Is Perioperative Theatre Technology Marketable in Kenya?

Perioperative theatre technology (PTT) refers to the technical know-how that is needed to give support services to patients during the time of a medical operation.

Perioperative technologists work hand in hand with doctors and perioperative nurses to handle theatre equipment, prepare for anesthesia, specimen handling and cleaning the theatre between operations.

Course Marketability

As the Kenyan job market continues to get stiffly competitive, it’s imperative for young people to choose their career paths carefully, with a keen focus on what the future holds for them.

Over time, medical courses have proven to be among the most marketable both locally and internationally.

Perioperative theatre technology services are steadily gaining demand in Kenya as the health sector continues to grow.

Every day, new government and private hospitals, dispensaries and even community based health centers are coming up leading to new opportunities for perioperative theatre technicians.

Kenyan health facilities are also in the process of modernizing their operations and services with assorted state-of-the art medical equipment such as CT scan, MRI, cyber-knifes and ICU machines.

It is therefore an undeniable fact that taking a course in Perioperative Theatre Technology will definitely take you places with career growth opportunities as you gain experience and expertise.

Course Admission Criteria

Depending on your KCSE mean grade, you can enroll for a diploma or certificate course in Perioperative Theatre Technology.

The minimum selection criteria for a diploma course in this field is a C-(Minus) mean grade at KCSE level and above or its equivalent.

For a certificate course, the qualification is at least a D+ (plus) or its equivalent as per Ministry of Education guidelines.

Upon admission, students are taught theory and practice of theatre operations as well as other minor units.

Currently, there’s no degree course in this field but probably, the concerned ministry will roll out the program at tertiary level.

However, a degree course in PTT is offered in universities in such countries like Australia and the UK.

Career Prospects

Entry level jobs for perioperative theatre technicians usually have a starting salary of Sh. 40,000 and could go as high as Sh. 182,000 based on experience and the medical institution one works with.

With advancement in skills and experience, one can rise from a junior technician to a senior technician or even hospital operations manager.

Since there are no degree courses in offer currently, one can do a higher diploma course in a related field or enroll for medical related degree course such as BSc in Nursing, or BSc Medical Lab to complement the diploma certificate.

Besides academic qualifications, soft skills required for a successful career in PTT include good written and verbal communication, collaborative teamwork; attention to detail, ability to work under minimal supervision and physical fitness.

These skills are necessary because the job involves handling patients and thus, it’s a matter of life and death.

Slight cases of recklessness and incompetence can cost you the job or, in worst case scenario, land you in jail.

Related: Oncology Nurse Salary in Kenya: An In-Depth Analysis

Kenyalogue Contributor

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