloyd Christmas and Ace Ventura.

Mumu can also describe a person who does not speak, which comes from the sound they make.

Using the word to refer to such a person doesn’t mean they are an idiot, stupid, or unintelligent. It simply means that the person is mute.

In Nigeria, the word can also imply that a person is ignorant.

There are speculations that the word might be of Ghanaian origin and not Nigerian.

2. Asia

In Philippine mythology, a mumu (also known as momo) is a ghost or monster that parents tell their children to instill fear.

The spirit is said to wait in dark corners and alleys and snatches little children.

3. Europe

Mumu is the name of one of the four provinces of Ireland known as the province of Munster in the Old Irish language.

This province existed in the pre-historic era and was one of the kingdoms of Gaelic Ireland in South Ireland.

4. Oceania

In Papua New Guinea, Mumu is a type of earth oven. It also describes a dish of pork, sweet potatoes, rice, and greens cooked in the earth oven.

Mumu can also mean a feast that has the pork dish on its menu.

Other Definitions

In some regions, ‘mumu’ is spelled as ‘muumuu’.

In Hawaii, a Mumu is a loose dress sewn as a shirt intertwined with a robe.

 It falls from the shoulders and is wide from the bust down.

The mumu dress originally did not restrict the waist, which made it suitable for maternity wear.

Over time, it became a popular design in Mexico and Africa.

Though it was initially short, designers have innovatively made different designs of the mumu dress.

Now mumu dresses are long, with an adjustable waistband to suit any body shape.

Initially, a mumu dress had a rectangular neckline, but now some designs have been made with a V-shaped cleavage.

Whether old or modern design, a mumu dress remains formal for attending functions and events.

Some people argue that since mumu dresses have a loose waist, it is the best outfit for when you intend to fill your stomach at a buffet party.

In slang, men use the term mumu to describe the v@gina. Since the name is unpleasant, they use the word when talking to their fellow mates.

A man might also use the word while talking to his girlfriend or wife.

In other parts of the world, mumu is also used as slang to describe marijuana and cannabis.

Another word pronounced as mumu is ‘moo-moo’, the name of a chain of self-service fast food restaurants in Moscow, Russia. The restaurants serve meat, vegetables, soups, desserts, and bread.


I. In Computers

Mumu is a computer virus/worm isolated in June 2003.

The virus scans the IP address of open networks to gain access to the computer by guessing the password so it can copy itself.

II. As A Software Application

MuMu player is an Android emulator that enables you to play games on your phone through a PC using the keyboard and mouse.

What’s a Mu Mu?

A mu mu is often a misrepresentation of the term ‘muumuu’, used to describe a traditional Hawaiian dress introduced in the 18th century.

Whether spelled as mumu, moo-moo, muumuu, or mu mu, there is no denying that the term has no specific origin.

However, when used amongst people aware of what it means in their region, there is no doubt that everyone understands it depending on the context.

Kenyalogue Contributor