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HomeTourismWeather in Kenya in August +Travel Tips (By a Local)

Weather in Kenya in August +Travel Tips (By a Local)

We can discuss all day how Kenya qualifies as one of Africa’s most preferred tourist destinations.

Talk of wildlife safaris, coastal beaches, mountain climbing, desert rides, hiking, vibrant culture, and other attractions that leave travelers spoilt for choice.

It is safe to say that Kenya is a one-stop tourist attraction, especially during warmer periods like August.

Tourists understand that weather suitability is one of the most critical considerations to make when traveling.

The weather can ruin or spice your tour in Kenya hence the need for first-hand information on what to expect.

This travel guide mainly intends to enlighten you about Kenyan weather conditions in August, what to wear, where to go, and festivities to attend, among other informational insights worth keeping in mind in your planned or next visit. 

What’s the Weather like in Kenya in August?

August falls under the dry season, but sometimes it is accompanied by little rainfall.

Most tourists prefer visiting Kenya during August because they don’t have to worry about freezing temperatures and rainy days.

The clear skies in August make it possible to visit many places without interruptions from extreme weather conditions.

The table below will help you understand August weather in terms of sunshine, rainfall, humidity, and clouds across major Kenyan cities and national parks:

DescriptionNairobiMombasaMaasai Mara National ReserveLake Naivasha National ParkMt. Kenya National Park
Maximum Temperature24°C29°C28°C23C°26°C
Minimum Temperature 15°C23°C14C°12°C13°C
Average Temperature20°C26°C21°C17°C19°C
Average Humidity90%88%82%90%79%
Sunshine12 Hrs.11 Hrs.12 Hrs.11 Hrs.12.1Hrs.
Cloud Cover40%14%24%33%33%
Average Wind Speed9 kph29.0 kph18.0 kph10 kph16.7 kph
Average UV Index5765-85

What to Do and Places to Visit

You will be spoilt for choice when deciding which places to visit in Kenya.

There are plenty of game reserves and national parks for Safari drives, such as Samburu National Reserve, Amboseli National Park, Mt. Kenya, and Maasai Mara National Parks.

Coastal Kenya is also a beehive of activities such as diving, scuba, snorkeling in marine parks, surfing, swimming, visiting historical sites like Fort Jesus, strolling in towns like Lamu, enjoying Swahili dishes, and everything else the coast offers.

There is also a variety of activities to indulge in while in Nairobi, such as visiting the Giraffe Centre, a tour of Limuru tea farms, souvenir shopping at Maasai Market, Karura Forest, Ngong Hills, KICC tower for an unfiltered view of the city, Bomas of Kenya for cultural dances and entertainment, Nairobi Museum and Nairobi Safari Walk, etc.

 If biking and walking are your things, brace yourself for a great time at Hells Gate national park and other places your tour guide may recommend.

Your stay in Nairobi wouldn’t be complete without dining, wining, and dancing the night away in spectacular joints like the Carnivore restaurant. 

 Nairobi offers several hotel options for luxurious and comfortable stays, so you shouldn’t worry about accommodation.

The best way to crown your August visit to Kenya is by joining other tourists to watch the wildebeest migration as it happens.

The mind-blowing natural phenomenon occurs between Maasai Mara Reserve and Serengeti in bordering Tanzania.

August falls under one of the migration periods for the animals as they move in huge numbers from Serengeti to Maasai Mara, mainly for greener fields and other reasons like mating and calving.

The migration also comprises other herbivores like zebras.

The river crossing marks the highlight of the migration as you watch the animals, big and small, wade through crocodile-infested waters.

The migrating animals also face the danger of being preyed on by waiting leopards and lions in Maasai Mara Reserve. 

What to Pack & Wear

Light clothing is the real deal in August because the sun is up most days.

Again, the choice of clothing and the items to pack should depend on what you intend to do once you land in the country.

 If it includes hiking, camping, and mountain climbing, you should wear or carry a pair of boots, trekking poles, a waterproof jacket or raincoat, a water bottle, a backpack, hiking shoes, a first aid kit, mosquito repellant, a headlamp, etc.

 Are you looking to spend quality time lounging and strolling at the coastal beaches?

Several pairs of swimsuits, sunglasses, a sunhat, sunscreen, sandals, casual outfits, and other essentials will be handy.

Additionally, you will need tech gadgets like a camera, binoculars, a hat, and other essentials for Safari drives in game reserves. 

Crowds: How Busy is August in Kenya?

Being one of the country’s driest months, August attracts local and international tourists in equal measure.

August is one of the months when Kenyan public and private schools break for holidays; hence some families take advantage of the great weather to tour different places before school reopens.

Parks are busy with activity, and some hotels are fully booked.

It is advisable to make your bookings earlier to facilitate accommodation in your preferred hotel.

If you don’t mind touring with crowds, August is the month to visit Kenya for various activities.

Prices are also usually high because August is a peak season for tourism, but you can always find accommodation and touring packages that fit your budget. 

August Festivals and Events

One of the most prominent events in Kenya in August is the Maralal Camel Derby in Samburu County, the perfect definition of a bumpy ride.

The cultural festival attracts locals and foreigners because it is one of a kind.

Spectators gather to witness camel riders race long and short distances.

Tourists willing to participate in the short races are guided and shown the direction to follow by local guides. 

The races are accompanied by other activities like local traditional dances led by pastoralist dancers from Samburu and other neighboring communities.

The pastoralist communities are often embroiled in vices like cattle rustling, but events like the camel derby help foster peace and togetherness.

Do not worry about travel arrangements to the derby because several tour companies in Kenya organize everything for visiting tourists.

Another event you wouldn’t mind joining is the Turkana Tourism and Cultural Festival, locally known as Tobonglore.

The event takes place at Lodwar’s Ekaale Cultural Centre.

The festival allows visitors to familiarize themselves with the local culture. The festival culminates with dances, traditional food, attires, and souvenirs for visitors.

The Rift Valley Music Festival also joins the August events that foreign tourists can partake in.

 Lake Naivasha is critical in attracting local and international visitors to the music event, not forgetting to mention the flower farms and tolerable weather.

Final Verdict: Is August good to visit Kenya?

Does August sound like the perfect month to visit Kenya?

You already know the answer if you have read every detail in this travel guide.

There may be a few downsides associated with August, such as hiked prices and crowds, but the positive side of it is hard to ignore.

The dry weather wins it for August because the weather is tolerable, making it easy to visit several places and indulge in other fulfilling activities. 

Remember that wildlife comes out in numbers in dry seasons to quench thirst and hunt, thus making it easy to spot them.

The thinning and shortening of the vegetation due to the dry season also make it easier to spot the big five and other animals.

 It is worth noting that some camps and lodges do not operate throughout the year, especially in cold seasons, but their gates are fully open in warmer months like August.

If you get a chance to come to Kenya in the month of August, jump on the opportunity because there is more to gain than lose.

Kenyalogue Contributor


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