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HomeHacksWhy Is My Mshwari Not Activating? Here’s What You Need to Know...

Why Is My Mshwari Not Activating? Here’s What You Need to Know to Successfully Activate Your Mshwari Account

M-Shwari is a mobile banking service that allows customers in Kenya to save, borrow, and complete financial transactions using their mobile phones.

However, some users have faced challenges when trying to activate their M-Shwari accounts.

This post will discuss the typical reasons for activation problems and provide solutions.

3 Reasons for Mshwari Account Activation Issues

1. Mobile number not registered with M-PESA

Users must have their mobile number registered with M-PESA before activating Mshwari.

Solution: Register your mobile number with M-PESA

To access Mshwari services, the user’s mobile number must be registered with M-PESA. Visit a Safaricom shop or agent and provide a valid ID.

2. M-PESA is not activated

One of the leading causes of M-Shwari activation issues is that M-PESA, the mobile money transfer service offered by Safaricom, is not activated.

Solution: Activate M-PESA

To activate your M-PESA account, follow these instructions:

  • Step 1: Open the M-PESA menu on your mobile phone.
  • Step 2: Choose the option labeled “Activate or Wezesha.”
  • Step 3: Input the PIN code sent to you through a text message when you first registered for M-PESA.
  • Step 4: Create a new PIN and confirm it. This will ensure the security of your M-PESA account and transactions.
  • Step 5: Input the ID number you provided during your initial M-PESA registration.Top of Form
  • Step 6: Wait for a confirmation message from M-PESA. Once your account is activated, you will receive a confirmation text from M-PESA stating that your account is active and ready to use.

3. Network issues

Sometimes, network issues can also cause M-Shwari activation problems.

If the user is in an area with poor network coverage or experiencing a network outage, the activation process may not complete.

Solution: Check Network Coverage

To fix network issues, move to an area with better coverage or wait for the issue to be resolved. Restarting the phone may also help.

Last Resort: Contact Safaricom Customer Care

There are several ways to contact Safaricom customer care for assistance with activating your Mshwari account or for any other queries related to Safaricom services:

  • You can call Safaricom customer care on 100 from your Safaricom line. The customer care team is available 24/7 to assist you.
  • You can visit a Safaricom shop or agent near you for assistance. Make sure to carry a valid national ID or passport for identification.
  • You can also reach out to Safaricom customer care on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • You can also use the live chat service available on the Safaricom website to get in touch with the customer service team.
Kenyalogue Contributor


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