Is SSSniperWolf married to Dhar Mann?

Celebrities have a hard time keeping their private lives, well, private. They have to deal with constant scrutiny about who they are dating, married to, the number of kids, you name it.

One such individual is the YouTube sensation by the name of SSSniperWolf. Her relationship status has always aroused curiosity among her fans.

There have been rumors that the gaming enthusiast is married to Dhar Mann. Is this true?

Setting the Record Straight: Are SSSniperWolf and Dhar Mann Married?

According to Lia’s YouTube channel and other social media platforms, there’s no mention of any relationship with Dhar Mann.

The internet star has only dated one person, Evan Sausage, who happens to be yet another YouTuber.

The two started dating in 2013 and were on and off until 2022 when Lia announced that after 9 years as a couple, they had parted ways.

At some point, SSSniperWolf released a video of the couple’s break up but followed up with another one claiming they had gotten back together.

They went as far as buying a house together but things didn’t pan out as they’d hoped.

There’s no evidence to suggest that Alia has publicly dated another man besides Sausage, let alone marrying them.

After their relationship fell through, the star decided to focus on making content, doing collaborations, and taking on other projects.

To date, she is still unmarried. So, no, SSSniperWolf is not married to Dhar Mann.

These are only rumors with no proof of their truth.

The Genesis of the Rumors

Dhar Mann is also a content creator and a successful entrepreneur like Lia.

He does videos about moral lessons. The dating speculations started when SSSniperWolf appeared in some of his videos.

The two worked on a number of videos together. Naturally, fans wondered if the two were romantically involved with each other.

So, in essence, the rumors were fueled by the celebrities’ collaborations and the mere fact that they are both famous YouTube stars.

Who Is Sssniperwolf Dating Now?

SSSniperWolf is very much single as per her YouTube and social media platforms.

Her relationship with Evan Sausage was the last public involvement. After cutting ties with him, Lia has chosen to focus on other areas of her life.

 She has quite a lot to do. She still uploads videos on her main channel almost on a daily basis.

Her gaming and reaction videos are uploaded after every few days while vlogs and collaborations are uploaded every few weeks or so.

The star also has a second channel “Little Lia” where she creates DIY and craft videos.

Uploading this much content takes a lot of time and dedication.

In addition to video creation, the internet sensation has been involved in an array of controversies with other YouTubers. Just recently, she was dragged for doxxing another star on the platform.

Doing all that takes a huge chunk of Lia’s time. Well, it is possible that the celebrity is dating and has kept things private.

If we learn about it, we shall let you know.

Related: Who did SSSniperWolf’s Bf Cheat On Her With? 

Nikita Waruguru

Nikita Waruguru is a Kenyalogue freelance writer who focuses on TV, celebrity gossip, and pop culture. She's been interested in TV and entertainment from a young age. She wrote her first blog post 10 years ago and has since written more than 3000 news articles, features, and lists. When she's not writing about the latest Netflix reality shows, you can find her binge-watching one or listening to music.