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What Happens To Tala Loan Defaulters?

The Tala Loans agency has solidified its reputation in the Kenyan mobile loans market due to its swiftness and reliability in offering financial assistance to applicants looking for quick and simple loans.

The application has embraced the advancement of mobile money transfer to give financial loans to many people, including those who seek to launch or grow their businesses.

You can receive a loan of Ksh 500 to 50,000 in a short period by downloading the app from the Google play store or the Apple app store and following an easy application process.

Definition of Mobile Loan Default

When you apply for a loan from Tala, they usually provide the applicant with a clearly defined ‘Terms and Conditions’ statement to inform you that you will be entering into a legal agreement.

As soon as you agree to those terms and click ‘Accept,’ you have promised to repay the debt after the stipulated period.

Failure to repay on the specified time or avoiding settling the debt entirely means you are a mobile loan defaulter.

What Happens When You Fail To Settle Your Tala Loan

Although there are plenty of reasons why some people fail to pay the loans they have taken, some being genuine, it does not change the fact that Tala will still consider them defaulters. 

The Terms and Conditions clearly state the consequences one should expect from Tala if you fail to comply.

Since you have to agree to qualify and receive the amount requested, it gives the lender the power to take the following actions:

1. Reduce Your Credit Rating Score

This move resulted from the current government regime’s intervention, where President Dr. William Ruto decided to abolish the previous system.

The system allowed mobile money lenders to submit the details of their defaulters to the Credit Regulatory Bureau (C.R.B) to be blacklisted, which meant that they would no longer qualify to access any other type of credit services.

However, under the current credit score system, once you fail to pay your mobile debt (including Tala loans), your overall credit score is lowered instead of being blacklisted.

With a poor credit score, you will no longer be eligible for higher loan amounts.

Learn more here: Can Tala List You On CRB?

2. Debt Collection Agencies

Another strategy Tala uses to recover their money once it’s clear that you have defaulted is outsourcing debt collector services.

The debt collector agent usually notifies you that Tala has contracted them to follow up on your loan.

They also warn you that failing to repay the loan, the agency will track you, confiscate your assets, and auction them to recover the debt owed.

3. Increased Interest Rates

Although everyone knows that Tala charges a specific interest for their loans since that is how they make their money, it is essential to note that they will also charge you an additional one-time interest of 8% on the total amount owed. 

This interest acts as a penalty for defaulting, meaning you will have to pay a much higher amount than the one you were required to settle initially.

Compared to other mobile money lenders that impose a daily late payment penalty, Tala is very lenient.

Also Read: Does Tala Call Your Contacts?

Top Raila Odinga Achievements and Challenges You Probably Didn’t Know

Born on 7 January 1945, Kenya’s political history cannot be complete without mentioning Raila Odinga.

Raila Odinga started his political journey in 1992 when he Joined Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD) after coming back to the country from exile.

 In the same year, he vied for the first time as a member of parliament for Langata and won.

Sadly, he fell out with the leadership of Ford Kenya and formed the National Democratic Party (NDP).

He is popularly known for leading the merger between KANU and Ford Kenya.

 He served as the Minister of Energy from 2001 to 2002 and became Kenya’s second Prime Minister in 2008.

He has unsuccessfully vied for the presidency six times (in 1997, 2007, 2013, 2017 and 2022).

Despite his long stay in opposition and controversial political life, Raila Odinga has many achievements under his belt.

Let’s look at some of his main achievements.

Raila Odinga Main Achievements

1. He has been at the forefront of the struggle for democracy and upholding the rule of law in Kenya.

His struggle for democracy started in September 1988 when he was arrested for his pro-democracy and human rights agitation when Kanu was the only political party in the country.

He fled to Norway after his release on 21 June 1991 for fear of being assassinated.

His fight for democracy bore fruits when President Daniel Arap Moi allowed for the restoration of a multiparty government in December 1991.

2. Dualling of Langata Road

During his time as the member of parliament of Langata constituency (between 1992 and March 2013), he undertook major projects that endeared him to the electorate.

For example, he sponsored a motion in parliament that resulted in the dualling of the Langata Road in the 1997-98 financial year.

This project massively reduced the traffic gridlock on Langata road.

3. Dethroned the ‘’oppressive’’ Moi regime

He differed his presidential ambitions in 2002 to support Mwai Kibaki, which led to the removal of the oppressive Moi regime.

Kibaki’s win ushered in a new era of democracy and economic development in Kenya.

4. Undertook significant projects as the Roads minister

As the Roads minister during the Mwai Kibaki administration, he initiated and oversaw the paving of Mbagathi Way using concrete.

The concrete paving is a replica of the autobahns of Germany.

The road has never been repaired since construction and it’s a reference point for civil engineering students today.

He also initiated and oversaw the upgrade of houses in Kibera slums with funding from international agencies, such as UN-HABITAT.

He also launched and oversaw the implementation of the Kibra Highrise slum-upgrading programme with the help of the National Housing Corporation.

He established an ultra-modern health facility at Laini Saba in partnership with multiple health organizations, including Amref.

Through the help of these health organizations, he also established the Raila Education Centre to support education.

5. He executed major projects as the country’s Prime Minister (between 2007 and 2013)

The main projects initiated by Raila during the Kibaki tenure were the Standard Gauge Railway and the Nairobi Expressway, which were actualized by Uhuru Kenyatta.

He also designed the Kenya Vision 2030 (the country’s development programme from 2008 to 2030) during the coalition government with Mwai Kibaki.

The aim of the Vision 2030 is to create “a globally competitive and prosperous nation, with a high quality of life by transforming it into a newly industrialized, and middle-income country.’’

He bravely championed for the environment by ordering the eviction of illegal Mau Forest Dwellers.

The Mau Forest is an important water catchment area in Kenya.

6. The 2018 handshake

He accepted a political truce with President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2018 that lowered the political temperature and allowed economic development to take the front seat.

The handshake enabled the speedy completion of the Nairobi Expressway and the transformation of Nairobi City through the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS).

Raila Odinga Challenges

Despite all the achievements in his political life, Raila has had a fair share of challenges.

 While he managed to overcome most of them, some have denied him the opportunity to lead this country and threatened his political career and life.

Some of the challenges he has faced include:

I. Charged with treason

Raila Odinga was charged with treason for his alleged involvement in the 1982 coup. He was detained for 6 years.

II. 1988 arrest

After he was released from detention, he was rearrested for his involvement in multiparty campaigns.

He was released on 12 June 1989, but rearrested again in 1990.

When he was released in 1991, he fled to Norway for fear of being assassinated.

III. Lost the presidency 5 times

In 1995, he viewed for the presidency and lost.

He also lost the 2007, 2013, 2017 and 2022 presidential elections.

IV. The 2005 referendum upset

While he successfully mobilized to oppose the 2005 constitutional amendment referendum, he and his party were expelled from the government by Kibaki.

Parting Thoughts

Despite many challenges in his political life, Raila is around and influences Kenyan politics massively.

In fact, most politicians opposing Raila admit that it’s very hard to govern this country without his support.

The fact that he is still in opposition, he will face many challenges.

But what is for sure is that the current administration will struggle to deliver when he is vehemently opposing them.

Oncology Nurse Salary in Kenya: An In-Depth Analysis

An Oncology Nurse is a specialist in the field of cancer care.

They are responsible for creating and executing treatment plans, administering medication, and providing emotional support to patients with cancer and those at risk of developing it.

The average starting salary for oncology nurses in Kenya is around Kshs. 90,000 per month.

This rate is slightly above the average pay for regular nurses, which falls around Ksh 70,000 per month.

The net pay of an oncology nurse with a gross salary of Ksh 90,000 is roughly Ksh 68,572 after taxes, and other deductions are made, as seen in the table below.

Gross PayKsh 90,000
Income TaxKsh 19,717
NHIFKsh 1,511
NSSFKsh 200
Total TaxKsh 21,428
Net PayKsh 68,572

Senior Oncologist Salaries

Senior Oncologists in Kenya earn an average salary of Ksh 400,000 per month.

After taxes and deductions, their take-home pay is roughly Ksh 285,440.

Gross PayKsh 400,000
Income TaxKsh 112,660
NHIFKsh 1,700
NSSFKsh 200
Total TaxKsh  114,560
Net PayKsh 285,440

It’s important to keep in mind that the figures provided are basic salaries for oncology nurses in Kenya. There may be additional benefits that can raise the overall earnings.

Factors that Influence Earnings

  • Experience: Oncology nurses with more experience earn higher salaries than those just starting out in the field. This is because experienced oncology nurses have a deeper understanding of the complexities of cancer care and can provide better patient outcomes.
  • Education: Oncology nurses with advanced degrees or certifications in oncology nursing tend to earn more than those with only basic nursing qualifications. This is because advanced education and certifications demonstrate a higher level of knowledge and expertise in the field.
  • Location: Oncology nurses working in urban areas, such as Nairobi, can expect to earn higher salaries than those working in rural areas. This is due to the higher cost of living in urban areas and the higher demand for healthcare professionals in these areas.

Does Tala Call Your Contacts?

You may have heard of the Tala app before.

Tala is a popular mobile app in Kenya that provides quick loans to individuals with little to no credit history.

Millions of Kenyans have benefitted from the platform for years.

 However, some users have raised concerns about the app’s privacy practices.

The question of whether or not Tala accesses and uses the contacts stored on users’ phones is not uncommon.

How Tala Verifies Your Creditworthiness

You must understand how Tala verifies your identities to clear up any confusion.

When you apply for a loan through the app, you must provide personal information such as your name, phone number, and ID number.

Tala also uses a proprietary algorithm to assess your creditworthiness.

They base this on data from your phone, such as your call and text history.

Are Your Contacts Secure With Tala?

While the app does not explicitly ask permission to access your contacts, Tala could access the contacts on your phone as part of its algorithm.

However, the company has stated that it does not share or sell this information to third parties.

You will find this on the terms and conditions you must agree to work with when applying for loan from Tala.

With the need for a secure and better transaction, Tala has implemented various security measures to protect users’ personal information.

These include using encrypted servers to store data and regularly updating the app to fix potential vulnerabilities.

So, if you have been worrying about how they use your contacts, rest assured that all your personal information is safe.

Be Aware Of the Privacy Terms

Asking for a loan is like signing a contract.

Yes. And it even applies to online loan apps like Tala.

You must accept to read and understand all the terms and conditions.

 It would help if you never overlooked any app’s privacy policies.

 It is a recommended measure to protect your personal information.

You may also want to check:

Can Tala List You On CRB?

What Happens To Tala Loan Defaulters?

Richest Senators in Kenya Right Now (2023)

Richest Senators in Kenya Right Now (2023)

The Senate is one of the most lucrative political seats in the current Kenyan constitution.

It is among the best-paying political jobs, where elected senators take home a basic monthly salary of around 510,000, which can go up to 750,000 if you add allowances.

Such a salary can create immense wealth in ten years for those lucky enough to get two serving terms.

 It is safe to say that senators fall into the category of rich people in Kenya, but some senators have more wealth than others.

So, who are the wealthiest Kenyan senators in 2023? Let’s take a look.

1. Hon. Tabitha Karanja Keroche

Hon Tabitha may be serving her first-ever political seat in Kenya as Nakuru senator.

Still, she qualifies to be on this list because of her role as a Founder, CEO, and Director of Keroche Breweries Limited.

She has an estimated net worth of $5 million, thanks to her Family’s beer processing plant in Naivasha that rakes in billions in revenue annually.

This means that Tabitha continues to earn from the company as a founder while still enjoying the senatorial salary. 

 The Keroche company was involved in tax arrears-related wrangles with the KRA for the better part of last year that saw it closed down temporarily, but the issue has since been resolved. 

2. Hon. Boni Khalwale

Popularly known as the bullfighter, Boni Khalwale has made a name for himself in Kenyan politics.

He started as an elected MP for Ikolomani Constituency back in 2002 and has risen to the ranks of becoming the Kakamega senator, currently serving his second term in the county.

Most of Khal wale’s fortune is from politics which is his primary career, boasting a net worth ranging between $1-$5 million.

The openly polygamous politician’s wealth could also be running some businesses or companies in the background, given that he has to take care of his large family.

3. Hon. Oburu Odinga

Currently serving as the senator for Siaya County, the brother to Raila Odinga, is also one of the longest-serving politicians in Kenya, which has helped him create immense wealth.

The net worth of the 79-year-old ranges between $3-$5 million.

He has served as an MP, EALA representative, and now as a senator.

Hon. Oburu also served as an assistant minister in the finance docket during Kibaki’s grand coalition government in which his brother Hon. Raila was a Prime Minister. 

4. Hon. Kathuri Murungi

Kathuri Murungi was one the best-performing Members of Parliament before he decided to give the senatorial seat a try in the last year’s general elections.

He is now the senator for Meru County and the deputy speaker of the senate.

Besides receiving a senator’s salary, he is also taking home an additional estimate of Ksh925,000 for his role as the deputy speaker.

He has created wealth from his political career, given that he also served on several parliamentary committees.

This role also contributed to the overall monthly salary.

5. Senator Ledama Ole Kina

Also known as the defender of Maasai rights, Ledama is a wealthy politician currently serving as the Narok County senator.

His net worth is estimated at $5 million from his salary, parliamentary committee stipends, and businesses.

He has an expensive mansion with a basketball pitch and a spacious parking lot.

The vocal and controversial senator also revealed that he had built his farm manager a two-bedroom house worth Ksh1.1 million last year. 

6. Okiya Andrew Omtata

Omtata is a decorated name in Kenya because he has been a political activist and human rights defender for several years.

Last year, he ventured into active politics and won the Busia County senatorial seat with a little-known NRC party.

Over the years, he has accumulated his wealth from local and international NGO funding for his activism, and now he has a senate salary to add to it.

 On top of that, Okiya is also a businessman and has accumulated over Ksh 20 million in wealth.

7. Hon. Jackson Kiplagat Mandago

Mandago is the current senator for Uasin Gishu county, having served as the county’s Governor for two successive terms.

In his duration as a politician since 2013, he has accumulated wealth by buying and building rental properties back in Uasin Gishu and Nairobi County.

Jackson is also believed to own construction companies through third parties.

His net worth stands approximately between $1-$5 million. 

You may also want to check:

The Poorest Senators in Kenya

Richest Governors in Kenya Right Now (2023)

How to Check Who Listed You in CRB

If statistics by Sammy Omukoko (the managing director of Metropol Corporation) is anything to go by, over 6 million Kenyans were negatively listed on CRB by September 2022.  

This translates to 22% of Kenya’s population failing to service their loans.

Where do you stand? Are you among the defaulters?

Probably you don’t even know whether or not you are listed in CRB…

Anyway, how can you check whether you are listed in CRB, and by which financial institution?

Read on to find out more.

When Do You Appear in CRB Negative Listing?

Once you stop repaying your loan as agreed in the lender’s terms and conditions, you automatically become a defaulter.

However, your financial institution will not list you immediately.

For instance, if you default on a loan from Banks like KCB, Equity, Cooperative, and Absa for 90 days, the bank will notify you that they will list you in CRB if you don’t repay their loan.

For mobile lenders like Fuliza and Tala, it’s usually 30 days.

Learn more here: How Long Does It Take To Be Listed In CRB?

How to Check Who Listed You in CRB

It’s essential to know whether your name appears on the CRB negative listing and which financial institution listed you.

This is if you care about having a positive credit score. But how do you do this?

First, you must register your name with any of the three registered Credit Reference Bureaus in Kenya.

Their duty is to research the financial status of Kenyans, manage, and share that information. They include:

A. How to Check on CreditInfo

CreditInfo CRB has the easiest way of checking your CRB status and who listed you.

First, you visit their website at https: ke.creditinfo.com/.

Then, tap on the Credit Report and complete the personal application form.

If you’re checking CRB for your organization, choose and fill out the company application form.

Click on submit option to get your status report.

You will receive this report in your email, and it shows detailed information about all lenders that have listed you.

B. How to Check on TransUnion

To check your CRB status on TransUnion, you must first send your names to 21272 to register.

This SMS will only cost you Ksh.19. You’ll then pay Ksh.50 to their pay bill, 212121.

You can also download and install the TransUnion app on your mobile phone from the play store and register there.

This saves you the stress of sending SMSs. Pay Ksh.50 to the same pay bill to continue with your registration.

Next, put your identification number and select Credit Status.

You’ll then receive your CRB report showing whether you have a positive credit score or blacklisted and by which financial institution.

If your name does not appear on the CRB negative listing, you can request your CRB clearance certificate by paying Ksh.2200 processing fee.

You’ll get the certificate within three working days.

C. How to Check on Metropol Corporation

Metropol is the easiest, most popular, and preferred way Kenyans check their CRB status.

 There are three ways to check your status through this corporation.

  • By dialing *433# on your mobile phone
  • By visiting Metropol’s official website

Checking your status by dialing *433# is the most simplified option for this CRB.

Once you dial the USSD code, you must pay Ksh.50 to Metropol’s pay bill number, 220388. For the account number option, use your ID.

Once they process the transactions, they’ll send you an SMS message containing such details as; reference number, pin details, and a link.

You’ll then click that link, enter that pin and reference number, and then receive your CRB report.

If you prefer to use the app, it’s straightforward as you easily follow their on-screen steps until you receive your CRB status.

If you don’t want to install the Metropol App, you can visit their official website, https://www.metropol.co.ke/.

You tap the registration icon here, enter your details as requested on each field, and follow their on-screen guides.

Once you submit all the details as requested, you’ll receive your CRB status report showing your credit score and which lenders have listed you on CRB.

How to Get Yourself Out of CRB Listing

Now that you know the financial institutions that listed you on CRB, you can clear your name by paying all your defaulted loan (s).

If you still can’t repay the whole amount, approach your lender and negotiate a manageable repayment plan.

Most financial institutions delist you from CRB once you keep your word and repay the outstanding loan as agreed.

If you manage to clear your loan, how long will it take to be cleared from CRB? Check out this post for a comprehensive answer: How Long Does It Take to Be Cleared from CRB?

We also have a couple of CRB-related posts that can help you further decode CRB listing issues. Check them out via links below:

 Was CRB Listing in Kenya Suspended?

What Does Positive Listing Mean In CRB?

Can Tala List You On CRB?

Richest Governors in Kenya Right Now (2023)

Becoming a governor in Kenya is one of the quickest ways to become rich, given the heft monthly salary and accompanying allowances.

Kenyan governors earn close to a million every month.

However, some governors have more than one source of income—some have businesses and big companies running in the background.

Others were previously Senators and Parliament members, also well-paying jobs.

It is safe to say that some governors have accumulated more wealth than others.

To know who is who, here is a list of the wealthiest Kenyan governors presently:

1. Ann Waiguru

Waiguru is serving her second term as Kirinyaga County Governor.

The governor is also earning additional income from her role as the current chairperson of the Council of Governors.

She previously worked in Uhuru Kenyatta’s cabinet for the devolution docket, a time when the misappropriation of NYS funds happened.

Approximated to be worth 2.87 billion Kenyan shillings, Ann also previously worked for Uhuru before he became the president.

Besides her government salary, Anne has also invested in real estate and other income-generating ventures.

2. Anyang’ Nyongo

Anyang’ is in his second term as Kisumu County governor.

He was the county’s senator before giving the governor seat a try.

Having been in active politics since the early 1990s, Anyang has served in several government dockets as a Minister and MP.

He has so far accumulated wealth worth 2 billion Kenyan shillings.

Anyang is also an accomplished author and the father to the Oscar-winning actress Luputa Nyongo.

He also runs his businesses away from the political roles entrusted to him.

3. Johnson Sakaja

Sakaja is a promising young man in the world of politics.

He is the governor of Nairobi at just 37, meaning he has a lot of time to accomplish bigger political dreams, even vying for the presidency.

Sakaja ventured into active politics back in 2013 when he was nominated to the Parliament by the TNA coalition.

He would then compete for the senatorial seat in 2017 and win, and later go for the governor’s seat in 2022 and clinch it.

He has amassed significant wealth during his stint in the political arena.

Not to be mistaken, Sakaja was a hard worker before he joined politics.

He has a consultancy business, and his current fortune ranges between $3-5$ million.

4. Susan Kihika

Another young go-getter in Kenyan politics, Susan, has risen to three political ranks in three election periods.

She started as a women’s rep for Nakuru County, became a senator, and now she has the county’s plum job, governor.

Susan lived a privileged life since she is from a well-off family, and the political roles entrusted to her over the years have helped her gain more wealth.

She has invested in real estate and agriculture, and her overall net worth ranges between $1-$6 million. 

5. George Natembeya

Natembeya became a popular name when serving as a regional commissioner for the Rift Valley due to his comic approach in public addresses.

It was a shocking surprise when he announced that he was resigning from his commissioner job to join politics.

Still, Kenyans knew that he had a higher chance of clinching the Uasin Gishu Gubernatorial seat given his popularity.

He did win and is the current governor of Uasin Gishu county.

He has accumulated property worth between $1-$2 million in the time he has served as a civil servant and now a governor.

It is worth noting that Natembeya was also previously a District Officer and a personal assistant to the late John Michuki. 

6. Kimani Wamatangi

The current Governor of Kiambu County, Wamatangi previously held the senatorial role.

He was also part of parliamentary committees while in the Senate.

Kimani has investments in real estate, hospitality, and technology.

He also runs a charity foundation, using his wealth to help the less fortunate.

His wealth is estimated between $1-$3 million.

7. Ken Lusaka

Ken Lusaka is serving his second term as Bungoma’s governor.

He first became the county’s governor in 2012 but was unseated during 2017’s general elections.

He, however, made his way to the senate as the speaker, where he earned a monthly salary of 1.1 million Kenyan shillings, more than he had lost for the governor’s seat.

His comeback as the county’s governor is set to increase his fortune.

He was the governor when Bungoma’s 100,000 per wheelbarrow expenditure hit the headlines in the country.

He has a fortune worth $5 million.

You may also want to check:

Richest Senators in Kenya Right Now (2023)

The Poorest Senators in Kenya

Which Tribe Is Good In Bed In Kenya?

Truthfully speaking, bedroom affairs play a vital role in strengthening relationships and marriages.

They spice up the couple’s lives and help them establish an emotional connection.

When looking for a partner, most single people want someone who can make their romantic life interesting and exciting. 

Some do not even mind good looks or financial stability as long as their potential partner is a beast or expert in bedroom matters.

Most women, for example, want a man with a well-endowed manhood.

For example, men prefer women who don’t shy from trying new things in the bedroom.

The question is, which Kenyan tribes have the best-performing men and women regarding intimate affairs?

Here is a breakdown of the top-ranking tribes:


Luo men do not disappoint in the bedroom, which explains why ladies remain bitter after a breakup with a Luo man.

Their prowess in bed is why you will find ladies hesitating to leave a relationship even after learning they are being cheated on.

Men aside, Luo women also do not joke in the bedroom.

Men mostly like them because of their curves and hard work during love-making.

To return the favor, you need to take good care of your Luo wife because they love fine things in life.

They will not hesitate to dump you if you fail to meet their lifestyle needs. 


You can never talk about bedroom affairs and leave out the Kamba tribe.

Kamba women are good in bedminton and beautiful, the perfect combination that most men prefer.

These ladies have mastered the art of intimacy and do not wait for the men to initiate bedroom games.

As a man, you need to eat healthy and aphrodisiac foods like Njahi and Njugu Karanga to satisfy a Kamba woman in p’[‘\bed.

Kamba ladies do not waste their time on men who do not satisfy them in bed, as they will hop to the next available man.

You need strength to keep up with their love-making appetite.


If you are looking for a full-package woman, go for a Taita woman.

They Cook heavenly meals, have good looks, and are hardworking in bed.

They know how to love their men and fulfill their marital needs.

You can never gamble with a Taita woman because they understand their roles and take them seriously. 


The Somali tribe has very handsome men, and their prowess in bed is admirable too.

Suppose you know the likes of Hon. Alinur Mohammed and Hassan Joho, who were both linked to Betty Kyallo some time back, then you know that these men are good-looking.

Add bedroom talent to their good looks, and you get a full package.

Remember that if you decide to marry them and do not belong to their tribe, you’ll be required to change your religion.

You also need to bear the fact that they are polygamous without apologies. 


Some women think Maasai men are pastoralists who do not have time to spend with their wives.

The truth is that wealthy Maasai men hire people to look after their livestock while they spend time with their families.

They have enough energy to make you scream your lungs out in the bedroom because they feed well on meat and milk.

Behind the loose lesos are men with well-packaged work tools in the bedroom, so don’t dismiss them the next time you come across them.


Luhya men and women are known bedroom bullies, given their energy from routine heavy feeding.

If you decide to date a Luhya, ensure that your energy matches theirs because they stay energized in matters of the bed.

Luhya women and men do not complicate their love lives and are always ready to perform in bed without giving flimsy excuses. 

Bottom line

Besides considering tribes with good partners in bed, you can also learn to communicate with your partner to become good lovers.

Some people suffer in relationships and marriages because they are shy to communicate their needs to their partners for fear of being judged.

You should embrace communication so that you know what your partner likes best, and they can also learn what you would love them to do to you during those pleasurable moments. 

You may also want to check:

Tribes with the Best Husbands in Kenya

Worst Tribes to Marry in Kenya

Is Raila Richer Than Ruto?

is Raila richer than Ruto? This is one of the questions that linger in most Kenyans’ minds.

Well, before Ruto became the vice president, you could say with certainty that ‘’Raila is richer than Ruto.’’

But today, you can’t say that for sure because Ruto has amassed substantial wealth since becoming the vice president.

 So, to answer this question, we have to compare what Raila and Ruto own first.

What Raila Owns

Raila has amassed substantial wealth throughout his political career and most of his assets have appreciated substantially in the past few years.

He generated his wealth from politics, business in oil and gas, land, manufacturing and other ventures. Here are the assets and companies owned by Raila:

According to an article published on the Nation website, Raila’s business empire includes:

  • A substantial stake in BeEnergy
  • Spectre International ltd (The holding company for the Kisumu Molasses plant)
  • East Africa Spectre (A company that manufactures liquid petroleum gas cylinders in Kenya)
  • Kisumu molasses plant (A company that produces ethanol and manufacturers fertilizer)
  • Pan African Petroleum ltd (A multimillion oil and gas depot that provides petroleum energy solutions to millions of Kenyans).
  • A holiday home in Mombasa
  • A multi-million family home in Karen, Nairobi.
  • A multi-million house in Runda
  • Opoda Ranch in Bondo
  • A state-of-the-art home in Riat, Kisumu, estimated to be worth kshs 1 billion.
  • 2 choppers for hire worth approximately Ksh.500 million. He also uses the choppers for his political campaigns.
  • A fleet of expensive cars composed of Toyota Prados and Mercedes Benz.

With these assets and companies, it’s easy to see that Raila is a wealthy man.

According to Miguna Miguna, his former senior adviser on coalition affairs during the coalition government, Raila is worth approximately $2 billion (That’s about Ksh 200 billion)

What Ruto Owns

Ruto has also amassed a lot of wealth throughout his political life.

But he got the vast majority of his wealth when he became the vice president.

Here is a highlight of assets and companies owned by Ruto:

According to an article published on the Nation website, Ruto’s business empire includes:

  • Weston Hotel (A 4-star hotel in Nairobi worth over Ksh 2.5 billion)
  • Amaco Insurance (He teamed up with friends to start this insurance company. He is the biggest shareholder in the company, with about Ksh 1 billion. Amaco made a lot of money during the last days of the Moi regime).
  • Sentrim 680 Hotel worth about Ksh 3.1 billion
  • Dolphin Hotel in Mombasa worth about Ksh 600 million.
  • MediaMax Networks and K24 TV station (He is the largest shareholder, with 87% of the shares)
  • Residential properties in Nairobi, along Jogoo Road valued at about Ksh 1.6 billion
  • Osere flats in Rongai valued at about Ksh 500 million.
  • Uasin Gishu homestead valued at about Ksh 1.3 billion. The homestead has a man-made lake and an airstrip.
  • A residential home in Karen valued at Ksh 500 million
  • 5 choppers valued at Ksh 1.3 billion
  • Orterter Enterprises ltd (A real estate company valued at Ksh 2.5 billion)
  • A Poultry Business Hub in Uasin Gishu country valued at Ksh 830 million

From the list of properties and companies above, it’s no doubt that Ruto is a wealthy man.

And because he is now the president of Kenya, expect him to amass even more wealth.

Now to the question at hand, is Raila richer than Ruto?

If you look at the two politicians’ wealth portfolios, it can be difficult to tell who is richer than the other.

But many local and international publications rank Raila above Ruto when it comes to riches.

So, Yes, Raila is richer than Ruto.

Was CRB Listing in Kenya Suspended? Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you a defaulter in Kenya? If yes, you’re probably worried about being listed on Credit Reference Bureaus.

But here’s the good news: On November 14, 2022, the Central Bank of Kenya directed all mortgage institutions, banks, and microfinance institutions to delist all mobile-based loan defaulters.

However, this suspension will only be for six months. The mobile loan defaulters are cleared from CRB until May 31, 2023.

The suspension applies to all borrowers with less than ksh.5M loan who defaulted from October 31, 2022.

This means that if your loan performed well before October, then became non-performing after, your name is not on the negative CRB listing until the end of May 2023.

This directive is one of the government’s efforts to rescue over 4.2 million Kenyans listed on CRB.

Expectations from Defaulters

All borrowers are expected to agree on the repayment plan with their lenders.

After May 31, 2023, defaulters who will not honor their word with their financial institutions will again appear on the negative CRB listing.

According to the CBK directive, the lending institutions will give their defaulters a 50% discount when repaying their loans.

If you are listed in CRB for defaulting Ksh.10, 000, your lender will give you a discount of 50%. This means you’ll pay Ksh.5,000, repayable on or before May 31, 2023.

Once the grace period expires, your financial institution will consider your repayment performance for those six months to know whether to re-list your name on CRB or give you more time to repay your loan.

Terms and Conditions

The suspension terms only apply to borrowers whose loans became non-performing before October 31.

Additionally, the delisting is only for mobile-based loan defaulters, not Kenyans who take credit from digital lenders through mobile applications. Also, the grace period is only for loans with 30 days of maturity.

If you clear your loan on or before May 31, CRB will delist your name from the record of defaulters. Therefore, your credit score will improve, and you’ll not appear in CRB default history.

This directive is one of the various economic recovery plans by President William Ruto. His administration has promised to prioritize financial inclusiveness for all Kenyans.

To learn more about CRB listings, check out the following posts: