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Worst Tribes to Marry in Kenya

The marriage institution has its fair share of controversies and challenges too.

Cases of divorce, for instance, continue to thrive, making many believe marriage is overrated.

Divorce or marriage separation mainly stems from infidelity, physical and emotional abuse, and other reasons.

Besides, it is general knowledge that some tribes do not make good marriage partners.

That’s to say that if you avoid marrying from the said tribes, your marriage can thrive.

So, which are these Kenyan tribes that should not cross your mind when looking for a partner to do life with? 


Kikuyu is a fascinating tribe. If you want to get rich quickly, find a Kikuyu partner, but there is no assurance that they won’t get tempted to get rid of you and take over your property.

Kikuyu is one of the tribes in Kenya that is always in the headlines for marriages or relationships gone wrong.

Women from this tribe are widely known for murdering or scheming to eliminate their husbands for inheritance reasons.

It is from the same tribe, with ladies spiking drinks for men in clubs to steal from them, and not forgetting the Nyeri cases where women chopped off their partner’s private parts on different occasions. 

Enough with the women; what about Kikuyu men?

Well, sorry to bust your bubble if you were looking forward to getting hitched to a Kikuyu man.

Why? Kikuyu men are money-oriented and business-centered, meaning they hardly have time for you as a partner.

They will give you a comfortable lifestyle, but with little attention.

They are always looking for the next deal, contract, and anything that smells of money.

If you are the kind of lady that values attention, forget about the Kikuyu man. 

The next trait that disqualifies men from this tribe as marriage potentials is their drunkard nature.

Men from parts like Muranga are known to drink themselves silly and are mainly on the news for turning blind after imbibing some methanol-concentrated alcohol.

Enough with the Kikuyu tribe; let’s hop to the next tribe you should watch out for.


Jealousy, domineering, and hot-tempered perfectly describe Kisii men.

The men are very controlling. You would think you are an expensive asset they always have to guard.

The men pretend to be romantic during the initial stages of a relationship, but as it progresses, they start showing their true controlling and jealous colors. 

They want to know where you are all the time, who you are with, and who you talk to on the phone.

The men also get angry quickly; in most cases, anger causes them to become physical.

If you love yourself, you should avoid Kisii men like the plague.


Meru women and men are hard workers and potential marriage partners but are hot-tempered.

They hardly contain their emotions when wronged, making your relationship or marriage miserable.

One moment, you could be laughing your lungs out with your partner, and the next minute they could be brandishing a panga over your head. 

The Tigania people in Meru are mostly known for slashing Miraa thieves using pangas without a second thought.

Easily angered partners are the kind that gives you silent treatment instead of solving the issue at hand.

You better think twice before rushing to marry or get married to a Merian. 


Both genders apply in this tribe.

Luo Men are romantic but certified heartbreakers in equal measure.

Most ladies dating Luo men do not see the heartbreak coming because the men are very good at blindsiding them with romance, extravagant goodies, and vacations.

You will be there thinking you are the only woman in his life, only to find out that there are several of you.

Lucky for you if you will not have contracted an STI after discovering that you are not the only fish in his Lake Victoria.

On the other hand, Luo women hate poverty, and very few of them can tolerate a financially struggling man.

They are used to being spoiled by their male counterparts, so you must be heavy-pocketed to maintain and retain the Luo woman.

Additionally, if you are lucky enough to get a Luo woman who doesn’t fancy a lavish lifestyle, chances are she doesn’t like cleanliness.

These are known for using the same basin that cleans utensils to take a bath and other related stories.


Kamba ladies are generally beautiful, but on the downside, they are unfaithful.

They like men and can hardly stay single.

Dating or marrying a Kamba lady is like signing up for heartbreak because staying faithful to their partners is barely in the DNA.

If you are lucky to get a trustworthy Kamba lady, you will need to put extra effort into ensuring her conjugal needs are well-catered; otherwise, she will wander. 

More importantly, we cannot talk about the Kamba tribe and not mention witchcraft.

A Kamba babe can enchant you and make it hard for you to leave her when she disrespects or cheats on you.


If you are a lady who values herself and wouldn’t tolerate having a co-wife, avoid getting married to Maasai men.

They are polygamous and do not hesitate to marry more than one wife, with or without your consent. 


The information above doesn’t dispute that you can find a suitable partner from the highlighted tribes.

It only sheds light on their general perception, proven true from real-life experiences.

That said, you should use the dating period to learn a person’s character and never ignore the red flags. 

You may also want to check: TRIBES WITH THE BEST HUSBANDS IN KENYA

Tribes with the Best Husbands in Kenya

Biblically, marriage is intended to last a lifetime for the people involved.

However, it currently faces its biggest threat: divorce and separation.

This revelation leaves most men and women anticipating marrying or getting married one day, asking themselves if it is worth trying. 

If you are a woman looking forward to being someone’s wife in the near future, this guide will prove helpful as it dissects tribes that produce the best husband materials.

Talking of best husbands, you look at qualities such as providing for their families, being romantic, generous, and loving, among other positive traits.

Luo Men

Men from the Luo land have all the qualities most ladies look for in a man.

Apart from their romantic side, they are educated, eloquent, and generous.

Some ladies may disagree and say that Luo men are heartbreakers, which to some extent may be accurate, but that doesn’t rule out that some of them make the best husbands when committed to making a marriage work. 

They are go-getters who do not stop at anything to give their families quality and lavish life, a trait that has made women have a soft spot for them.

Luo men care for their wives in all aspects, such as salon needs, clothing, a good house, and holiday trips. They also take their children to quality schools. 

Luhya Men

The Luhya tribe is popularly known for its food-loving people, which comes in handy for their men.

Luhya men are strong, and we all know that one of the most critical traits women look for in a potential husband is the ability to defend and protect themselves and their children.

On top of that, Luhya men are hard workers who strive to provide for their families.

You also don’t have to worry about their bedroom antics because word out there is that men from this tribe know how to satisfy their partners, leaving them begging for more. 

Amidst all these lovable qualities of the Luhya men, it is worth noting that some of them steer towards polygamy.

So as you welcome the thought of being wedded to a Luhya man, bear in mind that you may not be his one and only wife.

How about asking him about his polygamy stand while dating to avoid disappointments?

Well, that may not be an issue for some women as long as all their needs are met.

Kikuyu Men

For a minute, forget all the negative things you have heard about Kikuyu men and focus on their brighter side.

Kikuyu men are generally industrious and always looking for life-changing opportunities.

In their quest for money, they may have little or limited time to spend with their loved ones, requiring you, as a lady of the house, to understand the nature of his work.

Most of them strive to find time amidst their busy schedules to be with their families. 

Their absence is justified because the wife is taken care of at the end of the day, and the children are well-fed, educated, and clothed. 

On their downside, Kikuyu men may be industrious, but some may love the bottle too much, shifting their attention from the family.

Some end up deep into alcohol consumption, which affects the family finances.

Additionally, some Kikuyu men do not shy away from embracing polygamy.

Taita Men

Ever wondered if coastal men can make good husbands?

Taita men love their families and prioritize them in all they do.

They are hardworking, always ensuring their families are well-fed and protected.

However, Taita men do not come easy.

Finding yourself a Taita man may prove difficult because they have protective mothers who will not easily let their sons go.

You are left with the task of winning over the man and his mother for marriage. 


The Maasai tribe is another worth-considering ethnic group when looking for a husband to spend the rest of your life with.

Top of the list of what makes them suitable lifetime partners include wealth, providers, and protectors.

Maasai men are instilled courage and bravery during their initiation, which helps them protect their families and livestock from harm. 

Widely known as cattle keepers, the Maasai can trade part of their livestock for a lot of money, enabling them to cater to other family needs, such as educating children.

Getting married into the Maasai land would also provide an opportunity to immerse into their fascinating culture and be informed about their polygamy mindset and the probability of having a co-wife or several of them.

Kalenjin Men

Kalenjin men are humble, hardworking, and intelligent, making them good husband materials.

They play the father and husband figure role very perfectly.

They are shy when approaching ladies, so you should forget about playing hard to get if interested in a Kalenjin man.

Some are dominating and barely allow their wives to contribute when making critical family decisions. 

You may also want to check: WORST TRIBES TO MARRY IN KENYA

The Richest Pilot in Kenya in 2023

Being a pilot is one of the most handsomely paying careers in Kenya.

The pay averages Ksh. 250,000, with the highest-grossing pilots taking home a million and even more each month.

The pay includes allowances such as medical, transport, and housing, alongside other perks. 

Qualified and certified pilots in Kenya can work in the private or commercial sectors and the military.

Among the household names in the aviation industry include Captain Ronald Karauri, the current Kasarani Member of Parliament, and his wife Ruth Karauri, who made headlines last year for bravely landing a KQ plane safely in a London airport amidst solid turbulence.

The Highest-Grossing Kenyan Pilot

As mentioned earlier, pilots enjoy a competitive monthly compensation, dependent on several factors, such as location, company, qualifications, and education.

Captain Irene Koki Mutungi tops the list of the wealthiest pilots in Kenya.

 She flies commercial flights for Kenya Airways, taking home an astounding 1.6 million per month as a senior KQ captain. 

Her net worth is estimated to be between $1million-$5million.

Irene has made a name for herself in Kenya and Africa as the first female pilot to fly a commercial pilot in 2004, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner craft.

She joined Kenya Airways in 1995. 

Captain Irene Koki Mutungi’s Education Background

Irene grew up watching her father, a retired pilot, fly airplanes.

She was sure she would pursue the pilot profession by the time she was six years old.

The flying experience at a young age must have instilled the flying passion in her.

After the 46-year-old completed her high school education at Moi Girls High School in Nairobi, she enrolled in an aviation course at Nairobi Wilson Airport to earn her Private Pilot License. 

Irene would later advance her studies in Oklahoma City and earn her Commercial Pilot’s license from the USA’s Federal Aviation Administration. 

Overcoming Career Obstacles to Become a Celebrated Captain

Irene has overcome many obstacles and perceptions to become who she is today.

Back in the day, the aviation industry was dominated by men.

In a past CNN interview, Irene admitted that even her father wasn’t convinced that flying was the right career path for her. 

It took her determination and courage to prove herself among many doubters, and now she is among the few women commercial pilots in the world.

She inspires many, especially the girl child, to dream big in what is perceived as a man dominated industry.

Revealed: Jambo Jet Cabin Crew Monthly Salaries

It’s an undeniable fact that cabin crew jobs are among the most coveted among young people in Kenya.

Since becoming a pilot or aeronautical engineer needs high and expensive qualifications, many people opt for the easier aviation industry career path- flight attendant.

With as low as a D+ (plus) and a minimum of  C-(minus) in English at KCSE level, one can enroll for a certificate course in airline cabin crew, effectively kick-starting their journey to their dream career.

Salary Range

Jambo Jet is among the most sought-after airlines in Kenya that pays good salaries, excellent non-cash benefits, and career growth opportunities for its cabin crew.  

A spot check indicates that as an entry level cabin crew member at Jambo Jet, you can start with an average of Sh. 45,000 plus other benefits such as medical insurance.

The salary is reviewed periodically with experience and expertise and could go as high as Sh. 162,000 coupled with other employment benefits.

These figures may vary from year to year depending on several factors such as the state of the economy.

Other Benefits

One of the benefits of taking up a role at Jambo Jet as a cabin crew is that you can use the experience gained as a stepping stone and easily land more lucrative opportunities with international airlines in future.  

You also gets to interact with a lot of people from all walks of life, including airline passengers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds, thus expanding your career and social network as you travel to various destinations around Kenya and the East African region.

Jambo Jet is a great employer to start off your cabin crew career and scale the heights in the career if you remain focused and work hard to impress the bosses.

Related: What is the Monthly Salary of Jambojet Pilots?

KWS Community Scouts Salary Per Month

The KWS community scouts are integral to the Kenyan wildlife welfare.

They carry out vital duties like creating awareness through outreaches and resolving human-wildlife conflicts.

To ensure effective running of duties, the KWS community scouts work together with other members of the KWS such as the rangers and clinicians.

There are different levels of KWS community scouts, causing a distinction in their monthly payments.

KWS Community Scouts salary

Qualification, experience, and rank are the key factors determining the salary in the KWS.

Being from the lowest level in the KWS, KWS community scouts earn a monthly salary ranging between Ksh. 15,000 and Ksh. 25,000. 

The salary structure in the KWS community scouts is based on the KWS scouts’ levels.

Job Requirements

To become part of the KWS community scouts, you must meet the following job requirements:

  • Come from the country where you apply for engagement.
  • Be a holder of KCPE and above.
  • Be aged between 18 and 35 years of age.
  • Understand the local environment, languages, and culture of the people.
  • Relevant training, skills, and expertise are an added advantage.
  • Basic knowledge of wildlife matters is an added advantage.

Duties of KWS Community scouts

  • Early warning and reporting of human-wildlife conflict.
  • Creating community awareness about wildlife.
  • Liaising with the officer overseeing the resolution of human-wildlife conflict.
  • Maintaining game-proof barriers.
  • Monitoring and reporting wildlife movement within a community.
  • Identifying and reporting cases of wildlife in distress.
  • Conducting conservation outreaches to encourage conservation-centric behaviors and values in the community.
  • Carrying out invasive species and management control.
  • Taking part in park cleanups, fire control, and beach management.
  • Maintaining nature trails, guest houses, bandas, signage, and roads.

How to become a KWS community scout

If you’re interested in becoming part of the KWS community scouts, you should pick up an application form from your nearest KWS park/station. Or download the form from the KWS website here.

Fill out the form and attach copies of your academic certificates and other relevant testimonials.

Finally, return the form to your nearest KWS office, and wait for communication on shortlisted candidates.

If you make it to the KWS community scouts, you’ll undergo a physical training exercise, which is part of the selection process.

But you could face strict measures, including disqualification from the KWS community scouts if you engaged in any form of canvassing.

Canvassing includes using a fake appointment letter to get into the KWS community scouts.

People who engage in such unscrupulous behavior to dupe interested candidates into entering the KWS community scouts through the back door are up for severe legal actions, which include arrests.

The victim is also liable for an arrest in addition to their automatic disqualification from the KWS community scouts. 


The KWS community scouts is a vital organ of the KWS that assists in wildlife conservation.

KWS community scouts receive a salary ranging from Ksh. 15,000 to Ksh. 25,000.

Interested candidates must comply with selection guidelines to avoid arrests and disqualification from the KWS.


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Meet Jeff Koinange’s Son: Jamal Mbiyu Koinange

Jamal Mbiyu Koinange is the son of popular Kenyan Journalist Jeff Koinange and beautiful, down-to-earth Shaila Koinange.

He carries the infectious energy of his father and a stunning resemblance to his mum.

Born in 2007, Jamal turns 16 years in 2023.

Here are a few interesting facts about Jamal Mbiyu Koinange.

A Son Long Awaited For

Jamal’s parents got married in 1998.

As with most couples, they had looked forward to soon having a child of their own.

However, this did not happen as soon as they had hoped.

They struggled with conception for 9 long years. Jeff Koinange narrated their conception journey in his book, “Through My African Eyes.

The couple had tried different conception methods but they had all been unsuccessful.

Luckily, a friend they had met in Lagos suggested Invitro fertilization (IVF) at a famous fertility clinic in Barcelona, Spain.

IVF is a complicated medical procedure that involves the collection of matured eggs from ovaries.

The eggs are then fertilized with collected sperm in a lab and then transferred to the uterus.

The whole procedure takes up to 3 weeks.

Though Jeff and Shaila had unsuccessfully tried IVF in different countries, they decided to take their friend’s advice.

Because of the disappointment that usually comes with failed attempts, Jeff and Shaila were not very hopeful.

However, their skepticism soon turned into joy as they discovered that for the first time, they were expecting a child.

The procedure had been a success.

Nine months later, they held their precious son, Jamal Mbiyu Koinange in their arms.

Made of Greatness

With a famous dad, it was highly likely that Jamal would get to rub shoulders with great men and women.

True to it, he got to meet the legendary Nelson Mandela when he was just 8 months old.

Jeff recalled how embarrassing the moment could have turned after Jamal took a heavy, smelly dump as they were being ushered into Nelson Mandela’s office.

Jeff rerouted to a bathroom and gave him a quick change before they proceeded to meet Mandela.

As he held Jamal in his hands, Mandela referred to him as a “son of a chief”.

Nelson Mandela is not the only former South African president Jamal met. In 2017, when he was 10 years old, his father took him to meet the second president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki.

Mbeki was the serving as the head of the African Union Election Observation Mission and had visited the country in an observatory role.

Jeff stated that his son was aware that he was in the presence of greatness and he cherished the moment.

We can only wait and see what this miracle child, who is made of greatness, will accomplish in his life.

Will he follow in the footsteps of his father?

 Well, that is yet to be seen.

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3