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List of Celebrities who’ve Had Optic Nerve Hypoplasia

Our bodies are quite complex; in fact, several things can go wrong while we are developing in our mothers’ wombs or growing up.

A simple genetic mutation can occur resulting in a complication that we may have to live with for our entire lives.

And one of these conditions that can cause visual impairment is the Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH).

The ONH is one of the overlooked developmental anomalies caused by underdeveloped optic nerves.

Unfortunately, folks with this condition have nystagmus (abnormal eye movement), with their vision ranging between great functional vision and full vision in only a single eye.

The ONH accounts for between 15% and 25% of kids with vision impairment.  

The ONH may not be that common, but it has affected a number of celebrities. These celebrities have inspired other folks with various conditions including the ONH. 

 Some of the celebrities that are outspoken about this condition include:

1. Christopher Nolan

If you have watched the “Interstellar” “The Dark Knight Trilogy,” and the “Inception” then you have heard of Christopher Nolan.

Christopher is one of the celebrities with ONH that have spoken of visual impairment. 

Despite having this issue since birth, Nolan has managed to achieve success in the industry.

Christopher’s films have grossed over $6 billion, making him the most successful directors of the 21st century.

2. Heather Langenkamp

Another celebrity who has shared their journey with this visual impairment condition is Heather.

Heather has acted in several movie genres, including horror movies. On top of that, Heather has always advocated for folks with visual impairments.

Langemkamp has always spoken about her experience with this condition.

3. Stevland Morris AKA Stevie Wonder

There is no bigger celebrity in our list than Stevie Wonder, the popular song writer and producer.

Stevie’s use of electronic musical instruments and synthesizers in the 1970s reshaped contemporary R&B.

He is believed to have become blind shortly after being born, but he didn’t let his condition stop him.

By age 11, he had been signed to Tamia label and named Little Stevie Wonder.

He has managed to win numerous awards and touch hundreds of millions of hearts with his inspiring lyrics and soulful voice.

Even though he hasn’t talked about it in public, his visual impairment is believed to have been caused by Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.    

4. Andrea Bocelli

Bocelli is a popular Italian tenor who has inspired the world with his unique talent.

 Andrea became a world icon in 1994 after winning in the 44th Sanremo Music Festival in the Newcomer Section.

Like Stevie Wonder, Andrea has been blind since he was young.

Bocelli is the most successful and beloved classical crossover musician of all time.

His ability to connect with his listeners on an emotional level and incredible voice made him a global sensation.

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Most folks with disabilities have let their conditions dictate their lives, but that’s not the case with the above celebrities.

They have managed to succeed while dealing with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.

Celebrities like Andrea Bocelli and Stevie Wonder have been an inspiration to millions.

On top of that, these celebrities has openly spoken about Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.

List of African Words for Beauty

Africa is a continent that is rich in culture, diversity, and beauty. From the stunning landscapes and slopes to the unique wildlife, Africa always amazes us with its treasures.

One of the most enchanting aspects of African culture is the use of language to express beauty.

Below are African words for beauty that signify the captivating nature of the continent’s linguistic and cultural landscape.

1. Qurux

“Qurux” is a Somali word often used to describe something beautiful, radiant, sparkling, or shining. It can be used to refer to a person, an object, or an idea.

The word can be traced back to the Somali nomadic culture, where beauty was highly valued and celebrated. During that time, physical appearance was not the only criteria for beauty, but also qualities such as kindness, intelligence, and creativity.

 Therefore, the word “qurux” conveys external beauty and inner qualities.

2. Mrembo

“Mrembo” means beautiful in Swahili. It is commonly used as a term of endearment for women and is often used to describe their physical appearance.

The word describes a woman who is not only physically attractive but also has a great personality. It can be used to refer to a woman who possesses a combination of inner and outer beauty.

 The word “Mrembo” can be traced back to the Bantu language, spoken in many African countries, including Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda.

The word “mrembo” is derived from the Bantu word “remba,” which means “to beautify oneself.”

3. Zuri

The Swahili word “zuri” originates from the Bantu language family, specifically the Swahili dialect spoken in East Africa. It translates to “good” or “beautiful” in English.

This word is commonly used in Swahili culture to express admiration or approval of something or someone’s appearance or quality.

Unlike “mrembo,” which can only be used to refer to women, “zuri” can be used to describe all beautiful aspects of life.

4. Lewa

The word “lewa” originates from the Yoruba language, among the numerous languages spoken in Nigeria. This term is significant as it denotes “beauty” or “charm.” It can also refer to anything visually appealing or pleasing to the eye.

The Yoruba culture greatly emphasizes beauty, and “lewa” perfectly captures this idea.

It is a term that embodies elegance and grace, and it has become widely recognized for its significance in Nigerian culture.

5. Jameela

The Swahili word “jameela” means “beautiful” in English. Its origin is deep-seated in Arabic, where “jamila” means “beautiful.”

Arabic has influenced Swahili as a language due to centuries of trade and cultural exchange along the East African coast.

Therefore, it is unsurprising that “jameela” found its way into Swahili vocabulary, which continues to be commonly used to describe physical beauty.

6. Konjo

“Konjo” is an Ethiopian word that means beautiful or handsome. Its origin can be traced back to the Amharic language, one of Ethiopia’s main languages.

The word is often used to describe people or things that are attractive.

In Ethiopian culture, physical beauty is highly valued, and “konjo” is frequently used as an endearment or complimenting term.

7. Umhle

“Umhle” is a word in the Xhosa language, primarily spoken in South Africa, which means “beautiful” in English.

 It can be used to describe someone or something that has beauty.

Its origin comes from the Xhosa culture and language, passed down through generations of indigenous people in South Africa.

8. Boddo

“Boddo” is a word in Fulani language that means “beauty.” Though its origin is unclear, it is a general symbol of physical beauty and goodness.

It is also used to describe the beauty of a person’s spirit, character, or actions.

In this sense, a kind, loving, caring, generous person with a good heart can be called “boddo.”

9. Ntle

The word “ntle” can be traced back to the Sotho people, mainly found in Lesotho, South Africa. It is derived from the dialects spoken by the Sotho people, who use it to describe their surroundings and the things they perceive as beautiful.

In Sesotho culture, the appreciation of beauty is evident in their art, dance, music, and poetry. It is also seen in how people dress and adorn themselves with traditional garments and jewelry.

10. Pragtige

The word “pragtige” in Afrikaans has its roots in the Dutch language, specifically from the term “prachtige,” which translates to “splendid” or “gorgeous” in English.

The term is frequently used to describe something that has an exceptional and awe-inspiring beauty or magnificence in its appearance.

It is often used to complement someone’s physical features or to portray a beautiful landscape.

Other African Words You Should Know:

7 Black Commentary YouTubers to Follow In 2024

Commentary YouTubers need to be creative to capture the viewers’ minds and add a juicy layer of opinions on some issues. The videos are educational and undergo in-depth research on the topic of discussion to keep the viewers informed.

From racism, pop music, comedy, lifestyle, gaming and the like, name it, and you’ll find a commentary YouTuber on nearly any niche on YouTube. 

Below are the top 7 black commentary Youtubers that are reaping big on YouTube: 

1. D’Angelo Wallace


D’Angelo Wallace is a famous commentary YouTuber who does all sorts of things, including Elon Musk, who airs live every Saturday night, racism, smart masks, and pop culture. D’Angelo does in-depth research on these topics and pulls different opinions, making everything look entertaining and funny. 

2. Franchesca Ramsey 

Franchesca quickly climbed the YouTube ladder as a commentary YouTuber, specifically on racial and cultural issues. One of her videos that went viral was what shit white girls say to black girls which led to various interviews even with the mega broadcaster BBC. 

Franchesca has built her career as a producer, performer, and writer. She is also a coach and YouTube commentator on social matters. 

3. Kat Blaque 

Kat Blaque is a black American commentary YouTuber known for her social commentary on LGBTQ+ issues. She started blogging in December 2010, capturing matters related to race, gender and social justice. She has a weekly YouTube series, ‘True Tea’, where she answers viewers’ questions on transphobia, black culture, and racism, among other issues. 

4. Akilah Hughes 

Akilah Hughes is a commentary YouTube sensation who rose the ladders as a millennial. She is known for her social media humour and witty commentary on current and trending matters, and she is also a writer. 

Her video ‘Meet Your Black Girlfriend’ went viral overnight, and she used humour to unpack such a sensitive topic. Later, she became an explainer of intersectional feminism and incisive news commentary. 

5. Khadi Don 

Khadi was born on April 4, 1996, and she is an American social media comedian famous for her voiceover of Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Rihanna, which went viral. 

She started making videos grounded in her room that captured a large base of followers. One of her viral videos, ‘Who’s That Girl’, gave her the limelight of a huge viewer base. 

6. Denzel Dion

Denzel Dion is dominating YouTube like never before, focusing on lifestyle and comedy commentary. The Ghanaian-American commentary YouTuber is known for dishing out pop culture critiques. His hilarious, savage YouTube uploads rapidly made him viral, surging over millions of subscribers. 

7. Zach Campbell 

Zach Campbell is a YouTube commentator known for his criticism of pop culture. He asked the lecturer to excuse him in class and went to the dorm to watch a Lady Gaga music video.

Zach uploaded a video on the critic on the pop song, and within a night, it had gained 200,000 viewers. This saw him climb the ladder quicker than he thought, and he’s now reaping big as a pop critic commentary YouTuber. 

Other Recommended YouTube Channels:

Above are seven black commentary YouTubers who are making it big in the field. They drive many followers who want to keep up with the current trending news. Choose the niche you wish and subscribe to their YouTube channel to experience more fun and laughter.

7 Celebrities Who Have Had Spasmodic Dysphonia 

Spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological disorder that impacts the voice muscles in the voice box (larynx).

 In normal conditions, when you speak, the air from the lungs is pushed between the vocal cords, making them vibrate, resulting in a sound (your voice). 

However, when someone suffers from spasmodic dysphonia, the muscles in the vocal cords tend to have spasms that interfere with the ability of cords to vibrate and produce a sound (voice). 

People with this type of disorder face voice breaks, with a strained, tight-sounding voice that usually happens after a few sentences. In severe cases, understanding the affected person can even become hard.

That said, this post will focus on a few celebrities who have had spasmodic dysphonia. 

Here we go!

1.   Robert Francis Kennedy Jr

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, best known by his initials RFK Jr, is an American politician, activist, radio host and an attorney in environmental law.

However, he had spasmodic dysphonia. In July 2008, on Larry King’s Live show, his voice drew attention on social channels. His strained, raspy and stilted voice made clear that Kennedy was still struggling with spasmodic dysphonia.

2.   Selma Blair 

An American actress, Selma Blair is famous for her roles in Legally Blonde, Cruel Intentions, Hellboy and Sweetest Thing.

In an interview with Good Morning America, she opened up on having multiple sclerosis and, among them, the ill-fated spasmodic dysphonia. She also disclosed her fear of speaking but hopes to encourage others facing the same fate. 

3. Celine Dion

It pains me to put my favourite singer on the list, but it’s time to digest the sad reality of what she’s going through. She was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome and has also encountered spasmodic dysphonia. 

This impaired her speaking ability, and she had to reschedule all her 2023 shows. All we can do is pray for the talented singer to regain her strength and fight through these life-threatening syndromes. 

4.   Diane Rehm 

Diane is an American journalist known to host the famous podcast ‘On My Mind’. However, in 1998, Diane started having speaking difficulties and was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia. 

The better part is that Rehm sought treatment and returned to the show. Though the condition is treatable through speech therapy, it has no cure. 

5.  Chip Hanauer 

Chip was the youngest elected person in the Motorsports Hall of Fame and is the third successful unlimited hydroplane in history. He was the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association (NSDA) spokesman in the past, and there is no doubt why…

He was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia.

After retirement as the spokesperson, he worked as a motivational speaker and commentator, but unfortunately, his spasmodic voice got the better of him. 

6.   Dr Kristin Soda

Spasmodic dysphonia knows no class or speciality, and Dr Kristin Soda of the Clifton Beach Medical and Surgical had to tell her study with spasmodic dysphonia. 

She strives to educate her patients. She revealed that her voice had continuous breaks, and she had difficulty pronouncing some words. Even worse, her voice could stop in the middle of some words, which made it hard for anyone to understand her. 

7.   Linda Thompson 

At the young age of 25 and pregnant, the songwriter and performer developed spasmodic dysphonia. She said how hard it was for her. She could go to the studio, and nothing could come out of her mouth, which halted her music in 2002. 

Also Discover:

Though there is no known cure for spasmodic dysphonia, patients can undergo counselling and speech therapy. All we can do is encourage those suffering to undergo the proper treatment to gain courage and be the source of motivation to others. 

13 Black Roblox Youtubers You Should Be Watching

2006 marked a special year when Roblox was launched, garnering a massive following.

Many gamers find it fun and a great way to express creative prowess.

Gamers get to express their creativity when playing the game by creating unique game worlds.

Here, you can add navigational tools, weapons, structures, and so on.

There are some challenging aspects of Roblox, hence the need for Youtubers.

1. GamingWithKev

Subscribers: 12M+

Staring at the list of black Roblox Youtubers is the famous GamingWithKev. Kevin Lee Edwards is the brains behind GamingWithKev. He consistently uploads Roblox gameplay, plus NBA 2K and Grand Theft Auto. He started posting Mortal Kombat gameplay on YouTube in 2015 and progressed to Roblox. GamingWithKev features hilarious Roblox videos garnering over 5 billion views and 12.4 million subscribers.

2. Tropical. vibezz


Subscribers: 290K+

A list of black Roblox Youtubers isn’t complete without mentioning Tropical. vibezz. Currently, Tropical. vibezz has 290000 subscribers on YouTube and has posted 2.9K videos. The creator has a passion for making Adopt Me trading videos on Roblox. They do the trades of neon legendary pets and mega neon adopt me pets.

3. TedwaTeddySIM


Subscribers: 360K+

TedwaTeddySIM loves Roblox and many more games that are super fun. He aims to have loads of fun while providing entertaining videos for everyone. He has 360K subscribers on YouTube, has posted 279 videos, and boasts 70,398,535 views. TedwaTeddySIM is based in the US.

4. ProjectSupreme

Subscribers: 1.29M+

Yada Israel, aka ProjectSupreme, is another fast-rising black Roblox gamer who posts frequently on YouTube. He’s 23 years old and on his way to making history among Roblox lovers.

ProjectSupreme, or Yada Israel, is located in the US and has 1.79 million subscribers on YouTube. So far, he’s posted 1.3K videos and had 208 million views. Find him also on other platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and X.

5. JonesGotGame

Subscribers: 1.16M+

Check out another popular black Roblox Youtuber known as JonesGotGame. His posts are always entertaining and range across different intriguing topics. JonesGotGame has 1.16 million subscribers and has posted 1.1K videos. That has garnered him 246 million views on YouTube.

6. Anxais


Subscribers: 20.5K+

Up-and-coming Roblox family roleplay features Anxais. Her role play includes ‘family Halloween costumes, moving into our new house, and we snuck into a haunted house.’ All her videos are intriguing and take viewers on a journey.

Anxais has posted 199 videos, garnering 2.6 million views. She also has 20.5K subscribers on YouTube. Subscribe to her channel for more entertaining content in 2024.

7. Black Roblox Gamer

Subscribers: 2.2K+

Check out the ‘Black Roblox Gamer’ channel on YouTube for balloon fights, favorite games, and other exciting content. The Black Roblox Gamer has a growing channel that now has 2.2K subscribers. They’ve posted 231 videos with 14K views. The channel is relatively new, having started in 2021, and there’s room for growth with more entertaining content.

8. LifewithB

Subscribers: 7.3K+

Ladies are no strangers to Roblox creating amazing content for YouTube. Another black Roblox Youtuber to follow is LifewithB. Her account is still growing, having 7.3K subscribers after posting 11 videos. LifewithB features ‘How to be a ro-gangster, Roblox hair combo, among others.

9. Alysskai

Subscribers: 43.1K+

Alysskai’s fun YouTube channel features the best of Roblox. She’s posted 110 videos and has 43.1K subscribers. Interesting videos include ‘Christmas Special, Cozy Fall Night Routine, and We Moved into Our New House.’ So far. Alysskai has 3.4 million views.

10. AllStar

Subscribers: 1.53M+

There’s no shortage of massive Roblox Youtubers who continue to post exciting content. Ensure to add AllStar to the list of the best Roblox Youtubers since his channel has 1.57 million subscribers. AllStar has posted 785 videos, including ‘My Neighbor is a Clone’ and ‘Playing Doors with My Toxic Girlfriend.’ His goal is to live, laugh, and love, and so far has 599 million views.

11. It’s Akeila

Subscribers: 7.3K+

It’s Akeila, a rising Roblox Youtuber, has 1.16 million subscribers. She’s posted 477 videos, including ‘Toddler has an Asthma attack’ and ‘Thanksgiving at Grandma’s farm’. It’s Akeila’s videos have more than 220 million views.

12. Aniyahxsa

Subscribers: 36.3K+

Aniyahxsa is among the top female Roblox Youtubers and an inspiration to women aspiring to join. She’s the CEO of Aniyahxsa and also posts Bloxburg roleplays. She’s had 3.3 million views after posting 100 videos. Aniyahxsa also has 36.3K subscribers on YouTube.

13. So1oKeii

Subscribers: 216K+

Last on the list of 2024 black Roblox Youtubers to check out is So1oKeii. His YouTube profile reads, ‘A appreciate all of the support… Stay frosty.’

So1oKeii has 216,468 views on his YouTube channel and is based in the US. He has 419 subscribers, and so far, he has posted 180 videos. Get ready for loads of fun and expressive plays.

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What to Say When Someone Forgives You

At one point or another, we all make mistakes that hurt the people closest to us. These mistakes often create a rift between us and the one we wronged, which causes a strain that has a significant impact on how we relate.

It takes a lot of nerve to admit we are wrong and beg for forgiveness, especially for those who are over thinkers or share an intense fear of rejection.

What if they never forgive me? What if she doesn’t want to talk to me?

On the other hand, pardoning an offender is easier said than done. It means that the person extending forgiveness has ceased feeling resentment toward the guilty party because of his offense and has given up all claims to recompense.

 So, when you wrong a person, and they graciously accept your apology and decide to forgive you, what should you say to show you appreciate their gesture?

10 Things to Say When Someone Forgives You

1. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

This is the most straightforward response to a positive gesture. By saying this, you show that you are grateful your friend decided to forgive you despite hurting them in the past.

2. “Your forgiveness means a lot to me.”

We all love it when we know how much we matter to our friends, right? And when we let a person know how much their forgiveness means to us, it could take away whatever resentment or grudge they might be carrying when offering their forgiveness.

3. “I’m truly remorseful for what I did, and I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you.”

This response is coupled with a promise to show how much we regret hurting the other person for as long as we live. The word ‘remorse’ means we carry the pain of self-accusation for our error, which has more weight than merely saying sorry.

4. “I understand it wasn’t easy for you to do that, and I can never thank you enough for giving me a second chance.”

When we use this response, we acknowledge the strength it must have taken for the other person to forgive us. This indicates that we do not take their forgiveness for granted, are indebted to them for the powerful gesture, and don’t expect them to simply move on from our error.

5. “I promise not to repeat that mistake again in the future.”

While forgiveness is hard, forgiving someone who has made a particular mistake once is easier. If the error was innocently made only once, you can use this statement to give your word that you will never repeat the same thing and stay true to your word.

6. “You just lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders.”

If your mistake left you feeling guilty, it could take a toll on your emotions, stealing away an ounce of happiness from your life. This statement assures the innocent party that you took no pleasure in hurting them and that the mistake harmed your well-being.

7. “Your forgiveness is a gift I will forever cherish.”

We don’t take the gifts we receive for granted. Instead, we cherish them by keeping them in good condition. Show your friend that you value their forgiveness just as much.

8. “I promise to make it up to you.”

In some mistakes, it is possible to get a do-over. If you made a correctable mistake, say you forgot to pick up groceries that were not urgently needed, you can offer to go out and buy them, thus rectifying your mistake.

9. “I hope we can start again.”

If you made mistakes that affected the bond you share with others, forgiveness doesn’t erase everything. However, you could show that you are willing to start over on a clean slate if they are. Their response to this statement will let you know where they are regarding your relationship.

10. “I forgive you too.”

It takes two people to make a mistake. If you both hurt each other following your mistake, you must assure the other person that you forgive them, too. This response will leave the two of you elated and ready to carry on with your relationship.

Also Check:

12 Things to Say When Someone Lets You Down

15 Things to Say When Someone Deletes a Message

10 Things to Say When Someone Promises You Something

Here’s Why I Left New Creation Church

Via Ngy Kheng

We attend church for spiritual nourishment and to understand the truth about God and his son, Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, most churches dwell on the prosperity gospel, which most people want to hear rather than what they need to hear. 

I got fed up with all these lies and said goodbye to the New Creation Church.

Here are the main reasons why I had to leave the church.

1. False Teachings 

Growing up, I wanted to know God and draw close to him. As James 4:8 says, ‘Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you,’ and that’s why I joined New Creation Church.

However, I became unsatisfied with Joseph Prince’s teachings, which made me start a personal bible reading daily at home. 

I learned of God being a loving father as 1st John 4:8 calls him love. However, this is not what Prince Joseph taught. He taught of a cruel God, and I hated it when he said that God punishes wrongdoers and that it is according to his will that bad things happen. 

In my search, I wondered if a water source could simultaneously give good and dirty water. The answer was NO! God can’t be so loving and yet so cruel.

 I furthered my reading and searched deeper in the scripture, and that is where I came close to the scripture of James 1:13. The scripture warns that when facing trials, we should not say that God is testing us, for he does not try people. 

This kept me thinking that God does not bring all the cruelty in the world and cannot test us with bad things.

But why did the pastor say God was punishing us for our wrongdoings? 

Well, I had to research again. I found a beautiful scripture that drew my attention. 1St John 5:19. I quote, ‘The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.’ I pondered on it. So, that’s why there’s much suffering in the world, as it lies in Satan’s power. 

I couldn’t take the false teachings in church anymore, so this was one of the main reasons I saw my foot out of the New Life Creation church. 

2. No Love 

Most people who attend church will tell you it is because they are dearly searching for love.

The world is cruel, and many go through a lot in life. The church should be a place where you should feel loved and valued. 

I had to ask myself, do people in my church feel love?

Well, no one seemed bothered about people’s business. Everyone could come to church and move out without even greeting anyone. 

All people did was to hero worship ‘the man of god’ and that took a tall order on me.

I read a scripture in John 13: 34 – 35 that clearly states that God’s people should love one another. For this reason, I had to leave the church. 

3. I Felt Disconnected

I had to make a decision. I had learned the truth in my study, and I couldn’t stand lies anymore.

This made me feel disconnected, and I could only attend church to pass the time.

 As John 8: 31 – 32 puts it, ‘the truth shall set you free’. I could no longer bear to listen to false teachings. 

Though it was a decision that took time, and I had to ensure I was right in what I was doing, I had to say goodbye.

This was after seeing some other church members leave for their reasons.

But since I left, nobody bothered or cared about where I went, and that is when I realized that I had made the best decision ever. 

Disclaimer: Personal Opinion

I am not campaigning that you should leave New Creation church nor encouring you to leave your current church based on my reasons.

But you should get the right bible-based teachings, love, and a deep connection in your church.

It was my personal decision to say goodbye to the New Creation Church. 

I encourage you to read your bible regularly and establish a good relationship with our creator.

That way, you will develop much love and realize he is a caring and loving father.

 Keep tuned as I will reveal which church I joined that makes me happier.

Top 12 Buck Teeth Celebrities

Celebrities aren’t born picture-perfect. Some had to undergo cosmetic dentistry to enhance their appearance and smile.

While some had to use braces to correct their buck teeth, others used veneers, and some underwent extensive orthodontic treatments. 

We will look at 12 celebrities who had buck teeth before their fame. Some may even surprise you. Watch out for number two. He embraced his buck teeth perfectly and did not see the need to straighten them out.

Here we go!

1. Millie Bobby Brown 

We start our list with a model and film actor, Millie Bobby Brown, who had to undergo Invisalign teeth straightening and whitening. Though most assume she had composite bonding to improve her lateral buck teeth, the only thing that matters is that she achieved a gorgeous smile. 

2. Steve Buscemi 

The actor Steve Buscemi had the privilege of reading a script for Fargo. However, he did not know that his buck teeth would win him an opportunity in Hollywood. 

While some called his teeth weird, he didn’t see anything strange about them and embraced his buck teeth. He says his career may be jeopardized if he chooses to straighten them out. 

3. Miley Cyrus 

Miley Cyrus is an actress, songwriter, singer and the daughter of Billy Ray, country music legend. Miley used lingual braces that helped shape and straighten her buck teeth. Once the brace treatment was over, she had to use porcelain veneers to enhance her smile. 

4. Gwen Stefani 

Stefani is a fashion icon. Before fame, she had to deal with her buck teeth since she couldn’t afford braces to straighten them. However, when she was 30, she underwent a brace and a whitening procedure that helped her address her buck and discolored teeth and gave her a terrific smile. 

5. Cheryl Cole 

Cheryl Cole is a singer and a reality star who was not born with perfect teeth. When she started her career on the British reality show (the X factor), her teeth were notably pointed and longer. Thus, she had to undergo cosmetic dentistry to straighten and whiten her teeth. 

6. Zac Efron 

The star of The Neighbors also had the fate of buck teeth before the shot at Stardom on Disney Channel High School Musical. There was a dire need to transform his teeth’s alignment in cosmetic dentistry, and that’s what he did. He is now one of Hollywood’s heartthrobs, and his smile is terrific. 

7. Hillary Duff

Hillary Duff, a Disney star, had buck teeth that took a long time to fix. When she transitioned from acting to singing in 2009, she saw the need to fix her buck teeth. At a concert, she chipped her buck teeth on the microphone, which made her put a full set veneer to straighten them. 

8. Tom Cruise 

One of the popular dental before and after goes to Tom Cruise. The Mission Impossible star started his career with out-of-alignment buck teeth. He had to fix his buck teeth issue by visiting a cosmetic dentist for front teeth straightening and whitening. He even upgraded to full-mouth veneers ever since. 

9. Victoria Beckham 

The famous member of the Spice Girls is a fashion icon and thus the nickname Posh. However, there was nothing posh about her teeth. Before fame, in the late 90s, Beckham had her buck teeth bonded and straightened out to achieve a posh smile. 

10. Deni Moore 

Actress Deni Moore doesn’t look like the woman she was in her 50s. A decade ago, she had to visit a cosmetic dentistry, making her teeth a lot straighter and whiter than before. Though she is veneered, her smile is just magical. 

11. Nicole Elizabeth 

The reality show Nicole, known by his stage name Snooki, didn’t have perfect teeth either. When she became an MTV reality show star, her beehive hair became the rage, but her teeth didn’t measure up. She then straightened and brightened her teeth to achieve a great smile. 

12. Niall Horan 

Last but certainly not least, we have Niall Horan. The X Factor singer had crooked and buck teeth, which saw him wear braces to straighten them up as a teen. 

Also Discover:

Above are the top 12 celebrities who had buck teeth at a particular time in their lives. Though most had to attend to their teeth and manage to straighten them, some didn’t see the need. But just like any other average human, no one is born perfect, and we have to know them because they are in the limelight. 

List of African Words for Lion

Lions are iconic big cats synonymous with African wildlife. No wonder millions set out for a safari to Africa each year to witness these majestic cats.

Since Africa is the most bilingual continent, you can expect these big cats to have very different names.

Here are the top African words for lion:

1. Simba

Simba is the Swahili for a lion. The word Simba also has connotations of respect, loyalty, and power. Simba can also translate to lion king in Swahili.

Simba has a vast cultural impact among Swahili speakers in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. It’s a symbol of courage and strength.

Swahili art depicts lions in powerful poses to showcase their incredible courage and strength.

2. Ingonyama

Ingonyama means lion in the Zulu language. It defines the lion as the master of flesh, thanks to its predatory nature.

The Zulu people in Botswana, South Africa, Eswatini, and Lesotho use the word Ingonyama to highlight the lion’s dominance on the food chain.

 Ingonyama is the Zulu’s symbol of power.

3. Debr

Debr is the official word for lion in Amharic. The Amhara people and different Amharic-speaking ethnic groups in Ethiopia use the word to signify a lion’s masculinity and strength.

Debr has cultural significance among Amharic speakers and is a prominent symbol in Ethiopia’s Rastafari movements.

In Amharic, Debr symbolizes sovereignty, kingship, and strength.

4. Zakin

Zakin means lion in Hausa. The Hausa speakers in West Africa use Zakin to refer to a lion’s fierceness and fearsome roar.

Zakin also represents courage and strength in the Hausa culture. It symbolizes national pride for the Hausa people, underscoring a lion’s indelible impact on their culture.

5. Agudagbo

Agudagbo is a Yoruba descriptive word for lion. It means the beast with claws and teeth.

Agudagbo has a unique place in Yoruba culture. Most Yoruba people hail from Nigeria and use Agudagbo references to imply strength, power, and vigor.

Agudagbo is also an emblem of conquest, authority, protection, courage, and wisdom.

6. Shumba

The Shona people from Zimbabwe use the word Shumba to describe a lion’s thunderous roars. Shumba also means the roaring beast in Shona.

Lions have a cultural role in the Shona culture. The Shona people believed spiritual powers known as Mhondoro live in lions.

Maneless lions have a religious significance among the Shona because they host spirits until they find a suitable host.

Shona people also associate lions with fear, strength, and power.

7. Liban

Liban is the Oromo word for lion. The Oromo people use the term Liban to describe the lion’s iconic features, such as claws and teeth.

Like other African cultures, lions have important cultural relevance in the Oromo culture. These beasts of the wilderness are a symbol of protection and resilience for the Oromo and many Ethiopian ethnic groups. The Oromo also regard the lion as the symbol of kingship.

Oromo is the largest Cushitic tribe in Ethiopia, comprising of approximately 40 million people. Oromos speakers are also widespread in Somalia and Northern Kenya.

8. Negus

Negus means lion in the Tigrinya language. The Tigrinya people from Eritrea use Negus to depict the lion as the undisputed king. Negus also denotes as sovereignty, majesty, and strength among the Tigrinya people. The word is prominently featured in the Tigrayan traditional stories, poetry, and proverbs.

9. Tau

Tau is the Sotho word for lion. The Sotho people from Lesotho use Tau to describe the lion’s features.

Tau also has cultural significance among the Sotho people. It’s a symbol of leadership and bravery. The lion is an icon of conquest, strength, and authority for the Sotho people.

Sotho speakers are native to Lesotho, although there is a decent population of Sotho in South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, and Namibia.

10. Juuf

Juuf is a Wolof descriptive word for a lion. The actual pronunciation of the word Juuf conveys primal energy and power. The Wolof people from Senegal regard lions as symbols of bravery and courage.

The lioness is a symbol of fierce motherhood and femininity in the Wolof culture.

11. Dyinnatigui

Dyinnatigui means lion in Bambara language.

Speakers of the Bambara language are native to Guinea, southern Mali, Senegal, and Burkina Faso. Dyinnatigui also means king of the savannah in Bambara, depicting a lion’s supreme reign over the savannah and its magnificent status.

Dyinnatigui is significant in the Bambara ceremonies and rituals since the Bambara people believe lions possess spiritual power and energy.

Other African Words You Should Know:

Lions are an icon of African wildlife. The continent holds these big cats in high regard since they evoke a sense of kingship, leadership, and supremacy. The many African words for lion are a testament to the significance of the big cats to all African cultures.

Meet Florent Rhexa, Bebe Rhexa’s Brother

Florent Rhexa is the younger brother of pop star Bebe Rhexa. He’s well known to her fans and people who enjoy her amazing music.

Being Bebe Rhexa’s younger has its perks since Florent Rhexa gets much recognition. At the moment, he has over 21K followers on Instagram.

He was born in an ethnic Albanian family. Both his parents are from North Macedonia. Florent’s dad, Flamur Rhexa, left Debar in North Macedonia, which was part of Yugoslavia when he was 21. His goal was to emigrate to the US for a better life. When he and Florent’s mom met, the kids followed soon after.

Their family would soon move to Staten Island, where the youngest Rhexa, attended high school. His sister Bebe started taking music lessons and learned to play different instruments, including the piano and trumpet.

Bebe Rhexa’s Younger Brother’s Love for Cars

It’s no secret that many siblings of celebrities love cars and beautiful things. Being close to their famous siblings ensures they enjoy the finer things in life. Florent Rhexa, Bebe Rhexa’s younger brother, is passionate about fast cars.

His Instagram showcases his love for different beautiful cars, including the Ferrari F40. He’s posted a picture of a garage featuring the stunning car in red. Someone in the comments inquires, ‘You’re new collection?’, but there’s no reply from Florent.

Fast cars continue to feature on his Insta, including a photo dump of a trip to Miami in 2023. While there, Florent got to enjoy the F1 race.

Apart from fast cars, Florent enjoys riding his bike around the city.

Florent Rhexa Ushers in the New Year in St. Barths

Florent always takes pictures in amazing locations worldwide. His most recent post on Instagram featured several pictures of him vacationing in St. Barths. He ushered the New Year and posted, ‘See you next year #2024’.

St. Barths is among the most beautiful destinations in the world, and it was clear from the photos. He even posed with a Jeep and took a picture when walking the streets of St. Barths.

Who Is Florent Rhexa’s Girlfriend?

Currently, Florent Rhexa is dating Dorina Papraniku, a beautiful Albanian model. In 2021, she participated in ‘Miss New York’ and got massive support from Florent’s sister, Bebe.

Dorina competed with 167 other girls for the ‘Miss New York USA’ pageant. Bebe published Dorina’s picture on her Instagram stories and added the Albanian flag.

Florent and Dorina are official and featured on each other’s Instagram. The latest image of the happy couple on Florent’s Instagram captioned ‘@dorinapapraniku a lifetime of us (ring) 9.17.23.

It seemed like Florent was announcing their engagement, and the comments were full of many congratulations’ comments. Florent looked smitten by Dorina in the photo while she looked absolutely radiant!

Florent Rhexa’s Famous Sister Bebe

Bebe Rhexa is Florent Rhexa’s older sister. She is a pop sensation and has fans worldwide. While Bebe does have a busy career, she always maintains a close relationship with her family, including Florent.

Both enjoy spending time together and share those moments on Instagram. On one occasion, the siblings sit on a bench and look intently at the camera.

Florent captions the moment ‘Siblings.’ They’d been walking Bebe’s dog, Bear Rhexa, and stopped to relax. He adores the dog and often cares for the pup when sister Bebe travels for work.

Last year, Florent posted a photo featuring Bebe with the caption, ‘Happy Birthday @beberhexa! To the kindest, loving, most talented, and the coolest of all sisters. Thank you for all you do! Love you.’

Bebe Rhexa continues to tour the world, performing her chart-topping hits. Her brother enjoys joining her on tour to support his older sibling.

She began her career not as an artist but as a songwriter. She’d write songs for other artists and debuted in 2010 after forming the band Black Cards. In 2023, Rhexa was signed as a solo artist by Warner Bros. Records and has continued to gain massive popularity.