The film Hitch revealed that 60 percent of all human communication is non-verbal, body language, and 30 percent is tone.
In total, 90 percent of human communication doesn’t come from the mouth.
I know what you’re thinking, “That’s just a film, films are simply fictional.” However, experts have actually come up with the 7% – 38% – 55% rule, where 55% of communication is non-verbal, 38% vocal, and 7% words.
So, when you are going out with a guy, you can simply tell if he is interested in you (like really interested), just from observing his behavior.
Are 5 dates enough to tell if a guy likes you?
Generally, the moment a guy asks to see you a third or fourth time, it means he sees something in you, something that makes him want to keep spending time with you.
So, I would say that by the fifth date, you should be able to tell if he’s into you or not.
Actually, by this point, you should know if he’s looking for a relationship or just fooling around.
But before we get to counting up to the fifth date, the frequency at which he asks you out matters. They could be 5 dates spread out over a glorious summer, a year, or even one month.
A guy who is serious about dating you will not wait for long before asking you out again, that is textbook.
But if he’s only fooling around, he will only see you when it is convenient for him, perhaps because he’s seeing other people, thinks of you as just a friend, or maybe he is just not looking to settle.
So, what are the 5 most obvious signs to look out for?
1. He Listens To You Attentively
When a guy is really interested in you, he gives you all the attention on your date.
He won’t interrupt you or just cut you short to talk to someone else, or even worse, pick up a call.
In fact, unless he might be expecting an urgent call from work or some sort of feedback, which again he will tell you in advance, a man who is really interested in you will never use his phone while on a date with you.
The only time he will do that is when he is convinced that you are desperate, have nothing important to do with your life, or to just prove to you that he is not that into you.
So, if you see a guy really pay attention to you, maintaining eye contact, not wanting to miss a single word you say, even asking follow-up questions just to make sure he understands what you are saying, then that guy is genuinely interested in you.
2. He Shows Physical Affection
By the 5th date, you are not strangers anymore.
The nervousness is mostly gone, and you feel a bit comfortable around each other.
At this point, a guy who is really interested in you will often times reach out to hold your hand while you are having conversations.
And if it is still weird between you two, he will respectfully ask if he can do so.
There is always a certain form of attraction that works around like an actual magnet, always drawing two people who really like each other together.
So even at the restaurant, he will want you to sit close to him, and in most cases, he will be the one to move closer to you. He will even lean forward when having conversations.
He will give you a warm embrace when you meet and right before you part ways.
He might kiss you, be it a small peck on the cheek, or on the lips.
If he kisses your forehead, it means he is not only interested in you but he is also starting to really care for you.
3. He Steals Glances At You
This is the easiest sign to note. A guy who is really interested in you follows you everywhere, with his eyes.
The moment he notices you walk in, he will try to play it cool as much as he can to show you that he is not staring, but he can’t really hide the fact.
Whenever you’re in a group of people, he will want to make sure he’s at a place where he can spot you easily.

4. He Takes An Interest In Your Life
As women, we always want a guy who cares. And for guys, if a man has an interest in you, they will want to know about your personal life, family background, interests and hobbies, your future plans, and all those personal intimate things that are not out there in the open.
Aside from that, he will remember the personal things you mentioned on your first date.
If you mentioned you were working on some project at work, he will want to know how it’s progressing.
And this is not just an empty interest…since by now he knows a few personal things about you such as your interests and likes, he will use that information to try and make you smile.
Such a guy will take time off his schedule to call and/or text to check in on you and see how you are doing.
And if you are going through something, he will jump in at the chance to offer moral support.
5. He Complements You
Physical attraction is not everything in a relationship, but it still counts for something.
If a guy is interested in you, he will notice your hair, nails, dress, shoes, whatever it is that you are wearing, and give a compliment.
To notice all that, he was busy checking you out, meaning he is into you.
The trick is not trying too hard to impress him and bring out that compliment. Let it come naturally because in the end, you want him to develop a genuine interest in you.
Guys are different. Some are slow at letting new people into their lives, others have fear of rejection, and others just want to know a little more about you because they don’t want to come off too strong.
Whatever the case, the above listed are the most common early signs of a guy’s interest in you, regardless of where you live in the world and what your background is.
In Summary
From the moment you get to date number 5 onward, this is the best time to set the man you are seeing on the scale and evaluate whether he is serious about you or not.
The last thing you need is to start having an emotional attachment to someone who is only going to string you along without any future plans.
If the signs are there, what next?
While it must be thrilling to find out that a guy you like is interested in you, I would caution restraint.
Let the commitment come momentarily while keeping the excitement at bay.
This is because at times when we get too excited, we tend to make hasty decisions which in turn lead to making mistakes.
It is not advisable to jump into something too serious so early in a relationship.
Let things unfold naturally as they should, and in the end, you will only progress into a relationship with someone who truly values you and knows your worth.