Rastafarian: A Religion or A Lifestyle?

The world continues to embrace the Rastafarian way, and that has many asking a variety of questions. Is Rastafarian a religion? Is Rastafarian a Lifestyle? Truthfully, the pendulum swings both ways when it comes to Rastafarian. At the core of Rastafarian, the genesis was as a religion and political movement. However, it’s evolved to become … Read more

10 Rastaman Beliefs You Should Know

Have you ever wanted to know more about Rastas? Has their way of life got you intrigued about their beliefs? Well, it’s time to learn all about the Rastaman and their core beliefs. Rastafarian religion and lifestyle have been part of Jamaica since the 1930s. Since then, many people from across the globe continue to … Read more

9 Cannibal Tribes in Africa

Cannibalism refers to the act of one member of a species consuming all or parts of another member of the same species as food. In a human context, it refers to one person or a group of people eating human flesh or organs. Throughout history, there have been communities and individuals who engage in cannibalism … Read more

Why Are So Many Priests Predators? (5 Main Reasons)

Reports of priests sexually abusing minors have been a thorny issue for several decades, especially in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis reportedly admitted that 2% of Catholic clergy are predators. The prevalence of predatory cases among priests in different countries is far from ending, even though the Vatican maintains it is dedicated to fighting the … Read more

Omnism vs Pantheism: What’s The Difference?  

Omnism and Pantheism are two ideologies that are often confused with each other. This is largely because both share a focus on the oneness and interconnectedness of people. However, the belief systems have distinct differences in terms of philosophical and spiritual concepts. Their approach to religion and core principles varies greatly. What is Omnism? Omnism … Read more

What Does Shango Like To Eat?

Also known as Chango, Sogbo or Ebioso (Benin), Shango is a Yoruba deity who represents thunder, lightning, fire, and justice. He is depicted as a powerful and feared god who wields a double-headed axe and uses lightning bolts to punish his enemies. He is often associated with kingship, as he is believed to have been … Read more

9 Cultures That Don’t Wear Clothes

If you are a millennial, you’ve probably only heard stories about your culture’s lifestyle before civilization. You are fortunate to live in a time when access to clothing is convenient. Regardless of your background, financial status, or living conditions, you haven’t had to walk the streets naked. While nudity is considered pornographic and banned in … Read more