List of Angels and Their Duties

Angels are celestial beings who serve as messengers, warriors, and protectors according to biblical and religious traditions. Throughout scripture and various theological texts, angels are described as powerful spiritual entities who carry out God’s will, guide humanity, and enforce divine justice. Some angels are well-known by name, while others are mentioned with specific roles or attributes.

The following table provides a list of notable angels, including their names, meanings, and duties. While some are explicitly mentioned in the Bible, others come from apocryphal and theological traditions that have shaped religious beliefs over time. This list includes archangels, guardian angels, and other divine beings associated with God’s celestial hierarchy.

1MichaelWho is like God?Leader of the heavenly armies, protector against evil, and guardian of the Church.
2GabrielGod is my strengthMessenger of God, known for announcing significant events, such as the births of John the Baptist and Jesus.
3RaphaelGod has healedAngel of healing, known for guiding and healing in the Book of Tobit.
4UrielGod is my lightAngel of wisdom and enlightenment, though not universally recognized in canonical texts.
5RaguelFriend of GodAngel of justice and harmony, overseeing the behavior of other angels.
6RemielThunder of GodAngel of hope, responsible for guiding souls to heaven.
7SaraqaelPrince of GodKnown as an angel of healing and guardian of spirits.
8ZadkielRighteousness of GodAngel of mercy and benevolence.
9JophielBeauty of GodAngel of wisdom and understanding.
10ChamuelHe who seeks GodAngel of peaceful relationships.
11HanielGrace of GodAngel of joy and love.
12JeremielMercy of GodAngel of visions and dreams.
13AzraelWhom God helpsAngel of death, guiding souls to the afterlife.
14Metatron(Meaning unknown)Often considered the highest of the angels, serving as a celestial scribe.
15Sandalphon(Meaning unknown)Angel associated with music and prayer.
16SeraphimBurning onesHighest order of angels, attending directly to God and singing His praises.
17CherubimFullness of knowledgeGuardians of divine mysteries and protectors of sacred places.
18OphanimWheelsAngels associated with the wheels seen in Ezekiel’s vision, often considered bearers of God’s throne.
19MalakimMessengersCommon angels who deliver God’s messages to humans.
20HashmallimGlowing onesAngels associated with fire and light, mentioned in Ezekiel’s vision.
21CamaelHe who sees GodAngel of strength and courage.
22PhanuelFace of GodAngel of repentance and hope.
23SachielCovering of GodAngel associated with wealth and charity.
24BarachielBlessings of GodAngel of blessings and chief of the guardian angels.
25JegudielGlorifier of GodAngel of leadership and responsibility.
26SelaphielPrayer of GodAngel of prayer and worship.
27AnanielRain of GodAngel associated with the weather and seasons.
28ArielLion of GodAngel of nature and animals.
29Asmodel(Meaning unknown)Angel associated with patience and responsibility.
30CassielSpeed of GodAngel of solitude and tears.

While this list highlights many well-known angels, religious traditions and interpretations may provide even more names and descriptions. Their presence continues to inspire faith, guidance, and spiritual reflection for believers around the world.

Kenyalogue Contributor