Many Kenyans pursue medical courses because they guarantee employment almost immediately after graduating.
The best part about medical programs is the fcat that they are several, enabling students to choose a medical area they feel connected to or passionate about.
Additionally, students can choose to pursue long-duration courses or short ones.
Short medical courses come in handy for students with financial constraints because they are affordable.
Also, their short duration implies that interested candidates can enroll in as many programs as they can afford.
According to Kenya Medical Training College, short medical courses are primarily offered to individuals or tailor-made for organizations and corporations.
Employed individuals can undertake these programs to remain relevant in their profession.
Read on to learn about these short medical courses, where to pursue them, and the time to complete them.
1. First Aid and Basic Life Support
As the name suggests, this short medical course equips learners with knowledge on preventing and controlling life-threatening scenarios or accidents during unexpected events.
The course targets several players in various industries, such as hoteliers, teachers, police officers, drivers, caregivers, and more.
Those interested in this program can register at KMTC campuses like Eldoret, Makindu, Thika, Machakos, and Msambweni.
The duration of this part-time course is two weeks, and the total fee amounts to Ksh 10,500.
2. Sign Language for Health Workers
One of the challenges faced by health workers in their daily operations is being unable to communicate with deaf patients.
However, this course is not limited to health personnel but other personnel looking to work with the deaf or already working with them.
Participants are taught how to communicate in sign language for six months on KMTC-selected campuses.
The six months duration is divided into three months of full-time and three months of practicum.
The whole course goes for Ksh 60,500.
3. Point of Care Ultrasound in Midwifery
This short course targets practicing midwives, aiming to equip them with computer skills for daily use.
After this training, midwives are expected to perform complete ultrasounds by generating accurate images and reports.
This training is an essential requirement for employment.
The minimum qualification for this short program is a certificate in Nursing (ECHN, KRCHN, BsN).
It is offered in KMTC campuses like Nairobi and is expected to last six months full-time at a fee of Ksh 100,500.

4. Community Mental Health
We live in an era where mental health is stigmatized, making it difficult for affected people to seek help.
Some do not even know they are battling mental health issues until a professional diagnoses them.
This course targets community-based workers, volunteers, religious leaders, and other community gatekeepers.
It prepares them to promote and advocate for mental health in the community, diagnose mental health cases, and offer relevant help.
Participants can enroll for this course in Mathari, Port Reitz, Murang’a, and other selected KMTC campuses.
The program takes 12 weeks at the cost of Ksh 25,500.
5. Nutrition in Critical Care
Nurses, doctors, nutritionists, community health workers, clinical officers, pharmacists, and lab technologists are the target group for this short medical program.
The course aims to equip them with knowledge on meeting the nutritional needs of critically ill patients through options like enteral tube feeding, which entails feeding nutrients using tubes.
Makueni and Thika KMTC campuses offer this short course for two weeks at a fee of Ksh 25,500.
6. Healthcare Entrepreneurship
Private health workers in healthcare businesses can study this short course to empower them to manage their businesses profitably.
These can be pharmacists, medical software developers, health insurance companies, and other key players in the health industry.
The course duration is two weeks at the Nairobi KMTC campus, costing Ksh 25,500.
7. HIV Training and Counseling Services (HTS)
Those interested in working for HIV/AIDS programs can undertake this course for comprehensive training on offering HIV testing services. The course also targets healthcare workers.
Participants are also trained on how to treat, offer post-test care services, and pinpoint vulnerable populations that may benefit from HIV testing services.
The minimum requirement for the program is a Diploma.
Interested parties can register for this course at the following KMTC campuses; Lake Victoria, Nairobi, Homa Bay, Nakuru, Machakos, and Kisumu.
The program runs for three weeks at a fee of Ksh 24,500.

8. Health Systems Management
This 4-week long short medical course targets healthcare workers with a Diploma as the minimum qualification.
They can be health administrators, human resource officers, procurement officers, or project managers seeking extra knowledge on managing health systems and ensuring they run smoothly for maximum productivity.
Participants can register for this course at the Nairobi KMTC campus at a fee of Ksh 40,500.
The course is online-based, meaning participants from any Kenyan Region can undertake it remotely without traveling to Nairobi.
9. Exercise Physiology and Prescription
This course is specifically for physiotherapists, and the minimum qualification for participants is a Diploma in Physiotherapy.
They are trained to promote, prescribe, and manage exercise activities for clients recovering from musculoskeletal injuries.
Interested candidates can enroll in this course at the Nairobi KMTC campus for two weeks.
They are expected to part with a fee of Ksh 15,500.
10. Regional Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Management
Targeting medical personnel with Higher National Diploma in Anaesthesia (Clinical Medicine or Nursing), this course prepares participants to address various aspects of pain management and offer well-coordinated care.
Participants get training to manage pain during preoperative and postoperative periods and correct the administration of opioids to prevent an overdose.
Offered in Nairobi KMTC campus, this course runs for six months and costs Ksh 80,000.
Bottom Line
There are plenty of short medical courses to enroll in, depending on your passion and area of specialization in the healthcare industry.
You can find them on the official KMTC website, including additional information on fees, duration, and qualifications.
Short medical courses equip you with extra knowledge in various healthcare areas and for your continuous professional development.
Besides KMTC, there are other institutions or universities you can find short medical courses, but you need to ascertain that relevant education authorities approve them.
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