Dandora: Nairobi’s Infamous Yet Resilient Estate

Nestled in Nairobi’s eastern outskirts, Dandora is one of Kenya’s most well-known and densely populated estates. Known for its low-income housing, vibrant culture, and the infamous Dandora Dumpsite, the area is often viewed through a lens of hardship. Yet, beyond the struggles, Dandora thrives with resilience, innovation, and a community that continues to carve a … Read more

8 Famous People with Astigmatism

Famous People with Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common condition that occurs when the lens or cornea (the front surface of the eye) has mismatched curves. According to the Mayo Clinic, this causes blurry or blurred vision at all distances. This refractive error affects 1 in every 3 individuals and can be congenital or can develop later in life as … Read more

Top 12 Models with Bad Side Profiles

Models with Bad Side Profiles

A side profile refers to the view of an object or person from the side, typically showing the outline or features from a lateral perspective. It is commonly used to describe the side view of a human head or face, making it a crucial aspect of aesthetics and facial symmetry. A good side profile displays … Read more

How Tall Are Danny Devito’s Wife And Kids?

Danny DeVito may be known for his gruff character and equally gruff voice, but what some people recently realized is his height. The Emmy-winning actor’s stature became a topic of discussion on social media after appearing alongside his It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia co-actors at the 75th Primetime Emmy Awards on January 15, 2024. While … Read more

15 Gorgeous Celebrities with Neck Lines

Celebrities with Neck Lines

As we age, wrinkles become more prevalent on our skin due to reduced collagen production. Our necks are especially susceptible to developing wrinkles, and even celebrities are not immune to this natural process. Some people might feel self-conscious or embarrassed about them, while others might not worry. But some of us have had natural necklines … Read more