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10 Most Intelligent Politicians in Kenya (2023)

In a country where politics is often associated with corruption and unethical behaviour, it is rare to come across politicians who are truly intelligent and have the people’s best interests at heart.

However, a select few stand out for their intelligence, integrity, and dedication to making Kenya a better place.

Here are the top 10 most intelligent politicians in Kenya as of 2023.

1. Raila Odinga

The former Prime Minister and leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is known for his intelligence, strategic thinking, and political acumen.

He is a master of coalition building and deeply understands the Kenyan political landscape.

He has also been a vocal advocate for good governance and transparency in government.

If you were to pick a politician tested by fire in Kenya, I bet you would place a bet on Raila Odinga.

His intelligence in matters of politics remains unmatched.

2. Uhuru Kenyatta

The former President of Kenya is known for his intelligence and leadership skills.

He has a strong understanding of economic and business matters and has been credited with implementing policies that have helped to spur economic growth in Kenya.

He has also been a strong advocate for national unity and has worked to improve relations between different ethnic groups in the country.

Kenya witnessed immense transformations in all sectors during President Uhuru’s 10-year tenure.

All due to his remarkable knowledge of power and intelligence.

3. William Ruto

The president of Kenya is known for his intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to connect with the common man.

He deeply understands the political landscape and is a master of grassroots mobilization.

His political knowledge and intelligence have kept his boat buoyant since he began his career in politics.

He has also been a strong advocate for development and has worked to improve people’s lives in rural areas.

4. Moses Wetangula

The leader of the Ford-Kenya party and current speaker of The National Assembly is undoubtedly intelligent.

He is also known for his oratory skills and ability to connect with people.

Moses Wetangula has, over the years, presented himself as a vocal advocate for good governance and transparency in government.

5. Peter Kenneth

The former MP and businessman is known for his intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to connect with the common man.

He is a master of grassroots mobilization.

Peter Kenneth has also been a strong advocate for development and has worked to improve people’s lives in rural areas.

6. Martha Karua

The former MP and leader of the Narc-Kenya party is among the few women politicians in Kenya.

She is an intelligent, straightforward and resilient woman dubbed ‘The Iron Lady’.

There is no denying that Raila chose her as a running mate because of her impeccable leadership skills, great knowledge of the constitution, and servanthood.

Karua has also been a vocal advocate for good governance and transparency in government for many years.

7. James Orengo

James Orengo is a household name in Kenya.

He is one of the most intelligent and respected lawyers in the country.

Orengo has won many cases in court, including the nullification of the 2017 elections.

His deep scrutiny of matters is what revealed the inconsistencies of the elections.

Orengo is hawk-eyed for details, which is why he has earned a lot of respect from leaders and the citizens of Kenya.

8. Johnstone Muthama

The former Senator and chairman of the UDA party, which won the 2022 elections, is a strategic thinker with a profound ability to connect with people.

He has advocated for transparent governance and contributed immensely towards the country’s transformation.

9. Kalonzo Musyoka

The former Vice President and leader of the Wiper Democratic Movement is known for his intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to connect with the common man.

Kalonzo is a trained lawyer who has advocated for transparent governance for decades.

He has gathered rich knowledge of leadership through his years in public service.

He is also a great orator who lays facts in a crystal-clear presentation whenever he speaks.

10. Aden Duale

Duale is among the few politicians who have rarely lost in an election.

Even so, he has served in many capacities, including as the leader of the majority in the national assembly.

He is now the cabinet secretary for defence, thanks to his mastery of issues.

For his intelligence and rich experience, President Ruto appointed him to one of the most critical ministries in the country.

Parting Thoughts

These ten politicians stand out for their intelligence, strategic thinking, and dedication to making Kenya a better place.

They are apt masters of coalition building and grassroots mobilization and are vocal advocates for good governance and transparency in government.

They have worked to improve the lives of people in rural areas and have been instrumental in the country’s economic growth.

While there are undoubtedly other intelligent politicians in Kenya, these 10 stand out as some of the best and brightest in the country.

They are a testament to the fact that there is hope for a brighter future for Kenya as long as we have leaders who are truly dedicated to serving the people.

You may also want to check: THE MOST FEARED POLITICIANS IN KENYA

Opposition Leader Salary in Kenya: How Much Do They Earn?

In any democracy, the role of the opposition leader is crucial in holding the government accountable for its actions.

The opposition leader scrutinizes government policies and decisions and proposes alternative solutions.

In Kenya, the opposition leader is entitled to a salary and other benefits, just like any other elected official.

You may have wondered whether the opposition leader receives any salary.

Well, hang tight as we look at the opposition leader’s salary in Kenya and how it compares to other elected officials.

Who Holds The Position Of The Opposition Leader?

The leader of the political party or coalition with the second-largest number of seats in the National Assembly holds the opposition leader in Kenya.

The debate over opposition leader salary in Kenya began in 2016 when the government proposed a salary increase for the position.

The proposed increase was met with mixed reactions, with some arguing that the opposition leader should be better compensated for their important role in the country’s democracy.

In contrast, others felt that the salary increase was unnecessary and that the money could be better spent elsewhere.

Arguments for an Increase

Proponents of a salary increase for the opposition leader argue that the role is just as important as that of the Speaker of the National Assembly.

They also proposed that the opposition leader should be compensated accordingly.

They also point out that the opposition leader has many responsibilities, including holding the government accountable, providing an alternative viewpoint on issues, and representing the interests of their constituents.

Arguments against an Increase

Opponents of a salary increase for the opposition leader argue that the position needs to be more well-defined in the constitution and that there is no clear need for the role to be compensated.

They also argue that the money could be better spent elsewhere, such as on social services or infrastructure.

Opposition Leader Salary in Kenya

According to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the opposition leader in Kenya earns a basic salary of KES 1,012,500 per month.

This is the same as the basic salary of a Member of Parliament (MP) and includes all benefits and allowances.

In addition to the basic salary, the opposition leader is entitled to a house allowance of KES 150,000 per month and a hardship allowance of KES 100,000 per month.

Comparison with Other Elected Officials

Compared to other elected officials in Kenya, the opposition leader’s salary is on par with the basic salary of an MP.

However, it is lower than the basic salary of a Cabinet Secretary, who earns KES 1,450,000 per month.

The President of Kenya earns the highest basic salary, at KES 2,222,222 per month.

The debate over the opposition leader’s salary in Kenya continues, with both sides putting forward valid arguments.

Ultimately, it is up to the government and the citizens of Kenya to determine the appropriate level of compensation for the opposition leader.

Most Beautiful Female Politicians in Kenya (2023)

Since the implementation of the 2010 Constitution of Kenya kicked off, more women have had the chance to join politics.

 That’s because the constitution created many government positions for women through affirmative action and the two-thirds gender representation rule.

Currently, the country has the highest number of female politicians in history.

Below is a highlight of the most beautiful female politicians in Kenya today.

1. Josphine Naisula Lesuuda  

She is the sitting MP for Samburu West constituency in Samburu County.

The graceful lady is not just a mere politician but also a staunch women rights activist.

She graduated from Daystar University with a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Community Development in 2007 and worked at KBC as a news anchor before joining politics.

She made history in 2017 for emerging the first elected woman MP from Samburu County.

The 38 year old was elected on a KANU ticket.

Naisula is fond of wearing traditional Maa attire comprising of colorful beaded jewelry and dresses.

Her calm and collected demeanor has earned her a lot of admiration from various quarters. S

She is married to one Robert Kiplagat and is mum to one child.

2. Anne Waiguru

This beautiful daughter of Mumbi hails from Kirinyaga County.

She is the current Governor of Kirinyaga, serving her second term.

The UDA governor has had a tumultuous political career but she’s somewhat managed to hold on.

Her resilience and confidence makes her stand out as an iron lady and a role model for many young girls.

In her second term as governor, she also beat the odds and got elected as the chairperson of the council of Governors of Kenya—the first woman to hold the position.

Waiguru is married to city lawyer Kamotho Waiganjo and has three sons from her previous marriage.

3. Esther Muthoni Passaris

A super gorgeous, well-spoken mixed race city girl and a die-hard supporter of Baba.

She is the woman representative of Nairobi County, currently serving her second term.

She is arguably the most physically attractive female politician in Kenya today.

Passaris attended the Aga Khan academy for her primary and O-Level education before proceeding to Strathmore University to pursue a management course and later a BSc in International Business from USIU-Africa.

 She is a mum to two children that she sired with her ex-husband Pius Ngugi.

4. Fatuma Gedi Ali

The best known female politician from North Eastern Kenya.

She came to the limelight in 2017 after winning the Woman Representative seat for Wajir County which she held till August 2022.

 The pretty hijabi lost the seat in the last election and is currently a member of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) where she will serve for a period of six years.

She holds a diploma in Agriculture and Home Economics as well as a Master’s degree in Agricultural Extension from the University of Reading in the UK.

5. Mishi Mboko

The first Woman Representative of Mombasa County.

She is undoubtedly the most vocal female politician from Kenya’s coastal region.

A relentless ODM member, she is now the MP for Likoni Constituency in Mombasa County.

Mishi is popular for her fluency in spoken Coastal Swahili dialect.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and Public Relations from Moi University.

The Muslim politician was divorced by her husband after joining politics

6. Karen Nyamu

One of the youngest and hottest Kenyan female politicians.

She joined politics in 2017 when she unsuccessfuly vied for the Nairobi Woman Representative seat.

She is currently a nominated senator under UDA party, representing the youth.

 Karen is a lawyer by profession and a high court of Kenya advocate.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws degree and runs a law firm in the city.

It is alleged that she is in an entanglement with popular Mugithi singer, Samidoh.

She is a mum to two beautiful children.

7. Wavinya Ndeti

She is the current Governor of Machakos County in South Eastern Kenya, having been elected on a Wiper Party ticket.

The queen from Kamba land is known to rock some of the best outfits especially in public events.

She of the “Yaliyo ndwele sipite” fame has got looks for sure.

Someone once made a joke that she is a Cardi-B look-alike J)

Also Check: 10 Most Handsome Politicians in Kenya Right Now

How Long Does It Take To Be Cleared From CRB?

Do you know your credit score can affect your loan application and business?

Sometimes, employers and companies consider your credit score when you apply for a tender or an employment position.

If your name is on CRB, your credit score drops significantly. For this reason, it’s essential to avoid getting blacklisted by all means and try to obtain a credit reference bureau certificate.

But the big question is: how long does it take to be cleared from CRB?

Let’s investigate…

Why You Can Get Blacklisted by CRB

Once you default on your loan from a financial institution, your name automatically gets listed on CRB.

Also, most lenders list you on CRB if the person you guaranteed failed to pay their loan on time.

You must repay the loan and get cleared from CRB to increase your credit score.

Related: How to Check Who Listed You in CRB

How long it takes to get a CRB Certificate

Once you clear your debt, it takes three days for the financial institution to process your payments and send the repayment status to CRB.

The CRB will work on your case and produce your clearance certificate within three days.

 For instance, if institutions like Equity Bank, Okash, KCB, Co-operative Bank, and Shika list you, the CRB will clear your name and issue your certificate within three days.

This is after they receive your repayment status from your lender.

You can then check your CRB status by dialing *433# followed by your pin to confirm if your name is cleared.

However, your name will remain on the negative listing. Once you clear your debt, it takes five years to get delisted from the default listing.

Yes, you read that right! Your credit history (including past defaults) will still be on CRB even after you’ve cleared the loan.

This means that lending institutions will still be able to see your past loan repayment data.

And this information remain on CRB for up to 5 years before it is completely removed.


How to Clear Your Name from CRB

It’s easy to get cleared from CRB if you know the lender that listed you.

Here, you contact the institution and pay your debt. You can negotiate a manageable payment plan with them if you don’t have the total amount.

Most lenders agree to delist you from CRB if you honor your word and repay a significant amount of what you owe them.

Once the financial institution is satisfied with your repayment, they write a letter to the CRB to request them to clear your name from their negative listing.

After this, you must obtain a CRB clearance certificate by applying through any CRB company licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya. They include;

This certificate will cost you Ksh.2,200, and you’ll receive it within three days.

PRO TIP: Clearing doesn’t mean that your name is completely removed from CRB. It is your status that changes from negative listing to positive listing—which simply implies that you don’t have outstanding loan. Learn more about CRB positive listing here: WHAT DOES POSITIVE LISTING MEAN IN CRB?

Parting Thoughts

Your credit score improves once you get cleared from CRB.

Therefore, you need to make the right financial decisions regarding loans and payment plans to avoid getting listed on CRB.

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The Poorest Tribes in Kenya

Although Kenya is home to 43 tribes (after the inclusion of the Makonde community in 2017), most of the nation’s wealth—nearly 95%—is controlled by five communities: Kikuyu, Kisii, Kalenjin, Luhya, and Somali.

However, it is essential to note that many people in those five communities are still impoverished.

 The situation has made the country experience a significant wealth disparity since it’s only a small group of wealthy people and investors that reap the benefits of the nation’s economic performance, while millions of people still live in poverty.

Another major factor in the country’s high poverty level is that 75% of the citizens depend on agriculture for a living.

The situation is worse due to the prolonged drought currently ravaging the country.

It has resulted in extreme famine and hunger in the northern counties of the country. 

The drought has resulted in decreased livestock and crop production, agricultural financial losses, and higher unemployment rates.

As a result of reduced food production, the national government has to provide food assistance to the most affected counties.

A List of the Poorest Tribes in Kenya

According to the urban dictionary, being poor means not having enough monetary resources to meet one’s basic needs, enjoy life’s comforts, or behave in a way that would be considered respectable in one’s community.

Below is a comprehensive list of the poorest tribes in Kenya.

The ranking is based on the communities’ ability to access essential resources and conditions, such as health amenities, education, clean water, access to energy, and the overall standard of living.

1.  Oromo 

This community is currently the poorest ethnic group in Kenya.

The lack of access to healthcare, education, and living standards are all significant contributors.

2.  Ogiek

The Ogiek’s hunting and gathering way of life, seen as unsustainable, makes them the second poorest community in Kenya.

Since the community is the last known forest dwellers tribe in Kenya, they have an illiteracy rate of 98%, which makes it hard for them to compete fairly in accessing the country’s economic opportunities.

The community has made multiple complaints against the Kenyan government, alleging unfair treatment, such as being evicted from Mau forest.

They claim that the forest was their natural habitat and source of livelihood.

After being expelled from Mau forest, the community’s economic situation continues to deteriorate.

3.  Makonde

They are Kenya’s newest as well as the smallest tribe.

Unfortunately, they are also among the poorest community in the country.

Members of the Makonde community have lamented the lack of employment opportunities.

Before winning their case in 2017, they were not eligible to have a Kenyan identity card.

Their chairman, Thomas Nguli claims, that certain local authorities and citizens continue to view them as stateless people who are not recognized contributors hence missing out on employment prospects and participation in significant national government projects.

4.  Turkana and Samburu

These communities usually live in the North Eastern region, which is considered a highly marginalized part of the country.

The communities also participate in traditional cultural practices like cattle rustling, which hinders their ability to be entrepreneurial.

Sadly, Turkana and Samburu have an illiteracy rate of more than 80%.

The prevailing drought has also worsened their situation since most livestock succumbed to hunger.

To avoid losing all their animals, most pastoralists decided to sell the animals that survived at a meager price to afford food for the starving families. 

Since these communities base their wealth status in direct relation to the number of livestock a person owns, the loss of their animals due to the drought was a significant blow.

5.  Digo, Kauma, Rendile, Oromo, Chonyi, and Digo

These Mijikenda tribes rank among the poorest tribes in the nation.

These communities, which reside in the country’s coastal regions, lack the entrepreneurial abilities to promote their financial growth through businesses. 

Most of them are either entirely or partially illiterate, which is a significant reason why they are usually neglected or given low-valued jobs whenever economic opportunities such as tourism arise in the coastal region. 

The Way Forward

Fortunately, the Kenyan government is fully aware of this information and is finding ways to resolve this issue.

For instance, the national and county governments are working hard to increase literacy levels for these tribes.

In collaboration with the private sector, they are making sure that all children have access to primary and secondary education while providing free meals to encourage attendance.

The Most Feared Politicians in Kenya

Today, more African leaders are embracing good governance and adopting democratic policies.

They are respecting human rights and are more accountable to their citizens, although it’s happening at a snail’s speed.

But the bad ones still exist. For example, in Kenya, politicians can be deadly.

In fact, the population perceives them as liars, greedy and dangerous.

They’ve learned to use fear as a political weapon and they’ll use their power to destroy anything and anyone that interferes with their livelihoods and way of life.

In this segment, we are going to highlight 6 of the most feared politicians in Kenya and why they are feared.

Read on…

1. William Samoe Ruto

In Kenya, the president is, naturally, the most powerful and feared politician.

This is because he is the country’s head of state and government.

He Is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. He Exercises the country’s executive authority.

 In other words, he holds the ultimate power. His decision is final. He decides who stays in power and who exits, and who lives and who dies.

Besides the executive power, Ruto’s personality makes him the most feared politician in Kenya.

He is aggressive. He pursues his ambitions intelligently and fearlessly.

This is evident in the last elections, which he won even with his competitor, Raila Odinga, having the state machinery on his side.

He is also a people person, owing to his humble beginnings. This makes him popular with the majority of Kenyans who live below the poverty line.

 This ”people person” attribute has made him become feared by the political class.

The political class wants to maintain the status quo (the class system), which aims to impoverish and marginalize the less fortunate to further their capitalist agenda. 

2. Raila Amollo Odinga

While the presidency has always eluded him, Raila Odinga is one of the most feared politicians in Kenya.

In fact, he is feared both locally and internationally.

Locally, he is feared by the ruling class (the government of the day). He is not afraid to criticize the government when it’s going against the grain or not delivering on its promises.

For example, he is now taking the current government to task for not delivering on its promise to lower food prices in the first 100 days.

He also exposes cabinet secretaries when they’re involved in corruption. For example, he exposed the NYS Scandal in the ministry of devolution, which was headed by Anne Waiguru, that cost the country billions of shillings.

Internationally, he is feared by foreign powers (America and Britain) who still want to colonize Kenya. 

He publicly champions for the full liberation of Africa by advising African leaders to unite and refuse to bow down to the demands of these world powers.

All these factors make Raila Odinga one of the most feared politicians in Kenya.

On the contrary, he is loved by the common citizen because he relentlessly and unconditionally fights for their right.

3. Kithure Kindiki

Kithure Kindiki is the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of Interior and National Administration.

The Interior and National Administration is a very powerful docket because it’s involved in major undertakings, which include internal security, oversight over internal security, as well as management and oversight in the national government ministries and state departments.

In other words, Prof. Kithure Kindike gets all the briefings regarding the security of the country and briefs the president daily.

If a powerful politician is to be arrested, he gives the final authority to the police.

This makes him one of the most feared politicians in Kenya.

4. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Uhuru Kenyatta is still one of the most powerful and feared politicians despite exiting the presidency a few months ago.

He was president for 10 years, so he knows all the government secrets and how the government works.

He can use that information and his networks to take down the current president and his cabinet secretaries if they try to come for him.

The president, politicians and other powerful people know that, which is why they won’t dare cross his path.

He is also a very wealthy man. According to Forbes, Uhuru Kenyatta is the fourth richest president in Africa, with a net worth of $750 million.

 This means he pretty much controls the economy of this country.

Add the fact that the people of his community (Kikuyus) have huge economic power, he could easily take down the economy of this country if provoked.

 All these factors make him one of the most feared politicians in Kenya today.

5. Rigathi Gachagua

Rigathi Gachagua is the deputy president of Kenya.

The fact that he is the second in command makes him a powerful and feared politician.

But what makes people afraid of Rigathi Gachagua is that he served as a District Officer (DO) in the Moi era, where intimidation, torture and persecution were the order of the day.

People fear that he has inherited Moi’s characteristics, and this is evident today where he speaks his mind without fear.

An example is when he criticized Nairobi governor, Johnson Sakaja, for the speedy and disruptive reforms he is bringing to the city.

His recent relentless attacks on Raila and proclaiming that he, the son of a Mau Mau fighter, is the solution to Raila’s constant attack on the government, has made people even more afraid of him.

6. Jimi Wanjigi

Jimi Wanjigi is one of the tycoons who control the country.

He is equated to the Russian Oligarchs.

He came into prominence when he joined the Raila’s campaign.

This put him in constant loggerheads with the then-president Uhuru Kenyatta.

Uhuru Kenyatta used his power, including unleashing the police, KRA and anti-graft body to bring him down in vain.

He later fell out with Raila and joined the Safina party as a presidential candidate.

Although he didn’t win, he remains one of the most influential, powerful and feared politicians in Kenya.

You may also want to check: 10 MOST INTELLIGENT POLITICIANS IN KENYA (2023)

Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru: From Humble Beginnings to Luxury Lifestyle

Key Takeaways:

  • Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru is a Kenyan public figure known for his luxurious lifestyle and wealth. He boasts a collection of 18 luxury cars, a grand, opulent house in Karen, Nairobi, and a small, cozy home in Tigania East, Meru County.
  • Mpuru is the Secretary-General of the NOPEU Party (National Ordinary Peoples Empowerment Union).
  • Mpuru’s father is a prominent figure in Kenyan politics, having served as a Member of Parliament and a representative at the East African Legislative Assembly.
  • Mpuru boasts an impressive educational background, having attended Moi Forces Academy and graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Catholic University of East Africa.
  • Mpuru’s business empire began with a car wash in South B and has since expanded to include garages, a salvage yard, and a microfinance company.

With his mysterious background and a preference for luxury, Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru is a highly sought-after public figure on social media.

He is believed to be in his mid-30s and hails from Meru County, Kenya, though his exact birthdate is unknown.

Mpuru is the son of Lawrence Aburi, a prominent figure in Kenyan politics, having served as a Member of Parliament for Tigania East and a representative at the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

An Impressive Educational Background

Mpuru has an outstanding educational background, with evidence showing that he attended Moi Forces Academy.

He subsequently pursued higher education at the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA).

At CUEA, Mpuru graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree.

This notable academic achievement adds to his already impressive resume and highlights his dedication to personal and professional development.

Life as a Husband and Father

Mpuru is a dedicated family man who balances his successful career with his role as a husband and father.

He is married to Betty Maingi, and they have two children who prefer to stay out of the public eye.

Despite this, it is clear that Mpuru values his family and prioritizes their well-being, showing his ability to manage multiple responsibilities effectively.

Luxurious Car Collection and Houses   

In a recent interview on Jalango TV, Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru made a jaw-dropping revelation about his personal car collection, with 18 cars to his name, including luxury brands like Toyota V8, Land Rover Discovery, Porsche Cayenne, 6 Mercedes Benz vehicles, and Range Rovers.

Mpuru’s collection is a shining example of his business acumen and passion for high-end automobiles.

He is often seen cruising around town in one of his luxurious cars, making a statement wherever he goes.

He mentioned that he lives in a grand, opulent house on a large plot of land spanning 3 acres in the posh area of Karen in Nairobi.

Additionally, he owns a small, cozy home in his birthplace of Tigania East, in Meru County.

Building an Empire: Rodgers Kipembe Mpuru’s Journey to Riches

Mpuru began his journey to riches after graduating from university.

He opened a car wash in South B, and his entrepreneurial spirit paid off as the business thrived beyond his wildest expectations.

The success of his first venture prompted him to expand his empire by opening several other car wash businesses across the bustling city of Nairobi.

As his car wash empire grew, he began to explore other business opportunities.

One of these opportunities was a salvage yard in South B, Rodgers Place.

The salvage yard occupies a one-acre land and can hold hundreds of damaged vehicles.

This business proved to be just as successful as his car wash ventures, and it quickly became a staple in the South B community.

With the profits he earned from Rodgers Place, Mpuru decided to open several garages across Nairobi.

 These garages were equipped with state-of-the-art tools and equipment, providing a wide range of services to customers, from basic maintenance to complex repairs.

The garages quickly became popular among Nairobi car owners, contributing significantly to Rodgers’ growing wealth.

Mpuru’s Ventures in Banking and Media

Despite his already successful career, Rodgers didn’t rest on his laurels.

He continued to explore new business opportunities and identified a gap in the market for financial services for small business owners and farmers in Kenya.

This led him to establish Wema Tosha, a microfinance company, to help these individuals secure the funding they require to expand their businesses.

Although it initially had a limited presence, the company has since expanded and now has ten branches all over the nation, catering to a broad range of customers.

But Mpuru’s business portfolio doesn’t stop there.

He also owns several media companies in the Mt Kenya region, including Meru TV and Theuri FM.

Both companies are dedicated to broadcasting in Rodgers’ native Ameru language, providing a platform for the community to connect and engage with the latest news and entertainment.

Political Career

Mpuru had the vision to shake up the status quo and give power back to the people.

He founded the NOPEU Party, a revolutionary movement that aims to empower the general public by providing them with a platform to speak out and have their voices heard.

The NOPEU Party, which stands for the National Organization for People’s Empowerment and Unity, has already established offices in Nairobi and Meru counties, signaling its determination to make an impact on the political scene.

The party’s ultimate goal is to support individuals passionate about creating real change in their nation through elected positions and making a meaningful impact.

Prioritizing the Needs of the Ordinary People

Despite his position as the head of NOPEU, Rodgers has made it clear that he does not want to run for office.

Instead, his focus is on strengthening the party from within by developing and supporting new leaders.

This new party is a refreshing addition to the political landscape, as it prioritizes the needs and concerns of the ordinary people.

The NOPEU Party’s platform includes issues such as education, healthcare, and economic development, which are essential for the well-being of the citizens.

With Rodgers at the helm, the NOPEU Party is poised to significantly impact the political scene and bring about real change for the people.

What Does Positive Listing Mean In CRB?

According to a report compiled by the Central Bank and the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, more than 14 million Kenyans take loans from financial institutions.

While these loans enable individuals to finance their businesses and cater to their day-to-day expenses, lenders collect their credit information and submit them to CRBs.

Other lenders or lending institutions can access the credit information to determine the borrower’s creditworthiness.

Ideally, if you pay your loans on time, you’re positively listed on CRB.

On the other hand, if you default on your loans, you’re negatively listed on CRB.

What is a CRB?

CRB stands for Credit Reference Bureau.

It’s a private institution approved and licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to collect, store and manage credit information of individuals and businesses and provide the information, upon request, to lending institutions like banks, micro-finance institutions and mobile lenders.

Examples of CRBs licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya include:

  • TransUnion (CRB Africa)
  • Metropol Corporation
  • CreditInfo

As hinted above, when it comes to CRB listing, you can either be positively listed or negatively listed.

Let’s focus on the first case because it is the most confusing…

So, what is a positive CRB listing?

There is a misconception in Kenya that when you’re listed in CRB, you’re blacklisted because you’ve defaulted on a loan.

This has led to fear of being listed on CRB.

A CRB listing simply means that you’ve taken a loan and your credit information is available on a CRB database.

If another lending institution wants to ascertain your creditworthiness before extending a loan to you, they simply check the CRB database.

So, a positive listing means you have not defaulted on any loan or you have a running loan that you haven’t defaulted on.

This is different from a negative CRB listing, which implies that a lending institution has reported you for defaulting on a loan.

Ideally, a negative CRB listing means you have a record of defaulting on loans.

It’s important to maintain a positive listing in CRB because lending institutions look at your credit report before giving you a loan.

If you have a negative credit report, lending institutions will not give you a loan. So, ensure to pay your loan on time when you take one.



How to Check Who Listed You in CRB

Can Tala List You On CRB?


Can Tala List You On CRB? (CBK’s New Regulations Explained)

The rise of digital lending platforms like Tala has revolutionized how borrowers access credit in Kenya.

These platforms have made it easier for people to access loans, but with this ease come the potential for misuse of credit information.

Recently, there has been a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding whether Tala, a mobile lending platform, can list individuals on the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).

The short answer is no. Tala cannot list individuals on the CRB.

The CBK’s New Regulations

In 2020, the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) put in place new rules that prevented mobile lending platforms, like Tala, from sharing their customers’ credit information with Credit Reference Bureaus.

The CBK’s statement regarding the new regulations reads in part:

“With immediate effect, CBK has withdrawn the approvals granted to unregulated digital (mobile-based) and credit-only lenders as third-party credit information providers to CRBs.”

The decision was made in response to a spate of complaints about the misuse of customer information sharing, particularly as many borrowers struggled to repay loans amid the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Borrowers who fell behind on their loan payments were reported to the CRB and blacklisted, making it difficult for them to access credit in the future.

“The withdrawal is in response to numerous public complaints over misuse of the CIS by the unregulated digital and credit-only lenders, particularly their poor responsiveness to customer complaints. Thus, unregulated digital and credit-only lenders will no longer submit credit information on their borrowers to CRBs,” CBK issued a statement.

Who Can Report to the CRB?

Under the new regulations, only Banks and SACCOs are permitted to report loan defaults to credit bureaus.

“SACCO societies regulated by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) have now been included as authorized subscribers of credit data to CRBs. These SACCOs will now submit borrowers’ information to CRBs and receive credit reports directly from them.”

In summary

  • The Central Bank of Kenya has recently established new regulations barring unregulated digital lenders like Tala from listing their borrowers on the Central Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
  • This decision aims to protect borrowers from the misuse of customer information sharing (CIS) and ensure that they are not unfairly penalized for missed payments.
  • Banks and deposit-taking SACCOs are now the only institutions authorized to report loan defaults to credit bureaus.


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How to Check Who Listed You in CRB


How Long Does it Take to be Listed in CRB?

Are you on CRB? This question has been on the lips of many Kenyans in recent years.

Being listed on Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) is akin to a prison sentence.

Primarily, anyone listed on CRB finds it next to impossible to access financial loans, which can be such a hindrance during emergencies.

A CRB listing is proof of failure to repay a loan taken from either a bank or a mobile lender.

The situation is different with Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs), as they must seek approval from the Central Bank before sharing such data.

So, how long does it take to be listed on CRB?

How Long do Banks Take to List Clients on CRB?

Typically, banks take 90 days to list defaulters on CRB.

This doesn’t happen automatically or without your knowledge, though.

Often, you get a notification informing you that you are on the verge of a negative listing on CRB if you fail to clear your debt.

The notification arrives a few days to the expiry of the 90-day period.

The good news is the negative listing will not happen if you pay the debt fully or even partially.

How Long do Mobile Lenders Take to List Clients on CRB?

Mobile lenders tend to be stricter with CRB listings.

In 30 days, you will find your name negatively listed on CRB unless you repay the loan either partially or fully.

The period is shorter for mobile lenders because they offer much smaller loans.

Banks, though, allow their clients more time to repay loans that typically run into hundreds of thousands or millions.

One needs more time to clear a huge loan.


Can Your Name be Removed from CRB?

Yes, your name will not be permanently on CRB unless you fail to repay the debt or loan.

You can have it removed once you repay the debt and obtain a CRB Clearance Certificate.

It only takes 1-3 days to get the certificate after repaying the debt and applying for this piece of document.

Once you repay the debt and obtain the certificate, you automatically transition from a negative to a positive listing.


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Can Tala List You On CRB?

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How to Check Who Listed You in CRB